Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1440: Use the sword symbol (Wuhan Blue 6 plus)

The first alchemy is not forged bone Dan, the level of forged bone Dan is relatively high, at least it is also a three-level spirit. In the absence of real fire, Sun Hao wants to refine the three-level spirit, which is difficult and difficult. On the sky.

Ling Tianjian did not cultivate the unparalleled sword bone, so I don’t know what it would be like to use these most basic spirits.

However, in the end, Ling Tianjian did not disturb Sun Hao.

This disciple has a lot of magic, and everything is quite serious. It should be planned. Then, what you can do is to provide him with some extra help.

Alchemy, forged swords, in exchange for the contribution of the sword.

Practice the sword and improve your sword.

For a whole month, Sun Hao completely practiced his moonlight swordsmanship and relaxed, and chose the second set of swords, a set of swords, a total of four strokes, the first move, just happened to be the rising sun.

The second day that Sun Hao got the Excalibur, without the expectation of Ling Tianjian, once again realized the rising sun in the "big day" sword, and the masculine sword.

This time, Ling Tian Jianzu had long been expected to display the supernatural power to isolate the perception of the sword king. The entire sword school, only the two sword ancestors discovered the anomaly again.

God knows to run over and see, it is Ji Jiu!

Actually, I once again realized a kind of sword meaning. What kind of enchanting disciple is this.

In just four months of entry, I actually realized the meaning of "big day" and "moon color". Among them, the moonlight sword is still a big achievement.

The heart of the sword is clear, and it is really what to learn and what to say.

It was another harassment, and it was a bit of a slap in the face. The two swordsmen were not willing to slowly disappear.

The "big day" swordsmanship did not realize the second realization. Sun Hao’s heart was also mentally prepared. After practicing the sword every day, he continued to forge swords and alchemy, and began to accumulate and prepare for his next practice. .

Disciple Wu Yulang, Sun Hao learned the forbearance and learned the plan.

After earnestly stripping and stripping, Sun Hao consulted a large number of Jiange materials according to his own characteristics and based on his own cultivation foundation.

In the end, Sun Hao made a full preparation for a year, and this began the second step of his own forging.

Ling Tianjian's expectation, Sun Hao's process of forging bones has not appeared, but when it was first contact, Sun Hao inspired the brothers Linghua to hand over their swords.

To his own master, Ling Tianyi asked for help. Linghua Jianjun is coming fast. Less than a fragrant time, has appeared in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao could not help but be a little surprised. It seems that his brother is still very concerned about his own affairs!

Can Linghua Jianjun not be on the heart? Others don't know, but he clearly knows that for the cultivation of his younger brother, the master is sitting in the forefront of the sword, and he became the general manager of the forged swordhouse, and he whispered to the little girl named Xiaoya every day.

Of course, my own masters are still very principled. In addition to giving the younger brother some loose environment, there is no extra giving.

Masters are all on the heart, if they don't care, they don't know what board they will be, and Yan Yue, standing in front of Sun Hao, Linghua Jianjun said with a smile: "Teacher, this is more than a year, you are the first Use the swordsman once, let's say, what do you need to help your brother?"

Sun Hao slightly screamed and called out: "Brothers", this went straight to the subject, and made a very clear request: "I want to ask my brother to help me both."

Linghua Jianjun said with a smile: "Let's talk about it, see if I can help."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "The younger brother intends to go to the Ba Di desert and guard the border desert island. The time is estimated to take more than ten years. This may require the brothers to come out and the younger brother to receive the task."

Ba Di Wild Sea! Border desert island!

Linghua Jianjun’s brow was deeply wrinkled, and he could not help but say: “Teacher, are you sure you want to go to the deserted island of Ba Di, and you must know that those places are extremely dangerous places, not only the wasteland in the wilderness? The beast will also encounter various unpredictable thunderstorm storms. The tornado whirlwind, you are a foreign disciple, and it is difficult to protect the security. I am afraid to do it easily..."

Linghua Jianjun clearly knows that his master is very precious, this younger brother, and he is very clear that the master must be voyeuristic at this time, but he really does not dare to agree.

Ba Di desert sea, that is the real sea without land reclamation, even if Jian Jun himself went, he did not dare to say 100% security, how dare he put the younger brother.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "If you don't marry your brother, the younger brother has several big swords. They are the sun-drenched mountains, the thunderstorms, the tsunami, the sea and the rising moon. They need to be comprehended in the desert. Also ask the brothers to complete, and the younger brother has already chosen an island, that is, Ba Dikai Motor Island, and also ask the brothers to complete."

Ba Dike Kai Island?

Linghua Jianjun was shocked: "Teacher, that is a very famous island of Badian, a sea of ​​poisonous islands. In addition to watching the sword tower to go up to guard the disciples, the island is forbidden to go to the island. A poisonous thing, is it not suitable for a long time?"

Sun Haozhen said with a firm expression: "Please also ask your brother to complete."

Linghua Jianjun hesitated.

For the first time, the younger brother used the sword charm and proposed the first request. He actually did not dare to agree. This younger brother is really very human.

Sun Hao stood quietly in front of Linghua Jianjun, waiting for Linghua Jianjun's answer.

Sun Hao had a reason to go to the Ba Di Desert.

Because there, there is not only the spiritual medicine grass that Sun Hao Alchemy needs, but also the natural weather environment that Sun Hao must practice.

Sun Hao has been practicing for a long time. It can be said that the sea is also the place where Sun Hao is most likely to understand the meaning of the sword.

For the sake of his peerless roots, Sun Hao intends to go to the wilderness to practice the sword in any case.

When Linghua Jianjun was hesitating, his voice passed over in the ear: "Promise him."

Linghua Jianjun slightly glimpsed, understood over, looked at Sun Hao, smiled and said: "Since the younger brother insisted on this, then the brothers will help you this time, well, I will find a way to arrange you within ten days. Ba Dikai Motor Island carried out the Zongmen mission for a period of ten years. So now, what else do you need your brother to help?"

I readily agreed with Sun Hao’s request. In fact, Linghua Jianjun’s heart has deep doubts. Why does the teacher respect the younger brother’s request, which seems obviously unreasonable?

I can't understand it.

Sun Hao’s face has a bright smile, and the most important part has finally been done again. His preparation for one year can be implemented. He is deeply envious of Linghua Jianjun, and Sun Hao said with sincerity: "Thank you brother, the second thing, it should not be difficult for the brothers. I am going to Kaimao Island. I have to make some preparations. This is a list of resources I need. If you can, please ask my brother to help me." One or two, yes, the brothers are relieved, the younger brother I prepared for a year, accumulated some contribution, will not let the brothers you embarrassed ..."

Between the talks Sun Hao handed over the list of resources that he had already prepared, and handed in his disciple's identity plate.

This requirement is really not difficult for you. In fact, if you only need resources, can you get it yourself?

Very casually pick up the list and see, Linghua Jianjun suddenly stayed.

Good guy, a lot of resource needs.

The value has reached more than two million contributions.

Perhaps more than two million contributions are not too much for a sword, but it is definitely not a small amount.

It is also a huge amount that can make Jin Danjian repair a headache.

This younger brother should not be playing his own autumn wind.

Very casually swept Sun Hao’s disciple’s identity plate, Linghua Jianjun stunned again, his younger brother, a lot of swordsman contribution, after taking the resources on the list, he actually saved more than 100,000 Contribution down.

How did he do it in just one year?

Linghua Jianjun is a bit dazed.

Shizun should not leave a lot of backdoors to the younger brother, or else, a foreign disciple, can not contribute so much!

However, in any case, with the contribution, the younger brother needs some resources that are not very high-end. As long as they run errands and turn their hands, there is absolutely no pressure. Therefore, Linghua Jianjun said with a smile: This is simple. At most three days, I will help you get the resources. What else does the younger brother need to help?"

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Other things, the younger brother can solve it himself, don't bother the brothers, thank the brothers."

After sending Linghua Jianjun, Sun Hao once again entered the sword court and found the sword that he had already seen. He took the contribution and pulled it down.

A few swords related to the sea fell into the storage bag of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao embarked on a new step in recasting the track base and casting the sword bone. (To be continued.)

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