Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1455: Return to Lingtian

Sun Hao stood up and stood proudly above the sea.

The desert of the big sea has receded, but the tide of the sea is still surging and surging outside the desert, and it has been dragged by the sword of Sun Hao, but it does not retreat.

The spirit of the four seas, the general trend of the sea.

When Sun Hao really sank into the sword, Sun Hao became the sea, only within the scope of the yàoshì sword, every drop of water became the meaning of Sun Haojian, and was controlled by Sun Hao.

Thousands of years of grinding the sword.

It made Sun Hao’s name from time to time, and it was enough to match the outer swordsman of the top ten swordsmen. It became the legend of Lingtianjian.

And Sun Hao Li 斩 斩 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太 太

As Sun Hao said: "Agarwood is born, the virtual world is new."

After the hardships, starting from the re-learning, carefully and step by step, Sun Hao finally made a big step forward.

Even if Sun Hao’s refining is not restored.

However, the spirit of the four seas, the general trend of the sea, Sun Hao has re-established in the ranks of the gods, and quickly advance in the road of rapid crowning.

At this time, Sun Hao has already allowed Shu Han Jian Wang to look up.

I am convinced that I am looking up.

Especially after seeing the feat of Sun Hao's enthusiasm, Sui Hanjian Wang even felt that even the four swordsmen who understood the sword and the sword might not want to take advantage of it from the incense. Let's go.

At this moment, Shu Han Jian Wang is very zhīdào, who is it?

In the end, what kind of power can cultivate the enchanting disciples of Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang.

The disciples spent a day repairing the formation.

Two dark red flesh walls are completely cast.

The waves rushed over, and among the layers of the waves, Shen Xiang adults screamed: "I am the king of the sea, a sword from the agar, give me a..."

In the sound of the boom, the sword repairers felt that their bodies kept shaking, and the earthquakes were ruined. Many disciples fell into the middle of the river and suddenly found out that the entire desert had flashed Guanghua in the waves and slowly rose.

The Shuhan Sword King is not idle, and his mouth screams: "All disciples, injecting the real yuan, help the adults."

The real yuan is surging, and Qi Qi is concerned about the desert.

The ravages of the ravages finally swayed out of the sea.

Above the waves, Sun Hao haha ​​dàxiào: "Thank you for your help from friends. Today, Shen Xiang and his friends, together with the friends, will leave the ages, leaving the old friends, please pay attention, we have to drift..."

The sound just fell, and the tide in the sea quickly retreated.

The agarwood hangs in the air, and the huge wilderness is floating in the waves. With the steps of Sun Hao, it quickly swells with the waves, rumbling, and rumbling, like a tsunami, emptying the waves and flying over.

The speed is not very fast, but the heart of every sword-sect monk has a feeling of incredulity.

Is this the power of power?

Is this the strength of the outer sword king?

Tens of miles of deserted, like a huge piece of wood, was actually lifted by the waves and retreated with the tide.

The tides hold the desert, bypassing the Taikoo bears, bypassing some of the wild animals still piled up in the sea, and retreating into the sea.

After three consecutive days of retreat, the distance from the original guard is far more than a thousand miles.

Came to a very tall and endless sea rock.

Sun Hao’s movement was agar, the tide was slow, and the desert was slowly falling over the sea rock.

Originally, there were many seabed plants on the sea rock. At this time, it was completely suppressed, and it was completely suppressed by the xiàqù. It was deeply embedded in the ground of the sea rock, flattened and shimmered.

Shuhan Jianwang has already admired Sun Hao.

At this time, the first one knee was squatting in the air, and he said in a loud voice: "There is more than 1300 miles in the desert, and the ancients are so beautiful. The adults are mighty."

Drifting on the sea for a few days, I deeply appreciate the magic of Sun Hao. The disciples of the swordsmen do not need to greet them. It is natural that they are half-baked in the city walls and receive swords. They are the most solemn swordsmen of Sun Hao’s Ling Tianjian faction: Adults are mighty."

Sun Hao smiled lightly, and the depressed gas that had been soaring for decades was swept away. Shen Xiangjian flew quickly, and a slamming sound fell behind his back. The position of the flying sword was loudly said: "罡汉剑Wang, divided into some friends, go to clean up the battlefield, the heart of Taikoo Cong Xiong and the more complete bear skin to me, other income, give me 50%, the rest, the sword king you are the master, everyone is divided ""

The swordsman monks on the shackles snorted a little, and the cheers rose to the sky.

The Taikoo Cub was killed by Sun Hao, and Sun Hao really wanted to swallow it. No one dared to say anything. More importantly, Sun Hao killed a huge number of wild animals, and now it is like a mountain. Although Sun Hao takes 50%, it is left. The next is also massive, everyone this time, it is really developed.

Sui Hanjian Wang quickly replied: "Following, adults", along with, asked: "Is the adult's harvest to be physical or to be converted into contribution?"

Sun Hao smiled brilliantly: "Hey, let's contribute, if you have the real thing, I don't have that much storage space."

Shu Han Jian Wang laughed and laughed: "It's really ah, there are too many things. If you take the real thing, it is estimated that the incense adult must be covered with storage bags all over the body."

Sun Hao’s heart, flashed through the memory, if you want to use the air tower now, how good it will be, so many resources to invest, you should be able to accumulate a lot of psionics.

The thought flashed past, and Sun Hao said to Xiao Han Jian Wang Xiaoxiao: "Agarwood has to trouble the sword king two things."

Shuhan Jianwang arched his hand: "Well, let me know if there is something for the grown-up."

Regardless of how Sun Hao is under the sword, what is the origin of the facts, a basic fact is that Sun Hao’s strength has already made Yi Han convinced, and the development potential of the outer sword king also makes Shu Han not dare to neglect, as long as he is within the scope of his ability. Naturally, I will not talk about it and seriously complete the task assigned by Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The first one is the bear heart and the bear skin. I want the real thing, but my storage bag is too small, and I have to pay for the sword king. Second, I also ask the sword king to organize the manpower and quickly repair the waste. On the transfer array, I need to go back to the Swords and report my own cultivation as an entry."

These two things, in fact, Sun Hao does not tell, the Shuhan will do well, and now naturally there is no problem.

Haha dàxiào, take the next task, Shu Han called Liu Dajian Jun to serve Sun Hao, turned around and went busy.

The transmission array on the wreckage was not destroyed. In the early stage, the main body of the yàoshì Taikoo Cubs suddenly appeared, causing the space around the stagnation to be unstable.

After Sun Hao killed the Taikoo Cub, the scourge was eliminated, but the stagnation moved the position again, and the transmission array had to be repositioned, which was equal to the transmission failure.

The level of cultivation in the virtual world is much higher than the lower bound, and the transmission array is one of the signs.

The transmission array, which is very rare in the lower bound, is very common in the virtual world. Moreover, the repair method is relatively fixed. In just four or five days, the Shu Hanjian Wang told Sun Hao that the transmission array can be reused.

The collectives of the high-ranking squadrons such as Shuhan Jianwang, after smiling and saying goodbye to them, started the transmission array. After more than 20 years, returned to Lingtian Jianshan again.

Before the transmission line, there were monks in management, and it was natural to see a foreign disciple appearing from the transmission array. It was very rare to go to the front and ask about it. It was even more discerning that the disciples were actually guarding the outsiders.

Has the stagnation been already framed?

Is the transmission matrix restored?

Sun Hao was too lazy to talk to the guardian of the Jin Dan swordsman nonsense, directly inspired Ling Hua Jianjun's voice sword.

The wind and the fire, Linghua Jianjun rushed over, saw Sun Hao, the heart has many incomprehensible and shocked.

A big hand, with Sun Hao back to his own Dongfu.

Very strangely, the first question of Linghua Jianjun is: "Is the **** beast killed?"

Sun Hao smiled and nodded: "Well, it’s a long-awaited bear."

Linghua Jianjun: "Rely, when the Shuhan is so powerful."

Sun Hao smiled and did not speak. Shuhan was collecting information on the ruins. It is estimated that the disciples who were sent next time will be able to accurately send the information back. Sun Hao did not intend to boast in front of Linghua’s brother. This kind of thing, What others say is far better than what they say.

Linghua Jianjun also asked: "Is the younger brother a big jump?"

Sun Hao tells the truth: "Well, I thought that the transmission line of the ruined ruin was destroyed. In that case, if I want to come back to Lingtian, how long does it take?"

Linghua Jianjun haha ​​dàxiào: "It doesn't take long, there are dozens of hundreds of years, it is almost, hahaha..."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Fortunately, I rushed back to the desert in time."

Linghua Jianjun listened to the meaning of the embarrassed, and said with a smile: "That is, you are smart enough, actually rushed back to the desert before the outbreak, or else you will be killed in the bird does not pull the Kai motor On the island."

Sun Hao smiled and did not speak. (To be continued.)

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