Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1434: Return to Sun Hao (guarantee)

Name: Sun Hao.

Identity: Foreign disciple.

Affiliation: Ling Tian Jianfeng.

At Sun Hao’s waist, there is a disciple’s nameplate, which records the new identity of Sun Hao.

After seeing Ling Tianjian, after simple communication, Linghua appeared and threw Sun Hao into the Lingtian Jianfeng Deaconhouse and obtained a brand new identity from a foreign disciple.

Linghua quietly told Sun Hao: "The teacher is actually very irresponsible. I also directly thrown it at the outer door. Step by step, relying on myself to fight up, the younger brother, I have three notes, you carefully take it, later Something can find me..."

Throwing three notes, Linghua also flew away.

Ji Xiao, the pseudonym of Sun Hao, officially became a disciple of Ling Tian Jianfeng. He got a small independent courtyard and began to work hard with thousands of foreign disciples to fight for it.

Compared with other disciples, Sun Hao, who returned to his real name, is not completely inferior. His storage bag also contains a special identity token. Some special privileges also represent his true identity.

However, Ling Tian’s ancestors warned Sun Hao: “This token, you’d better use it less, or else it’s discovered, it’s not a good thing for you, and if you can really rely on your own skills, If you stand out from the thousands of disciples, you will be able to look at you as a teacher."

Sun Hao understands that this is the way that Ling Tian's ancestors taught his disciples. At the same time, Sun Hao himself has a lot of secrets. He can't wait to be farther away from this terrible old guy. Naturally, he will push the boat smoothly, and accept the arrangement of Ling Tianjian's ancestors cheerfully and cheerfully. Of course, the face is just right and uncomfortable.

Although Lingtian Jianzu's contact time is very short, it also gave Sun Hao great inspiration and help.

According to Ling Tian's ancestors, Sun Hao's current state has three roads to choose from.

First, to maintain the status quo, separation of flesh and blood, the two swords are ingeniously balanced, set foot on Jianxiu Avenue.

Second, the main body is the body, practicing the sword bone, recasting the invincible sword body ranked first, and began to cultivate life.

The third is to use bones as the main body, soft body, recast the magical swords, and start different cultivation.

Ling Tian Jian Zu simply analyzed the advantages and disadvantages of the three methods for Sun Hao, and also pointed out the basic path of the three methods, but did not give Sun Hao a reference opinion, completely decided by Sun Hao to make decisions.

Among the three methods, the most conventional one is the first one. Both swords can find the corresponding method of cultivation. It is not difficult to balance. Moreover, the characteristics of the two swords are preserved. A lot of peculiar use.

But the downside is that the sword is not pure.

Among the three methods, the most difficult is the second one, because it is really difficult to recast the invincible sword. It needs to reach many and many basic conditions, and it will take a lot of hard work before it can recast the invincible sword bone. Finally, All over the body, all become invincible swords, enough to dominate the moment.

In a word, after this method came into effect, it was the most powerful, but Ling Tian Jianzu felt that the sword bone might not have been cast, and the disciple had not enough life, and his life was screaming.

Among the three methods, Ling Tianjian's most optimistic is the third one. The 10,000-word sword body is quite rare, and the softness of the flesh is relatively easy. Although it is difficult to reach the real body, it is difficult to get a fake. Not bad.

Ling Tianjian gave three ways.

Sun Hao began to analyze himself, and the final conclusion was that it may be suitable for oneself. Only the most difficult one, Ling Tianjian is not optimistic about the second method.

The most fundamental reason is that Sun Hao actually understands that his so-called bones are not born, but it is only after the ascent, the whole body is broken and has not healed.

That is to say, with Sun Hao's practice, in the end, this so-called 10,000-sword sword will automatically heal, and the ultimate goal is to recast the sword bone.

Moreover, Sun Hao thinks that it is very possible that the swordsmen are suitable for the practice of slashing swords and bones. It may not be applicable to them. Maybe they will make a mess of their own bones.

Ling Tian Jian’s outside disciples are quite relaxed, and the content of cultivation can be chosen.

Of course, if you don't consciously strengthen your cultivation, you will naturally be eliminated after three years.

At the same time, outside disciples have to cultivate. In addition to the open class of Jiantang, many cultivation contents must be spent. Many foreign disciples have to plant Lingtian or take some tasks to obtain more advanced cultivation methods. .

If Sun Hao does not use a special identity token, he will have to face the same treatment.

After becoming a foreigner disciple, Sun Hao did not start his own cultivation.

On the other hand, on the first day of the entry, he ran to the "Jiange" with his special identity plate and began to consult the materials.

On the first day of the introduction of the disciple, Ling Tianjian is still concerned about Sun Hao.

The result was very surprisingly discovered that the first day of the day, the kid took his special identity token and walked to the back door, and ran into the "Sword Court" of Lingtianjian.

And unscrupulously, rushed into the high-level.

Ling Tianjian was annoyed, and he couldn’t help but scream: "The rabbit scorpion actually turned Laozi’s words into a whisper."

Finally, I resisted not having a shot to teach Sun Hao. Ling Tianjian also wanted to see if the rabbit scorpion found a high-end method that could not be cultivated.

But the accident is that Ling Tianjian found that after the high-level, his baby disciple did not choose all kinds of cultivation skills at his fingertips. Instead, he plunged into the miscellaneous books and began his career in relish.

The memory of the boy is good, the speed of flipping the book is extremely fast, a book of cultivation and miscellaneous notes, a book of secrets, and quickly turned over.

Although these things do not need to contribute to the original, but the identity is not enough, it is simply not in the corresponding level.

This wonderful disciple of his own, actually came to study directly, and he was tireless.

For two months, I can't stay out.

In two months, my eyes didn't blink, and I didn't know how he was so interested, so good.

Ling Tianjian has not paid much attention to Sun Hao.

He understood that his disciple was very curious about the history of the sword school and the history of the sword school. He also wanted to understand the vast world of cultivation, so let him read it first.

Two months down, in the sword court, a bad complement, Sun Hao is finally on the virtual world, against the virtual, on the Cangzhou, the Ling Tianjian faction has a more systematic and clear understanding.

I found some information about my situation.

At the same time, it also basically smoothed out its own cultivation path through the smashing of

The virtual world can be summed up in one sentence: "In the virtual world, the human race is not dominant, but it is not too bad. Although even the top 100 can't get in, but among the imaginary people, Still relatively advanced."

Zhangzhou is a small continent in the vast imaginary world. It is like a huge 鲲 横 横 横 横 横 , , , 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 横 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九 九The Terran can occupy a place in Kyushu.

Ling Tianjian’s position is located above a wing of Kunpeng, and is close to the eight heavens among the four seas. It is considered to be the land of the border. Within the sword school, there are three ancestors who robbed the sword ancestors. Can barely compete with the barbarian in Ba Di and the Mozu demon in Zhangzhou.

These things are far away from Sun Hao, and Sun Hao only needs to know one or two.

What Sun Hao is most concerned about is his own situation.

According to the records of the Sword Court, the correct flight direction of the flying monk is at least the gathering place of the Terran in the core area of ​​Chenzhou. If you are lucky, you can fly directly to Zhongxu.

Flying to the bottom of the virtual, Ling Tianjian sent this 旮旯, did not happen in history.

Therefore, Ling Tianjian did not have anything to enter the virtual Dan, Sun Haofei will rise to the first annihilation.

It’s only been less than ninety years now.

And if Sun Hao wants to get rid of the fate of being killed by Thunder, the only way is to recast the sword bone and restore the strength of the whole body.

According to the data reviewed, it is quite difficult to recast the sword bone. Moreover, the sword bones produced by different casting methods have different specifications and grades, and the conditions for the formation are also very different.

To create a good sword bone, Sun Hao needs to start from practicing the sword, and lay a solid foundation step by step, in order to build a tall building. (To be continued.)

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