Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1456: Goodbye old friend

Talking and laughing, after a while, Sun Hao took the initiative to ask: "What is the teacher? I have more important things to find him."

Linghua Jianjun laughed: "The old man rushed to the Ba Di desert to save you. Although he was 渺茫īdào, he still ran."

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, and his heart was slightly warm. He asked: "Have you been so long? Can the master respect him not tear the space and go straight?"

Linghua Jianjun shook his head: "Tear can not be torn, Master yàoshì can tear the space and vain, our Lingtianjian faction is not only the current position, it will not be trapped in a corner of Zhangzhou, forget it, forget it. It’s too early to tell you that this is too early, and the Master’s ran to your ruin. It’s estimated that it will take only a few months at most. What are you doing, waiting for him to come back from the transmission array.”

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Well, I am zhīdào, then I will wait a month to say, right to my brother, is my previous residence still there?"

Linghua Jianjun said with a smile: "That is still there. After all, you just took the task of Zongmen, and you are on duty. The Deacon Church will not take back your small yard. The small yard of Lingtianjian is not lacking, right. If you live in your small yard for the time being, wait for the teacher to come back and decide how you should go in the future."

Sun Hao nodded and said: "Well, then I will stabilize for a month and say, right brother, do we want to practice the sword?"

Linghua Jianjun thought that Sun Hao wanted him to suppress and repair it as a pure sword. He quickly shook his hand quickly: "No, no, no, ten years ago, single sword, I am not your opponent, I guess. Now it’s even worse. I’m yàoshì use it for repair, but it’s a big bully, not like you...”

Sun Hao smiled and shook his head, ready to speak.

Linghua Jianjun has slammed his thighs and said loudly: "Right, when you talk about your little yard, I think of one thing. I went to the Jijia children of the sword school with you ten years ago. I went to your yard and looked for you. Recently, people have come to look for it every day. It seems that they are coming back to visit relatives."

Sun Hao was a little bit stunned, and the words suddenly slammed.

Originally, Sun Hao was prepared to let the brothers use the actual practice to fight with themselves, but now, the plan has changed.

After twenty years of dying, it’s not how they practiced.

With a bright smile on his face, Sun Hao said to Linghua Jianjun: "That's good, then I will go back first. For a few decades, I should go back to kànkàn."

As a flying monk, Sun Hao still has deep feelings for the Gusei family. After all, Sun Hao lived there for more than ten years, and under the wings of the Ji family, safely spent the most difficult period after his ascent. It also left a lot of hard work memories.

People, even as monks, can't forget this at any time. It's time to go back to kànkàn.

Especially Xiaoqing and Ruxue, for a few decades, not to mention okay, one said, the heart is really some miss.

Linghua Jianjun did not zhīdào himself was almost cut by the younger brother, sent Sun Hao to the outside disciples area, watched Sun Hao leave, kept shaking his head, his mouth sighed.

At that time, the qualifications of the disciples were very bùcuò, and each of them developed very quickly. The only younger brother who had a great treasure from his own teacher had been practicing for 20 years, but he was still only a foreign disciple.

Swords are better trained, lack of strength, and what kind of eggs are used?

Sun Hao looked at the direction and took a big step and walked to his yard.

Just did not go far, there was a screaming voice behind the scenes.

Naturally turned around, Sun Hao smiled and asked: "Senior, what else?"

Linghua Jianjun flew down and handed over to Sun Hao: "Your identity token is for me."

Sun Hao took the token of his identity.

Linghua Jianjun quickly settled a few times, and said in his mouth: "Small younger brother, although I have not been able to cultivate the real yuan, but you are stationed in Kaimao Island, you are the master, give you a disciple, you will go back soon. A little bit old, the identity is a little higher, and the speech is a bit emboldened."

Sun Hao stunned and smiled brilliantly: "The brothers think really thoughtfully. Actually, it doesn't matter. I just go back to kànkàn, and I don't want to fight with others. The difference between the outer door and the inner door is not big. Otherwise, the brothers directly give me a The core is really passed."

Linghua Jianjun lowered his voice: "Oh, little brother, you don't want to be content. The old guy hates the right to use private power. Brother, I give you a disciple. You still want the core truth, tell you, Without the strength of the Golden Swordsman, don’t even think about it..."

While saying that Linghua Jianjun handed over the identity token: "Well, go back and hurry to find a set of inner disciples to wear, your body is really old enough, not changed in 20 years!"

Sun Hao kànkàn has a slightly windy clothing, smiled and nodded: "That is, can not be too shabby, but brother, you really give me a core true biography, I guess the master is back, there is absolutely no opinion ..."

Linghua Jianjun flew away and threw a sentence: "Oh, the brothers are courageous, don't dare, do it, I am gone, remember to come back within two months."

Looking at the brother who fled as if to leave, Sun Hao smiled and shook his head.

Not zhīdào brother zhīdào himself has the strength of the outer sword king, will be a pair of expressions, the truth, now give yourself a core true biography is actually completely joking.

Throwing the disciple's token in his hand, Sun Hao thought about it, the direction of the step changed, and went to the deacon's office. The brother said that he was really too shabby, or else, not to mention others, it is estimated that Ji Yuliu The girl must laugh at herself.

Seven turns and eight turns, and transferred to the deacon.

When the eyes swept away, they couldn't help but shine. They stepped into a deacon window. Sun Hao knocked a few times and said aloud: "When is the task, when are you still sleeping, how do you do things... ..."

Hearing a vaguely familiar voice, Xiaoya suddenly frightened.

Isn't this the voice of the most ferocious brother?

Involuntarily, quickly and uplifted, Xiaoya screamed with respect and veneration: "Brother, you are here, hand in the task, long time no see."

Sun Hao’s face was gloomy and slowly said: “If you don’t see it for twenty years, you will be repaired, but it’s still not so reliable, sharpening, hurrying, giving me the task, getting a set of clothes, I’m in a hurry. ""

Xiaoya's face was red, and she quickly took over the nameplate of Sun Hao's disciple and began to turn it over. It took only half a day to turn over to Sun Hao's mission. The mouth said: "The town guards the desert Kaikai Island, twenty years, points, points... ”

Sun Hao said with no anger: "Boss, you can see clearly, the points have been settled, you give me a sales number, then give me clothes, get it, how are you so stupid?"

Xiaoya was in a hurry, according to Sun Hao, the sales number, found a set of inner disciples costumes, respectfully handed it out: "Give, brother."

Sun Hao said: "This is almost generously, took over the clothing, did not panic, walked out of the deacon.

Until Sun Hao walked out of the distance, Xiaoya patted it and said: "It’s so fierce, scared to death, oh, no, ah, etc..."

Quickly overturning Sun Hao’s mission information, Xiaoya picked up: “Hey, an inner disciple, actually let his grandmother call him a brother, actually still so fierce, there is no mistake, no, I have to find the way back.” A few shackles in the sleeves, Xiaoya’s mind, involuntarily emerged Sun Hao’s sullen and serious look, his heart trembled slightly, and said in his mouth: “Hey, next time, my grandmother must have a good look.”

Sun Hao returned to his small, dusty courtyard, and his heart was filled with a touch of warmth. His body was slightly shocked, and the blue-blue ripples washed away.

The thick dust in the yard was instantly washed away, and the body was shaken again. It seemed that there was a rising sun, steaming steam in the yard, and a scent of scent, the whole yard was completely new and clean.

Put on a brand new inner disciple costume, Sun Hao just sat down, at the door, a strange foreign disciple shouted: "Excuse me, Ji Xiaoshan, Ji Shi brother is back?"

Sun Hao said loudly: "Well, come back."

The outside disciple cheered: "Thank God, you are finally back..."

Less than half an hour later, Sun Hao heard the sound of breaking open in the air. Several monks drove the flying sword and quickly flew over to his yard.

A bright smile appeared on his face. Sun Hao opened the door of the yard and said loudly: "If snow, Xiaoqing, 嬅蔻, 媂柳, I haven't seen you for a long time, you are still so young and beautiful..."

Four swords light fell in the yard.

Xiao Qinghuan, who is in a green shirt, called: "The hill, I want to die my sister...", and I rushed up. (To be continued.)

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