Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1480: Terran Sword Camp

The reality is that it is so ruthless, sly, honestly, accepting humiliation, is the only way that will not harm the compatriots.

Among the Jianpai materials, there is no record of the status of the human race in the virtual world.

However, Sun Hao never imagined that his status would be so low.

Just emerging, the ambition to try to compare with the alien celestial arrogance is rapidly cooling down. Perhaps, thinking about what needs to be done, can survive in the virtual world, and will not be squandered by big waves, is the first step.

The top 100 races, the accumulation of hundreds of millions of years, can not be underestimated, may also become an insurmountable mountain in front of Sun Hao, let Sun Hao Gaoshan to end, and finally, perhaps Sun Hao can dominate the Terran, perhaps only in Ling Tianjian It’s a hegemony, but it’s not going to be a whole.

Although Mu Wang did not say it clearly, Sun Hao and Mu Wang’s words are actually true.

For example, Mu Wang intentionally or unintentionally said | No | wrong | novel www. [qul] [ed] say goodbye to my Ling Tianjian is the number one sword king, but to the virtual battlefield, that is the ordinary pass Son, if it is not bounded by the Heavenly City, there are at least tens of thousands of monks who can pinch the dead ants and directly pinch me here, pinched to death, and the Terran has to swallow. ”

Sun Hao understands that Mu Wang is wary and modest.

He also handed over a lot of resources, and Sun Hao followed the big team and stepped into the transmission array again, and really went to the Terran camp.

A huge, thousands of miles of valleys, two at the end of the valley, built with tall, city-like fortresses.

Among the valleys, there are horse farms on the plains, tall trees, and many buildings, which are the Terran camps.

Although it is said that the Terran camp is not the same as the Tiancheng, it is still more spectacular than the Lingtian Sword.

The only thing that doesn't have the momentum of Lingtianjian is that there is no fairy mountain in the valley. Some of them are only faintly brilliance, huge protective masks like reticle.

When Mu Wang led everyone to travel on the transmission line, a group of monks had been waiting for a long time.

The head of the monk was inserted into the flying sword, a white gown, and his hands were carried. After the wooden king and others stood in front of the body, it was said that you were welcome to come to the virtual battlefield Terran camp. I am you. The great commander, Yan Mingwei, the swordsman, the one around me, is the Ling Chong elite swordsman who is stationed in the North Camp of Ling Tianjian. Today, I will come to see you, just to explain to you one thing, the other, own Ling Cang arranges with you. ”

The tone of the meal was over, and the singer of the great swordsman of Ming Weiwei was shocked by the heart. Many monks around him were even involuntarily reversing. The mouth said in a loud voice that you are the so-called sword king of Ling Tianjian. The sword king is just the self-respecting of your cockroaches. Here, you are just an ordinary warrior in the sword camp of my people. Your identity is the swordsman..."

According to the words of the great swordsman, Sun Haofei quickly understood what he meant.

In the Terran camp, there is a special area where swords are concentrated, and the sword repairs that come here are collectively called swordsmen.

From low to high, in order: prepare swordsmen, swordsmen, intermediate swordsmen, senior swordsmen, elite swordsmen and swordsmen.

The Jianji swordsman of Lingtianjian was called "prepared swordsman" in the sword camp.

The existence of Sun Hao, who is called the sword king in Lingtianjian, is only a senior swordsman here.

That is to say, if Ming Mingwei corresponds to the strength of the monks of Lingtianjian, it is actually the kind that surpasses the existence of the robbery period.

Sun Hao thought very much, after the robbery, it was the realm.

After the classification rules of the Terran camp were announced, the body of the Swordsman of Ming Mingwei disappeared and disappeared. The Ling Chong elite swordsmen smiled at the Jianpai disciples. Everyone followed me and quickly lived in the sword camp. Next, familiar with the situation, there is no harm to you, and there is no harm to you. Also, don’t look at the big swordsman very seriously, but in fact, he takes care of the monks underneath. You know yourself in the future, and you will lead them with me. Well, our Lingtianjian faction is not the strongest in the sword camp, but it has some weight, we need to settle down quickly..."

The wooden king, that is, the high swordsman who was engraved in the wood, should have heard the sound, and led Sun Hao and others to follow Ling Cang and walked into the valley.

Following the body of Ling Cang, the pride of Ling Tianjian’s disciples has disappeared.

Along the way, Ling Tianjian gradually realized that in the hustle and bustle of Zhangzhou, or the king of the mountain, but to the battlefield of the virtual world, it is really not.

Even Sun Hao’s heart is filled with a sense of loss, and other monks are even more imaginable.

The position of the Lingtianjian faction, to be precise, should be described as such: the lower imaginary failed to rank in the top 100 Terran camps, the status is not top, and it is not the main force in the sword camp.

Speaking simple and straightforward, the two words are summarized: cannon fodder.

These foreign disciples around Sun Hao are completely chores.

These disciples, in all likelihood, are female disciples with good looks, and less than 10% of the male disciples like Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s true identity, there are only six people in the Lingtian Sword Camp. The woods only tell the Ling Chong elite swordsman, and all others are concealed.

Ling Cong elite swordsman met with Sun Hao, and slightly tested the strength of Sun Hao, and expressed his surprise at the existence of Sun Hao, the external sword king.

At the same time, it is also deeply incomprehensible to Ling Tian Jianzu who actually sent Sun Hao, a genius disciple, and the hope of the future of the sword pie into the crisis of the virtual world.

Repeatedly, Sun Hao was forbearing, and he was well protected. After the practice was not revealed, the Ling Cang elite swordsman used the privilege of his hands to arrange a seemingly important task of the miscellaneous work for Sun Hao. He was sent separately. A small yard necessary to carry out the task, let Sun Hao quickly familiar with the situation, do their best to strengthen the ability to survive in the virtual world.

Sun Hao officially had a place in the sword camp.

The sword camp is located in the upper position of the valley, and it is no less than a hundred miles. In a neat two-storey building, it is full of swordsmen who come to perform the task.

It is said that it is a sword camp. In fact, it is not much weaker than a sect. It is possible to visually measure the distribution of swordsmen. Sun Hao can feel it. It is not a big swordsman. The strength of the sword camp is stronger than that of Ling Tianjian. There are no fewer than 50 exquisite wooden buildings in the area between the tall trees.

There are various kinds of cultivation places in the sword camp.

There is a training ground where the sword is soaring. If Sun Hao is not mistaken, the training ground has the function of blessing the general effect of the doctrine.

There is a forged sword room, there is a sword Dan room, there are also various inheritance places, no more than Ling Tianjian.

Even, Sun Hao thinks that there may be a lot of inheritance on the Lingtianjian Unfortunately, the contribution of Lingtianjian is not circulating here. Sun Hao must be relentless in order to enter these places. Work hard.

Of course, before this, Sun Hao has replaced the contribution of the massive swords with the help of Linghua Jianjun into various useful resources.

Sun Hao hangs in the huge storage bag that is inconspicuous at the waist. There are a lot of elixir and some useful mineral materials that he replaced from Lingtianjian, and some wood attributes that Sun Hao prepared for.

Sun Hao has been upgraded to the early stage of the gods in the lower bounds. According to the routine, once the refining is resumed, it is very likely to face the rotation of Mulingen.

Preparing some wood attributes in advance is also a precaution.

Within the separate yard, Sun Hao sorted out the resources and became familiar with the environment. He officially settled in the sword camp as a foreign-funded disciple.

Ling Cong arranged for Sun Hao's mission is quite wonderful, is a rare servant responsible for the sundries in the female swordsman area, and within the female swordsman area, there are many female comrades, so Sun Hao has arranged independent independence. Small courtyard, and, usually, there is no female swordsman to let Sun Hao go to help.

However, the four women in the Ji family were occasionally coming to the door, so that Sun Hao would not be completely unemployed.

It was in this environment that Sun Hao got a short silence and gradually began to practice.

Sun Hao intends to start refining the gas first. After the strength has recovered to a certain extent, he will gradually demonstrate the repair and implementation plan.

Low-key can be, but if it has been low-key, the purpose of Sun Hao’s coming to the battlefield is difficult to achieve. (To be continued.)

The first four hundred and eighty chapters of the Terran Sword Camp (monthly ticket plus more)

The first four hundred and eighty chapters of the Terran Sword Camp (monthly ticket plus more) is made by [no * wrong] [small-speak-net] members, more chapters please go to the website:

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