Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1475: Way of refining

The sword will end in a hot and busy way.

Tiger King found the steps and thought that the punishment for Sun Hao was a bit biased. He was a straight man, but he really put down the grudges and went to practice.

Of course, what he thinks in his heart is hard to know.

Sun Hao Xin Jin Jian Wang, among all the sword kings, ranked fifth, and is still the kind of sword king with a title.

Linghua Jianjun was a little dizzy, and it didn't feel really real. When he took Sun Hao to arrange the Dongfu, he still kept looking up and down on Sun Hao. He kept saying: "One accident, one careless." ......"

Sun Hao smiled and asked: "What happened to the brothers?"

Linghua Jianjun replied depressedly: "A careless, the younger brother has already run me in front of me, how can I feel that it is not a taste."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Senior brother, you should understand it very well. When you are not my opponent, it means that you are not far from being eliminated."

Linghua Jianjun said: "You are very good, OK, but my brother, I am really weird, how is your progress so fast! I can't believe it, I don't know what to do, teach the brothers one or two. ?"

Sun Hao thought about it and said: "If you want to say something, there is also a sword, what kind of swords do you cultivate, maybe I can help you think of something."

Linghua Jianjun looked around and whispered, whispered: "I am practicing Fengjian. Is there any way for the younger brother?"

In his newly-acclaimed Dongfu, Sun Hao did not panic and soaked a cup of spiritual tea. After half a ring, he whispered: "The wind is invisible. When comprehending, you need to know the most. The brothers can find a place where the wind is rising. Take the dynamic view of the cloud and practice the sword of the wind."

Linghua Jianjun grinned: "This is not unusual, I have been practicing this way for a long time, and the effect is not great."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I haven't finished yet. When the brothers are practicing, the best way is to forget that they are monks, but they are just a real swordsman without any cultivation. They enter the storm and go to the body. Realize the greatness of the situation, it is best to assist in practicing a Fengyun-related boxing method and understand it from different angles."

Linghua Jianjun’s eyes are bright: “This is a bit interesting, I can try it.”

Sun Hao took a sip of tea and continued: "Second, the brothers can be in the same state, find a place where the hurricane blew, walk in the wind, practice the fist of the wind, sword of the wind, persevere, twenty to thirty years, It should have an effect."

Linghua Jianjun said slightly to Sun Hao: "Thank you for your guidance, I know a little."

After sending away Linghua Zhenjun, Sun Hao was a little familiar with his own Dongfu. After setting up a few small arrays, he went out and went out. The blue ripples circled the whole body and came to the sword court.

Ling Tian Jian Feng is like a giant sword rising from the sky. The hilt is at the bottom, standing in the huge 100,000 mountains. The entire inverted sword is golden yellow, pointing to the sky, above the blade, growing some fairy trees, like the dragon tattoo on the sword. The sword pavilion is hidden in the giant tree.

The Lingtian giant sword is as high as 100 feet. Different regions live with different monks. When Sun Hao was a foreign disciple, he often lived at the lowest level and could directly enter the area of ​​100,000 mountains.

Now, after becoming the sword king, Sun Hao’s Dongfu has reached the tip of the sword.

The sword court is naturally different.

Under the low-level monk's swords, the information that Sun Hao can see is not complete, but now, the sword Wang Jiange is very different.

Sun Hao came forward.

Far away, I saw a four-story loft.

On the top of the attic, a long sword was suspended, and a faint sword light was sprinkled on the attic. When Sun Hao saw the sword, his heart could not help but tremble. This is an invisible and inferior sword, but it Can see the sword shape, and the sword shrouded in the attic light, but also let Sun Hao secretly heart.

A strong sword.

There is no sword, no sword, pure swordsmanship from the sword, covered in the attic, Sun Hao slightly closer, the body's skin, involuntarily began to flash light blue light, the ancient iron body automatically Run and begin to resist the invasion of Jianguang not far away.

Sun Hao thought for a moment, took out Ling Tianjian's special waist card for himself, and hanged it to his waist. This is the light pressure on the body.

The sword court is not guarded, but the entire sword court is shrouded in the white sword light. If the monk is disturbed, it is estimated that it will face the thunder bombardment of Jianguang.

Within the Ginger, it was clean and neat, and at first glance, it was divided into different categories and there were various kinds of swords.

On the first floor, the lowest level, Sun Hao quickly found the area marked with the actual application of the sword, and according to the tips of Ling Tianjian, went to find a water property or the actual use of the sea sword.

The face is still calm, but in the heart of Sun Hao, it is a bit of a surprise and embarrassment.

If you can really find a way to re-inflate yourself, as Ling Tianjian said, then Sun Hao is the real one, appearing in the upper bound in a complete state, is the real, complete the entire flying feat.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao began to read the introduction to the collection.

Although the understanding of Jianyi is difficult, it can be a great perfection. There are not many monks in each generation. However, after hundreds of millions of years, Lingtianjian still accumulates a large number of classics, and the extraordinary swordsmanship is not strong, but each The application has developed into the ultimate wizard.

The introduction of many swords and meanings makes Sun Hao stunned.

Sun Hao has one thousand and three thousand, and has received a huge contribution. Sun Hao has not even counted his own identity nameplate. How many zeros there are, except for the top borrowing permission is restricted, the first floor of the sword, Sun Hao really does not have any pressure.

Sitting in the same place, Sun Hao picked up the identity nameplate, and smashed all the relevant articles of the water attribute swordsmanship and swordsmanship, and lined up in front of him to start reading.

Not far away, a swordman who came to borrow books, unfortunately saw the scene of Sun Hao borrowing books, his face could not help but reveal amazed expression.

After sweeping Sun Hao’s cultivation, my heart was even more shocked. A foreign disciple was evil.

After half a ring, Jianjun finally remembered the origin of Sun Hao, and could not help but sing a little at the distance: "The disciple Guangfujian, I have seen Shenxiangjian Wang."

Sun Hao smiled at Nod and turned to look at the information in his hands.

Guangfujian sighed that the sword king is domineering, borrowing books are bundles and bundles, shaking his head and quietly leaving.

Sun Hao was sitting here for more than five hours, reading all the materials very quickly, and starting to confirm the situation according to his own situation, the heart gradually formed a vein.

The monks practiced, each had a road, and there were no records of the general trend of the sea. There were very few things about the sword of the sea. After all, this is the sword and the sword of the king. It is difficult for ordinary monks to understand thoroughly. .

However, a lot of content can be connected, which has a strong reference for Sun Hao's sword and sword.

Through analysis and summary, Sun Hao has finally formed a set of practical and feasible methods of cultivation.

At the scene, Sun Hao tried it, his body swayed slightly, and the whole body swayed a slight wave. The sword was gradually integrated into the body from the outside to the inside. It was attached to the whole body bone, and the body continued to be integrated into the spine. The whole person is like a javelin, standing upright on the spot.

The effect is ok, but it must be familiar with a lot of time. It is necessary to practice the short-term estimation before entering the next step of refining.

The sword means bone, the sword is the ridge, the body is stabilized, and then the speciality of the sea is borrowed. With the power of the wave, the bones are in a state of smashing at any time, so that they can refine the gas and recast the unparalleled sword bone. prepare for.

After I realized it, I was sure that I could do it. It only took longer to get familiar. Sun Hao’s face showed a bright smile. After decades, he finally found the real road in the upper bound.

Not only has the road been found, but it will also be a more sturdy avenue.

After thinking about it for a long time, I confirmed that I had nowhere to go. Sun Haofang put the books back, stepped up and began to look for refining methods. (~^~)

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