Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1441: Kaima Island

Watching Sun Hao step into the transmission array, Linghua Jianjun is still a little unbelievable.

My own younger brother, just like this, ran to the wilderness Kaimao Island, which is extremely difficult and dangerous, and defended for ten years!

I don’t know if I will pick up people when I go to Kaimao Island in ten years. I will see a bunch of dead bones.

The space trembled slightly, and after a while, Ling Tianjian appeared in front of Linghua.

Linghua said: "Master, the younger brother is not too dangerous. And, what did he cultivate in the end, is it necessary?"

Ling Tianjian ancestors looked at the transmission array, a little ecstasy, after a half-sound, suddenly smiled and smiled: "You brother, is a great perseverance, but also a high-spirited generation, if the teacher is expected to be good, he goes to the wilderness, then It is to be prepared to understand that the weather above the four seas of the sun, the moon, the rain and the waves will eventually form the sword of the sea, the sword of the sea, the sword of the sea, forging into the sword bone, and achieving true unparalleled..."

Linghua Jianjun stayed, after half a ring, could not help but say: "Master, this is possible? Day, month, rain, waves, four swords, but it is quite difficult to comprehend, ten years is enough?"

Ling Tianjian suddenly said with a smile: "If he is just like you imagined, taking the four swords of Xiaocheng to form the sword of the sea, I think that within ten years, he is really possible to complete, but I doubt His ambition is far from being as simple as you think."

Linghua Jianjun completely stayed, his brow wrinkled, thinking for a long time, suddenly said aloud: "Master, you should not say, the younger brother he will be based on the four major swordsmanship?"

Ling Tianjian swayed his head slightly and said: "Linghua, your pattern is still too low. According to my observations this year, I think that your teacher’s goal is likely to be the direct success of the four great swords. The sword of the sea, the formation of the sea sword, the foundation of the world, and the foundation of the world..."

Linghua Jianjun’s eyes were round and round, and he said loudly in his mouth: “It’s impossible. I don’t even think about my disciples. He’s just a good high, no possibility...”

Ling Tianjian's eyes are a glimpse: "What is so good and high, there is skill, you can get a sword in one month, and get two swords in two months. You come back to Laozi theory..."

Linghua Jianjun...

The low-level disciples of the virtual world can also be used, but the conditions used are harsh and require a Zongmen trait transfer token.

Therefore, when Sun Hao appeared in the Ba Di Desert Defense Fortress through the transmission array, the monks were staggered.

The long-distance transmission array of the Swordsman opened, thinking that the Zongmen would send a high-ranking monk with important status.

The result actually waited for a strange disciple who went to the extreme.

A look at the ancestral mission of the foreign disciple.

The monks above the barren sea fortress were speechless.

This disciple received a mission to guard the Kaimao Island!

This is a great **** who has offended the sword!

What kind of hatred is hateful, and I have to throw him to Kaimo Island and stay in it for ten years!

A Jin Danjian repaired two words, mentioning Sun Hao, and flew to the sea. After more than a month, his hand was loose, and Sun Hao fell on the top of a small island, an area less than one mu. Inside the very small yard.

In the middle of the yard, there is a small towering tower.

Jin Danjian did not mean to settle down. He said loudly in his mouth: "At most two months, the desert gas in the wild sea will break out. This seat can't stay for a long time. At this time next year, I will visit again. I hope that time will come. What I saw was not a bunch of bones, boy, I wish you a long way."

After that, I don’t wait for Sun Hao to talk and turn around, like a big bird, flying away from the fortress that defends the deserted sea.

Watching Jin Danjian repair like flying away, Sun Hao began to turn to look at the sword tower and look at the environment of Kaimao Island.

Both the Sword Tower and the Small Court have a large array of defenses from the Lingtian Swordsmen. The area is very small, and there is a very small Lingtian. The resident monks can plant some simple Lingcao or Lingdao.

The house is also very simple, there is a storage bag, and there are many treasures in the house. It is the basic ration of the disciples.

Under normal circumstances, it is still safe and secure.

The main task of the Sword Practitioner is to report the information of the desert gas in the Badi Wild Sea. Of course, once the wild weather exceeds the normal standard, it means that a large number of wild animals or large blocks are broken in the outer periphery of the Ba Di Desert. Often, the disciples do not need to report the situation, because the sword tower and the small courtyard will be directly destroyed, and the fortress will naturally know what it is.

Kaimao Island is not too big or too small. Looking down from the top of the mountain, you can see the entire island as a human kidney, lying in the boundless sea.

The island is covered with lush trees.

The island also lives in a variety of body types, not big wild animals, there are flying birds, but also beasts, even on the top of the cliff where Sun Hao stopped, can also see birds nesting, from time to time into the wilderness, prey on marine fish .

It seems that Kaimo Island is a safe island that is not too dangerous.

However, Sun Hao knows that the seemingly calm island is actually one of the most famous islands in the desert of Badi.

On the island of Kaimada, there is a poisonous and medium-sized wild beast that is the most poisonous in the desert of Badi.

A amphibious wild animal that flies like a wind and is so toxic that Jin Danjian does not dare to resist.

The golden spearhead will be the biggest enemy of Sun Hao in the next decade, and may be an important source of resources for Sun Hao’s subsequent practice.

Standing alone, standing on the top of the island, overlooking the sea, Sun Hao's heart could not help but burst into a different mood.

It is not easy for monks to practice.

The road leads to the sky, and it is difficult.

踌躇 志 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 , , , 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞 飞

Sun Hao needs step by step, and it is difficult to climb the road of the upper monastic road. It requires hard work and hard work.

At this time, alone, on the sea, on the island, Sun Hao needs to live for ten years.

Take great risks and live for ten years.

In ten years, I still don't know if my time is enough. If not enough, Sun Hao has to continue here and practice hard.

Sometimes, Sun Hao once had a moment, and his thoughts were shaken. Maybe he didn't need to work so hard.

Maybe you can start forging bones on this.

The sea is smashing, the waves are soaring, and the island is beaten.

Sun Hao condensed for a long time, his eyes gradually firmed down and his body was straight.

The man will be Ling Tianzhi.

No matter how difficult the road ahead, I chose this path, the most correct road, then I must persist in it.

Only work hard.

You can see the rainbow.

Sun Hao condensed in the courtyard, looking at the sea and taking a storm, slowly opened the "view of the sea eight laws."

The fifth law, the sound of the waves;

The sixth method, emptying and sea of ​​eight methods has been cultivated for many years. Nowadays, the sea is played, and the boxing method is finally displayed. Moreover, the boxing path is natural, and it has a silky artistic conception.

After several times of punching, Sun Hao did not let go of it, Feijian appeared in the hands, and the sword took the "sea stunned sword" that was just borrowed from the sword.

Ling Tianjian's guess is not bad.

Sun Hao is preparing to thoroughly cultivate his own taste of the artistic conception on this Kaimao Island, so as to promote the four seascape swords, and then integrate them into their own sea swords, to the sea's pounds. The general trend, forging the sword bone, really do the foundation of the world.

The most important point was that Sun Hao was verified on the first day of the arrival of Kaimao Island.

Sure enough, as I expected, the view of the sea, my own life, can finally be displayed, and show the taste of the mood that you need.

Of course, if you change to other monks, it is impossible to recast the unparalleled sword bone like Sun Hao.

Flying up the monks, are the leaders of the world, and they have a heavy accumulation after practice.

If Sun Haoru did not have a base, he would not dare to imagine it anyway. He dared not try to use the sword of the sea, and the sword of the sea would temper his own sword.

Kaimao Island, near the sword tower of less than one acre of land, Sun Hao only need to regain some energy, as long as a little time, always stand on the top of the mountain, observe the sea and realize the practice of practicing swords.

No matter the day and the moon.

No matter the storm.

Under all kinds of hard weather, I have been working hard and hard.

It is said that a hundred years of monastic practice is unknown, and the sword is out of the world.

Master Mahjong, maybe you can see his brilliance, but there are a few who understand his hardships and endeavors and understand his growth process.

No bitterness, no matter where it is sweet. (To be continued.)

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