Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1457: Returning home

Xiaoqing is no longer the little girl who was a young man in the past. The body has been completely open, holding Sun Hao, so that Sun Hao, who has been ignorant of meat for many years, is a little bit shameful.

It’s not easy, just quietly break away from Xiao Qing’s embrace and smile and say hello to Ji Ruxue.

The three saw Sun Hao, and the eyes were shining in the eyes, but there was no such thing as Xiaoqing.

Laughing and saying hello to Sun Hao, Qi Qi sat down in Sun Hao’s small yard and began to talk about the old.

Sun Hao found that in just 20 years, the former companions have now undergone tremendous changes.

The virtual world is very different from the lower world.

In the aspect of cultivation, it is that the practice system here is more perfect and the practice is faster.

Four beautiful women, all advanced to the Golden Dan period, such as snow and Xiaoqing is the speed of the rapid advance to Jindan Great Consummation, is not far from Jianjun.

This kind of cultivation speed is put in the lower bounds, and only the great demon king can do it.

Of course, their progress is so fast, in fact, because their own qualifications for cultivation are very good, they start very high, and ordinary swordsmen are not so outrageous.

It is a pity that Ji Yun has finally had a poor qualification. He has been sent back more than ten years ago.

The four beautiful women are now completely grown into a fairy, dressed in different costumes, each is good at winning the field, Ji Ruxue is cold, Ji Wei is small, Ji Wei Liu Gao, Xiao Qing is very hot, sitting in Sun Hao's small The yards, interacting with each other, and remembering the past, are not embarrassed.

The four beautiful women did not ask Sun Hao's cultivation situation very tacitly. They also took the wording of their own cultivation status. Sun Hao's heart was zhīdào. They were afraid that they were uncomfortable in their hearts. They couldn't help but feel a little funny, but they didn't say it was broken.

After sitting for more than two hours, Xiaoqing finally said the right thing: "Hill, the last time you performed the task outside, did not go back, this time, is it going back to us with kànkàn?"

Ji Yu Liu said: "We have waited for you for a long time, or else we have already gone back."

Sun Hao said with a smile: "The cousin has orders, the hills naturally dare not follow, when to go, how to go, the hills completely obey the arrangements."

Several beautiful women considered Sun Hao’s feelings and did not explain their current situation.

However, their energy was bùcuò, and they actually got the transfer qualification of Gousse. After three days, Sun Hao only felt a slight dizzy, and once again appeared in the Badian side.

The Gusser transmission array has always been dominated by the four major families.

The disciples sent their disciples back, causing the vibration of the four major families.

Ji Ruxue and others went back to the sword and shuttled to Gusei. Many people were alarmed. Many of them were far from wait and see.

Inside the Jijiabao, the soldiers are bursting out with cheers and welcome their own Tianjiao to return.

Ji Laotai Jun smiled and greeted himself.

Four flying swords, jumped down five monks, of which Sun Hao was brought by Xiaoqing.

Not to mention, Sun Hao does not use the sword or the sword, or he can't really fly the sword.

The biggest disadvantage of the outer door sword king may be here.

Because it was brought over, it is natural that Sun Hao was at the end of the monks who came back.

However, kànkàn disciple costumes, people who know how to do it, will not see how high Sun Hao is.

Then kànkàn repaired, Jijia Laotai Jun is also slightly wrong.

The situation is a bit out of her surprise.

When she wants to come, among the children of Ji’s family, the most developed and fastest-growing ones are Jishan Hill, but after a lapse of 20 years, when these geniuses returned, Jishan Hill’s cultivation or status At the bottom of the bed.

The only constant is Jiguang Hill's bright sunshine smile as always.

Over the years, the four female trainees have undergone tremendous changes and become more mature. Only Ji Shan is still a sunny old-fashioned look.

What makes Laotaijun puzzled is the cultivation of Ji Xiaoshan. Twenty years later, he is still an inner disciple who has not begun to refine his body. The body is still flowing, and it is still the health function of Jijia’s family.

It’s like this twenty years, Jishan Hill has not made much progress!

This is expected to be very different from Lao Taijun's, but the old Taijun is still quiet, still not cold-shouldered Sun Hao, smiling and asked a few people about the situation.

Lao Taijun inquired, Sun Hao finally learned about their basic situation with Lao Taijun.

The four people nowadays have become the true biography of the sword king. Among them, Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing have the highest status. They are all the top ten swordsmen, and Ji Yuliu and Ji Yu are slightly worse, but the development is also very bùcuò.

It is the turn of Sun Hao to introduce himself.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "I just entered the Zongmen, and I worshipped a master named Ling Tian. Then, after a long time, I was thrown into the wilderness and stagnation. I went there for twenty years. Not long ago, the desert After the crisis, I also completed the defensive task, which was changed back to the sect, and the disciple was promoted from the outside disciple."

The Ji family monks in the hall showed a smile, but compared to the front four, it was much colder.

There is an insurmountable gap between the inner disciple and the sword king. There is no comparability. To be honest, the performance of Ji Xiaoshan makes Ji Jiabao greatly disappointed.

To be zhīdào, Ji Xiaoshan was the first person to hunter.

There is a wind that shows that Ji Xiaoshan may still be a lone wolf who was hunted in the past.

Many lonely wolves are still full of expectations for the development of Ji Xiaoshan.

Whoever zhīdào twenty years later, the other few are the king of the sword, and Ji Shan is only a disciple of the inner door, repaired to be the bottom of all the monks in the hall.

Many disciples are disappointed.

Ji Lao Taijun glimpsed a little, and the doubts passed by.

The deserted sea, it is a place more dangerous than Gusei, Jishan was actually sent to that place to guard for 20 years?

The wilderness is now at the forefront of land reclamation and truly facing the frontiers of the wilderness.

Gusei, the kind of past shackles, has now become an ancient human base in a relatively safe area. The ruins and the Gusai are completely incomparable.

Ji Laotai Jun is very curious about how Jiji Hill survived in the desert. Of course, perhaps Ji Xiaoshan just went there to clean the warehouse and count the inventory.

There were many people in the hall, and the doubts of the old lady were flashing past, and there was no question. They enthusiastically set up a banquet to entertain the family arrogance that had just returned.

For the monk, the banquet is just a form. Of course, this is a kind of etiquette that shows the family paying attention to them.

The families of Xiaoqing and others were also invited to attend the banquet.

Ji Xiaoshan Sun Hao, naturally placed under the table of Xiaoqing's family, Xiaoqing's parents are mortals, and now they have revealed the old state. The strict hierarchy makes them slightly restrained, but after seeing Sun Hao, they still show considerable Enthusiasm: "Small hills, I didn't think that the ancestors of the ancestors left you this vein. You also entered Xiaolingjian with Xiaoqing. It is really the ancestors, the hills, you don't zhīdào, that year, the combination The ancestors of the five xiōngdì, the ancestors of our family Xiaoqing are the four brothers of the ancestors. At that time, they were particularly good at the relationship..."

Sun Hao had a big smile on his face, and he stuffed something in his mouth casually, listening to Xiao Qing’s father’s family tree.

Xiaoqing sneaked a blind eye on one side.

She is Sun Hao is not a Jishan hill, it is not a half-money relationship with the ancestors, but she can't say anything to anyone, even her mother has to keep it secret. .

I did not expect that my dad actually took up the genealogy in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao slowly realized the good intentions of Xiaoqing’s father, and also realized the achievements of Xiaoqing’s father, and he could feel it. Xiaoqing’s father, now because of Xiaoqing’s relationship with him, became Ji’s family. One of the most fascinating mortals in the fort, the most rare thing is that he spent a lot of energy to sort out the genealogy of the family of Ji Jiahua and his own ancestors.

Sprinkle and form a big book.

Regardless of whether Sun Hao is Ji or Hill, Sun Hao feels that the old man must be the one.

Laughing and accepting a thick genealogy, Sun Hao said to Xiaoqing with a smile: "As a family member, you can't forget the ancestors, Xiaoqing, are you also coming?"

Xiaoqing is preparing to speak.

Who knows that her father’s face is positive and solemnly said: “My family biography is not a woman, Xiaoqing, you will marry into your husband’s family in the future. The heart is the genealogy of your husband’s family, not my family’s family. This is called marrying a chicken with a chicken, marrying a dog with a dog..."

Sun Hao smiled.

Xiaoqing’s face was red, and his heart said that a counterfeit goods was actually more delicious than his own red seedlings. What made the truth, he couldn’t help but say: “What breaks the rules...”

Her face rose red, and if she didn't care about her cultivation, it was estimated that the brain would collapse.

Sun Hao was dumbfounded, and his heart was filled with a touch of warmth.

Flying up the upper bound is equal to your own new life. Although you are born with nature, there is no doubt that Xiaoqing and Ruxue have the re-creation of their own, and invisible, they become their true family.

This Ji family has some weight! (To be continued.)

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