Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1423: Integral ranking


The second volume of Jinghua Shen Xiang Chuan the first four two three chapter points ranking

Lao Taijun did not stay for a long time, nor did he observe the Lingtian Jianpai’s enrollment exam. He smiled slightly at the direction of Ji’s children. He flew high and flew back to Jijiabao.

Following all the children of Ji family, Sun Hao also bowed respectfully to the ground, and said in a loud voice: "Grate me the old lady."

At this moment, Sun Hao has already understood that no matter how well he plans, there is always a key that he cannot circumvent.

That is, Fang Weijian Wang does not get a saying and will not open the exam.

With the eyesight and judgment of Fang Jianjian, it may have long been seen that the wilderness hunting is artificially promoted. The wilderness of the wolf is undoubtedly an important part of it. The ultimate goal of the lonely wolf is nothing more than Join the Ling Tianjian faction.

In this case, if no one gives Fang Shujian a saying, he can even directly call the Shu Jian School, which is the arrogance of a powerful monk.

Just when Sun Hao hesitated whether he should stand up and confess.

Ji Laotai Jun stood up and gave Fang Fangjian a saying.

Perhaps Lao Taijun’s statement was not understood by others, but Sun Hao understood it.

Ji Laotai Jun secretly told Fang Jianjian Wang, I Ji Jiaer Lang all arrived, you have already arrived, so you should open the side and start the assessment.

Fang Shujian Wang and so on is this sentence, although he knows that the lone wolf may be invisible among the disciples to be tested, but it is two different things to judge and someone to confess.

This is called the step.

A personal visit by a monk of the gods, the initiative to confess, enough to lead the sword Wang Shun down, began the warrior assessment.

After Ji Laotaijun left, the Fang Jianjian Wang sent the sword to send monks to send information on all the disciples.

Quietly, the focus is on the children of Ji family.

After half a day, the sword king sighed: "A good old woman, no dripping water, no disciples are unknown, they are innocent in life, and they can't see the abnormality of a disciple. Who is a lone wolf?"

Between the three days, on top of the Gusser City Wall, Ling Tianjian sent a chariot to build a huge test site, as a disciple entry test.

At the same time, the statistics of family points also came out with the basic results.

The disciple's entry test does not require the sword king to personally control, only the major things will make the sword king decide.

In an orderly manner, Sun Hao is also full of expectations, Ling Tianjian's disciple entry test, officially launched.

All the warriors and monks who participated in the test were summoned to the high platform built by the chariot, and the monks and monks announced the test rules and test methods.

When the test rules were announced, Sun Hao once again found that he underestimated the wisdom of other monks, and his own calculations were good, and in the face of strength, they would often be broken.

The first point of the test is to publish and confirm the list of disciples who participated in the tests.

Originally, Sun Hao thought that he had taken a lot of resources, lowered the conditions for resource access, and wiped out one-third of the disciples and disciples. It would be very beneficial for the Jijia soldiers to enter the test as a whole, so as to effectively cover up. Your own identity makes it easy for you to fish in troubled waters.

However, I did not expect that the Ling Tianjian faction directly stipulated one, and the total number of disciples participating in the test did not exceed sixty.

The quota allocated by the disciples is also ranked according to the family average points. According to the first place, the ten places, the second place and the nine places are in turn deduced to determine the candidates.

Above, after a Jianpai Jianjun announced the rule, Sun Hao’s brow was deeply wrinkled.

Ji's overall score is very high. If the swordsman demarcates a point for the selection of points, there is no doubt that there will be many disciples who can enter the test.

However, if the average is ranked after the ranking, Ji Jia immediately ate a big loss, because the Ji family to the monks is the most, per capita, I am afraid that the ranking is really not high.

This kind of approach seems to be a little specific to the Ji family.

Or is Lingfang wanting to force himself to appear in this way?

I didn't wait for Sun Hao to think too much. On the top, Jianjun has already announced the initial ranking of each family: Jiangjia, Zijia, Linjia, Huangjia... Jijia...

Ji Jia ranked sixth.

In other words, Ji family has only six places.

The Jijia warriors couldn’t help but hear the rankings. This is quite unfair. Moreover, the six basic candidates who can be consulted, which are originally negotiable, are not complete.

Can be convinced.

The upper sword screamed coldly and said coldly: "This is the rule agreed by the swordsmen. If you disagree, you can quit, and the more is the family top."

Ji Jia was quiet in an instant.

Ji Ru Xue frowned and looked around the body.

Xiaoqing said softly: "I am still a good man, you can go."

Ji Han said: "I am older, the qualifications are average, it is a waste, or I quit."

Sun Hao said softly: "Everyone should not worry, Jianjun said, this is just a preliminary ranking, and there may be a turnaround later."

After that, Sun Hao inadvertently swept the eyes of Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun, as if to say to himself: "Maybe, we need to pay more resources, obtain points, and improve the ranking."

Ji Ruxue looked back at the huge Ji family team and shook his head and said: "I didn't expect the swordsmen to take the average rankings this time. We have a lot of people. If you want to raise the price of the rankings, even if I do everything, I am afraid that it will not happen."

At this point, the above sword Jun has already said: "This is the preliminary result of our statistics. Now, give you the opportunity to make a final correction. Is there any family objection or hidden resources that need to be re-reported? If not, then Ok, deal……"

Just finished, there are several family disciples raising their hands high: "We still need to report resources."

Jianjun nodded slightly to the monks on the side.

After the tea martial arts, the latest rankings, several families ranked after the Ji family have handed over a lot of resources, Ji family was squeezed to the ninth.

Just two test places!

Ji Ruxue is as sinking as water.

Sun Hao’s brow was not wrinkled tightly.

The situation is very strange. As far as Sun Hao knows, the latter families are unlikely to grab so many border resources, but they have now, and they have pushed Ji to the corner.

Inadvertently, Sun Hao looked at the high platform, and those disciples who were sitting cross-legged saw a smile on their faces, seemingly optimistic about Jiang Fu.

The Jiang family, the family, or even the family that surpassed the Ji family later, the sudden emergence of so many resources, no doubt, the problem lies in the sword disciples.

This time the wilderness hunting, the disciples were defeated and did not stop a few monks.

So there are a lot of warriors coming in.

However, the large amount of wasteland resources obtained by the disciples in the hands of the disciples can change the pattern of ranking. Moreover, Sun Hao guesses that the way of ranking the average family points may also have the influence of Jiang Fuzhen.

The Ji family has some connections with the wild and lonely wolves, and everyone with a clear eye can see it.

The disciples’ disciples ate a big loss in the lone wolf and retaliated in the Ji family. They deliberately targeted the Ji family and understood it well.

Sun Hao secretly sighs in his heart. While designing others, others are not fools. Counterattacks are very fierce.

Jianjun continued to ask on the top, and did the family continue to report resources?

Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun raised their hands at the same time: "The Ji family also has Ji Ruxue swept the two people.

Ji Wei whispered: "The lone wolf finally gave a lot of resources to thank us for helping him to pass on the information. Miss assured, our ranking will not be too low."

Sun Hao found that the upper side of Jiang Fu's eyes narrowed slightly, looking into the eyes of Ji Yuliu and Ji Yun, full of sharp, cold flashes.

My heart sighed slightly, and I was afraid that it was unintentional. I gave these two little hoes a strong enemy. I never imagined that there would be such a situation. Sun Hao’s heart was quite helpless.

The Jianpai monks took away the wasteland resources of Ji Yun and Ji Yuliu.

Ji’s ranking finally rose and jumped to fourth place, and he got the opportunity to test for seven disciples.

The fighters of the Ji family who did not know the truth broke out and burst into cheers.

However, Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing and others are slightly frowning, and their feelings are very bad. (To be continued.)

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