Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1476: Selection method

Ling Tianjian is the real sword repairing the door, even if it is refining, it is mostly related to the sword.

Sun Hao has read several books in succession, and this is the case.

The practice of fire attributes, such as "Fire Sword", "Fire Sword", "Sword Art God Fire" ... and so on, can not be separated from a sword.

Sun Hao casually read two books, but found that these cultivation exercises have a very typical feature, that is, after the foundation, they began to refine special swords and put them in Dantian.

When it comes to the knot, it is directly to the sword into the golden dragon, continue to conserve, and the monk's life magic, you can get the power of the sword.

When the baby was born, there were two branch changes in the sword in Jindan. One was to become the spine of Yuan Ying and existed, and continued to provide functional blessing for the monk's sword, while the second was like Sun Hao. In general, he became the sword in the hands of Yuan Ying, and became a powerful sword with the sword of the swordsman.

The other attributes are similar.

Moreover, Sun Hao also found that among the five attribute exercises, the most basic method is the five-line basic sword, and then it is the upward extension of these basic swords.

"Fire Sword", "Water Sword", "Golden Sword", "Wooden Sword", "Sword" are all available.

The first layer of these exercises are still the most basic exercises, and the contribution requirements are not high. Sun Hao has contributed a lot in anyway. He simply swept a lot of exercises and began to compare according to his own characteristics.

The first level of exercises is the lowest, and Sun Hao’s plan is just to be a reference.

However, after carefully reading a lot of cultivation exercises, Sun Hao’s heart is beginning to think about a problem. How to practice the exercises is really the higher the level, the better?

Sun Hao now, the real refining of the gas should be the beginning of the god, equivalent to the beginning of the sword king.

But in fact, with the help of his own ancient iron warfare, there are four sea swords, the sea sword, the real power of Sun Hao has surpassed the ordinary sword king.

If Sun Hao’s refining and repairing is restored, the fighting power will definitely be greatly improved.

But now when choosing the practice of practice, Sun Hao feels that for himself, perhaps the most suitable practice is the lowest level of the five elements.

The normality of the five-line basic swordsmanship is the basic method of the swords of each attribute. In theory, it can be used to transform any of the same high-level swords, which is their greatest feature.

Moreover, among the five attribute-based swords, there is a record of what makes Sun Hao heart-warming.

If the five elements are opposite each other, if the talented cultivators can have two attributes or the same person, they will have wonderful effects, and the basic swords will improve the first order.

If the three attributes swordsmanship can be perfect fellow initiates, on the basis of the dual-attribute fellow initiates, they will once again jump two levels.


If you can follow the five attributes of the swordsmen, and can catch up with the progress of cultivation, then the heavens and the earth, the only one, the swords and the heavens, the mutual gram, can be born to the soul of the sword, the power of the sky.

Other people can not follow the five elements, Sun Hao is not sure, but Sun Hao feels that he should be able to do it.

Although Sun Hao’s refining is not restored, there is no doubt that Sun Hao’s five attributes are all spiritual, only the wood property is weak, and other attributes are super strong, then the five attributes of fellow initiates are entirely possible.

Moreover, Sun Hao's refining is a huge difference from other monks.

The self-cultivation of Sun Hao itself exists. It is only the exhaustion of the real yuan, and the cultivation method of this world is not obtained. The bone spine cannot withstand the strong real yuan shock and has not recovered.

Now, what Sun Hao needs, in fact, is to fill his own dantian with the new real yuan of this world, then repairs come back naturally.

This way down, Sun Hao does not need to break through, do not need to comprehend, just follow a bucket, as long as you want to fill the water.

The difference is how to put water and what kind of water.

Sun Hao thought for a long time, and felt that from the perspective of this level of cultivation, it is better to say that the lowest level of the five attributes is better for himself.

Of course, it is also possible that because this is a low-level cultivation area, I have not seen the high-level practice and mystery.

Sun Hao did not rush to make a decision, and carefully watched the first layer of cultivation law.

Do not hurry to the second floor, began to look at the more high-level exercises here.

Unexpectedly, I have seen this time the sword cultivation practice qigong method, Sun Hao did not find the follow-up cultivation method of the five attribute basic exercises.

However, he unexpectedly discovered the "Five Elements of the Swordsman". Among all the exercises, the rankings are on the top, and the above is also marked with the method of refining the gas based on the five attributes of the basic sword, which is characterized by the synergy between the exercises and the exercises. The five elements are linked together, and the effect is extraordinary. After cultivation, the foundation is solid, and the accumulation is strong. It is often useful. The disadvantage is that the progress of cultivation is relatively slow. The time required for cultivation is not short, and it can be cultivated to the realm of Jianjun..."

Sun Hao thought about it and went up to the third floor.

On the third floor, Sun Hao did not expect to see a higher-grade "Five Elements of the Swordsman".

This is actually a progressive, higher-level practice of cultivation.

Moreover, in addition to the first layer display is the most basic sword of each attribute, in the second layer, the third layer, the ranking of the five elements of the sword is quite high, and each layer can be equal to it. There are very few.

Seeing this, Sun Hao’s heart was determined, and he was chosen.

In terms of contribution, the five attribute base swords, the five elements of the sword, and the five elements of the sword gods all fell into the storage bag of Sun Hao.

The fourth layer can go in, but Sun Hao also has the time limit for entering, and at the same time, he can choose three things to cultivate. These, Linghua Jianjun have informed Sun Hao in advance, so Sun Hao intends to finish the following things. And then on the fourth floor.

After picking up the practice method, Sun Hao took a long sigh of relief and finally embarked on the road of strength recovery after the hardships. Although this process still takes a little time, it is undoubtedly a new beginning.

The first major event was finally completed.

Sun Hao began his second major event, picking swordsmanship and swordsmanship. According to Linghua’s brother, although the virtual battlefield has a variety of cultivation, it can be practiced, but the contribution of Lingtianjian is basically Can't pass there, so he suggested that Sun Hao pick some swordsmanship and swordsmanship.

As for the swordsmanship, Linghua’s brother said that there should be some distance from Sun Hao, because the entire Lingtianjian faction, in addition to Ling Tianjian and the ancestors guarded in the virtual battlefield, no third person realized the mystery of the sword.

Brother Linghua does not think that Sun Hao can deal with swordsmanship so quickly, because it must be after the robbery.

After reviewing the use of many swords, Sun Hao began to pay attention to the choice of swords and swords.

Because different moves often have a peculiar bonus effect in their use.

I chose a "Sea King Three Styles". The moves that are used in the sea are the winds and clouds, the big waves and the blue sky and the blue sea.

The focus of the selection is naturally the killing and fighting posture that he is about to cultivate. The sword is selected to kill the sword. There are four types of murderous, murderous, murderous, murderous and murderous.

Fighting swords, there are many types of Lingtian swords, swordsmen are paying attention to the battlefield, and they are not bent. Of course, there are many fighters and many fighting spirits, but they are quite rare, and Sun Hao has chosen for a long time, from the third floor. Among the swordsmen, I chose a "word of fighting".

"Dragonfly", when fighting, sings the morale of the sword, the swordsman is a kind of magical sword, and the fighting song has a cloud: "The talent is high, the daring is like fighting; Those, stepping on the ladder... I am hidden, I am like a shuttle, such as the sand gull only wants a fight in the heavens and the earth; a smile and enmity, there will be no king, happy and open, such as the Great Saint only ask for a fight ......"

The fighting song is actually a kind of swordsmanship.

The song statement, the sword is cited, one of the swordsmanship. (~^~)

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