Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1435: Unparalleled sword bone

Ling Tian Jianfeng, the foreign disciples have more than 10,000 people, all of whom are selected from the jurisdiction of the outstanding qualifications, but only one of them, only three years later, through the assessment of the swords, become an internal disciple .

Among the disciples, the mortal who can't refine the air account for the vast majority, but most of the disciples who can refine their temperament and have good qualifications will automatically become internal disciples.

Only some of the less qualified refining monks are also rolling among the outside disciples. Of course, they also have inherent advantages over ordinary fighters.

The warrior who can't refine the air, the swordsman is collectively called the swordsman, and the monk who can refine the air is called the sword repair. After the Yuan Ying level, the sword is corresponding to Yuan Yingzhen, and the **** is called the sword king. The robbery was the sword ancestor.

Of course, this is just a customary term for the imaginary. After the emptiness, there will be differences.

However, the books of the Lingtianjian School record that it is difficult for the lower monk to enter the imaginary.

Even if Sun Hao repaired it all, it was just the beginning of the gods. At this time, he did not think so far, and he was steadfast, and he was involved in the hardships of thousands of foreign disciples and began to truly restore his strength.

Sun Hao still read the book for more than two months, before leaving, he went out with a strange practice method.

When Sun Hao took the special nameplate and took out the practice method, Ling Tianjian’s ancestors stopped talking, and his eyes flashed with gratification, and he also sighed heavily.

This disciple actually chose the most difficult and time-consuming road.

Of course, the same reason, once this disciple has really become an unparalleled sword, then the future development will be quite amazing, do you need to help him?

It is really rare for him to have the courage to follow this path.

The disciple studied in Jiange for two months and consulted a large amount of information before he chose this road. Then he can completely close one eye and see his development. If it is not possible, then think again. Ways.

Also, this disciple is really very characteristic. He knows how to make choices, and he also knows how to make changes. He does not say anything else, that is, his performance in the sword court.

I didn't have a big choice to make myself dissatisfied, but at the same time I picked a crucial practice that I didn't want to interfere with.

Really not humble, it is like a thousand years old fox.

Sun Hao chose the practice method and returned to his own small courtyard. The cockroaches in his heart finally let go, and the surprise was on the mind.

The organ counts and does not hesitate to promote the wilderness hunting.

At the time of the hunting, the killing of the sword, even at the expense of killing one-third of the disciples.

The Jianpai entry test is an unprecedented effort.

Within the sword court, patiently read for two months.

All of this is actually a thin booklet for his own eyes. It is a plan for the cultivation of the body to repair the road.

Finally, after many hardships, I got the method that is vital to myself.

It seems to be taken for granted, but the process is to let Sun Hao work hard.

Even at the last moment, when Famen started, Sun Hao was secretly worried that Ling Tianjian would not directly stop himself.

Fortunately, there was no mistake in his judgment. Ling Tian’s ancestors chose silence and acquiescence.

I have finally found a good, crucial practice.

There are many ways to sculpt the sword bones. After the cultivation, the grade of the sword bone is also different. With Sun Hao’s vision and Sun Hao’s arrogance, the choice is naturally the highest grade and the highest level of cultivation.

It was the kind of Ling Tianjian who saw it, and he was very curious as to whether his disciples could succeed in cultivation and could not bear to interrupt Sun Hao’s cultivation.

The sword bone is unparalleled enough to match the invincible sword.

Without being stopped, Sun Hao’s heart was calm, sitting in his own small room with his knees, and he tried to calm down the unparalleled sword bone.

The first step of the long march, and now step by step.

When the Famen arrived, Sun Hao needed to get through and gradually recover his whole body strength.

The cultivation of the unparalleled sword bone gradually spread out in front of Sun Hao.

Recasting the sword bone is actually recasting the bones with the sword gas. The method is extreme. After the training, the effect is extraordinary, but the cultivation is not easy.

Unparalleled sword bone record: Under normal circumstances, to cast a sword bone, you need to take three steps. The first step, broken bones, is to use your sword gas to crush your bones. In this step, you have to scare many monks, not Those who are persevering, who dare to mess.

The unparalleled sword bone is an extreme method. The most powerful part is also in the broken bone link. The first level of entry is to use the peerless sword to completely break the whole body bone. This fragmentation is as fine as possible.

It is not easy to completely break the book, but the finer the better, there are really few monks who are willing to ask for it.

But Sun Hao, when he saw the first step of the unparalleled sword bone, his face appeared with a smile.

This first step, Sun Hao has been completed, and, still, the super standard is completed, soaring, Sun Hao incarnates agarwood, a skeleton is completely fragmented, almost become a powder, if it is not a golden battle body, if it is not a flying monk The special nature of the new students, Sun Hao can stand up and blame.

The tens of thousands of swords are not white, and the truth of the tens of leaks is that they are riddled with holes.

Ok, this first pass, broken bones, Sun Hao has been completed.

Sun Hao automatically entered the second part, forging the bones, smashing the bones, and finally paving the way for the bones, and forging the bones is actually the real key to the unparalleled sword.

Can you achieve the unparalleled word, it depends on the process of the practitioner's forging bone.

Broken bones, unparalleled sword bones with strange methods, forging the abilities of the practitioners into the bones, the ability to forge must meet certain requirements, can be called: unparalleled.

If you can't do it, it's a tiger dog.

How to forge into a boneless pair.

Among the Famen, the simplest improvement is, at the very least, more than one "sword", or a "sword."

Sword, sword!

Sun Hao saw this request and his eyes could not be shrunk.

Ling Tianjian faction, sword repair sect.

The disciple under the door walked the world with a sword, and the skill of practicing the sword reached its peak.

The various levels of cultivation of the sword are quite thoroughly studied. Among the materials that Sun Hao has come into contact with in the sword court, the cultivation of the sword has become a self-contained system in Lingtianjian.

For example, Sun Hao, who just entered the outer door, was exposed to the sword.

The complete set, Ling Tianjian sent the seniors to practice the sword, the most basic, sword trick.

It is a must-have course for every disciple of Ling Tianjian to practice a sword. If you don’t learn swords, go out and say that you are a disciple.

The sword is well trained, and once it passes, it will be exposed to the second practice of the sword, "Swordsmanship."

For example: Yu Jianshu, Feijian, Jianzheng, etc., will automatically be classified into the swordsmanship sequence.

After the swordsmanship, it is the third level of the sword level: "sword method."

Yes, swordsmanship, a sword out, a law student, can have earth-shattering power, non-powerful monks can not learn.

This is the three training sequences of Ling Tianjian.

But beyond these three levels, Ling Tianjian, also listed two very rare, can be with any of the three levels at the same time, but quite difficult to appear, the sword's cultivation method.

That is, sword and sword.

Sword meaning: the artistic conception of the sword symbolizes the realm of the swordsman.

Sword: The momentum, spirit, and gas field that the swordman showed when he held the sword.

Both the sword and the sword are quite rare, but once they appear, they represent outstanding strength and represent another layer of distinct meaning.

Ling Tianjian has ten sword kings.

Among them, Tiger King, Tree King, Guangming Wang and Flame King are four times higher than other sword kings. They also dare to make big noises in front of Jianzu. The root cause is that they are four. The sword or the real swordsman of the sword.

The unparalleled sword bone really makes the monk discouraged, but it is the second step. The monk must forge his own sword or sword into the bones.

Among the Lingtian swords, how many monks can do it?

What's more, when it comes to a certain level of cultivation, and then refining the sword bone, it seems that it is not worth the loss.

Therefore, among the Lingtian swords, there are very few monks who cast their own swords.

The tough second step of boring is completed. The last step is to "cast bone", which is to recast the forged bones. This is a very difficult and very difficult process. It requires the practitioners to integrate themselves into the infinite sword. In the air, with the sword gas constantly tempering itself, which suffering, ordinary people really can not stand.

The time required to cast bones is determined by the quality of the sword.

Once the cultivator is forging the bones, the unparalleled is too great and the time will be extended accordingly.

Sun Hao is psychologically prepared for this.

Slowly closing the unparalleled sword bone secret, sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao took a deep breath, in the sun, striding forward, went to the public teaching class.

Now, Sun Hao needs to learn swords, start practicing swords, and strive to understand the sword or the sword from it at an early date. Otherwise, the swordsmanship is impossible to talk about. (To be continued.)

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