Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1481: Unacceptable soil (2 plus)

Sitting cross-legged, Sun Hao carefully tried to figure out the five attributes of the sword, and once again passed the process of cultivation in his mind, this was calm, and began the first refining practice after his ascent.

Refining is always the most fundamental method of cultivation of monks.

Even if it is a sword repair, it needs a strong refining and repairing to lay a solid foundation. The cultivation of various swords is actually a special method of refining.

Sun Hao only recovered his own ability to refine gas, and it was only truly completed his own ascent, and truly became a flying monk.

Moreover, Sun Hao can imagine that once the refining power is restored, his own strength will definitely have a virtuous circle of one plus one and two. There is no doubt that his own combat power will definitely change again.

Before the refining, it was a special sword and sword setting.

The faint water blue flashed from the body, and layers of ripples appeared on the bones. The sea was like a pillar, supporting the spine of Sun Hao.

Trying to take a few steps, Sun Hao’s heart surged strangely, and the whole body was not very smooth and straightforward. Until two full hours, Sun Hao gradually adapted to the state of sword and bone, and the sword was the state of the ridge.

Preparation is in place.

Sun Haoxun was settled and began to practice Jin Jianyu.

The sword belongs to the gold, the five attributes of the sword will eventually belong, or the five elements of Jin Jian.

After careful examination, the order of cultivation of the five attribute swords will become, the golden-water-wood-fire-earth five attribute spirit sword.

"Jinwang gets fire, Fangcheng utensils; Jin Lai is born, soil is more than gold buried; soil can produce gold, gold and soil change... with gold forged swords, with swords qi, picking gold pills, casting gold swords..."

As a flying monk, Sun Hao has become an instinct.

It is easy to say that Sun Hao once again felt the metallic aura of the virtual world. This kind of aura, Sun Hao used the cultivation method of the lower bound, could not draw any points, but after the driving of Jin Jianyu, the effect was completely different.

Within the virtual battlefield, rich metality poured into the body of Sun Hao.

However, what makes Sun Hao unexpected, unlike the description of Jin Jianyu, is that Jin Hao, who was introduced into the body of Sun Hao, did not have the first time to gather in Dantian, but instead turned into two shares and swarmed into the lungs. And go.

Rush into the lungs, then there is no more.

Like a mud cow into the sea, disappeared without a trace.

Sun Hao sat cross-legged and practiced for an hour. The situation remained the same. The only change in the body was that he felt a lot of heavy lungs.

Sun Hao stopped practicing, compared himself, thought about it, and quickly found the problem.

Unlike other monks, Sun Hao has a variety of foreign bodies. There are waste gas and magnetic gas in the lungs. They are now mature because of the aura consumption transition, and because of the aura of the virtual world. The lower bounds are very different, so they also lose their ability to recover.

Now, Sun Hao began to temper, and these foreign things naturally began to absorb the aura in the first place.

However, Sun Hao guessed that after absorption of many auras, there seems to be no change in his body. The root cause is that these foreign bodies need to be self-reformed, use the aura of this world to change themselves, adapt to this world, and gradually resume operation.

From the point of view of the body, this process may take a short time.

Then, after thinking about it for a while, Sun Hao decided to change his cultivation method.

After trying to figure out the water sword, Sun Hao once again sank into cultivation. This time, the two swords of gold and water are driven at the same time. In the sky, the golden and blue auras are swarming into the body, immediately, without Sun Hao. Self-regulation, as it is, the water attribute aura is also divided into two, and poured into the kidneys.

Since this is the case, Sun Hao simply did not do two, the five attributes of Jianqi all went into battle, Qi Qi began to practice.

Five attributes aura, a brain poured into the body of Sun Hao.

Do not need too much control of Sun Hao, just created the five attribute swords to find their own place, each homing.

This method of cultivation does not have much trouble for Sun Hao. Sun Hao only needs to stabilize his sword and bones and swords. The cultivation of swordsmanship does not cost much energy.

However, with the strong five-character aura pouring into the body, the pressure on the bones of the sword and the sword of the Sun Hao sword will increase. Sun Hao does not dare to care. He always shines in the blue light and guards against it. Relax.

This has been a constant stream of continuous cultivation for more than a month, and Sun Hao has finally changed.

A change that Sun Hao did not expect.

Heavy ice began to recover.

Sun Hao’s body was covered with layers of frost, and his body was even more heavy.

The magnetic gas and waste gas began to recover.

Sun Hao’s lungs are as uncomfortable as a knife, and his face is very pale.

燚神炎 also began to recover.

Sun Hao’s body seems to be hot.

What makes Sun Hao most helpless is that the recovery of these foreign bodies in the body is self-absorbing and rejuvenating, and it is not controlled by Sun Hao at all.

What Sun Hao can do is just to protect his body's bones and spine and defend his front.

At this time, Sun Hao has no need to take the initiative to practice.

All the foreign bodies in the body are like the babies waiting to be fed, and they constantly absorb the aura in the sky and recover themselves.

And Sun Hao’s body was completely messed up into a pot of porridge.

Half of the body is hot and bulging, and half of the body is frosted.

Coughing a few times from time to time in your mouth, even the occasional blood can be seen at the corners of your mouth.

It seems that it is weak and it is very difficult to walk. It is often difficult to know how to go.

If it weren't for Sun Hao's ancient iron body, Sun Hao didn't know if he could resist it.

Seeing the state of Sun Hao, the four women of Ji family could not be lost.

The current situation of Sun Hao is just like a serious illness.

Feeling sick!

In the sword camp, I don’t know the swordsmen of Sun Hao’s fine, but I am even surprised by Sun Hao’s state.

The Ling Cang elite swordsman was alarmed and ran to investigate Sun Hao. He finally concluded: "The summer and the summer are out of balance, the yin and yang are out of balance, the lack of gas, and the invasion of evil spirits. This is a disease of water and soil."

Many of the rare swordsmen can't help but laugh.

It’s a very strange new term for the swordsman. In fact, it’s really hard for a monk who prepares a swordsman to stay in the desert for too long. symptom.

Even those who have been trained to be more advanced outside the door, there is basically no situation of acclimatization.

This disciple named Sun Hao is really a wonderful one in the sword camp.

If the cost of returning the disciples to the disciples is too high, the great swordsmen will have the heart to send Sun Hao, who has lost the old face of the sword camp, back to Ling Tianjian.

Not long ago, when the Terran was deliberating, the Grand Knight took this matter and laughed at him. The Archer also followed suit, and it really made Min Mingwei feel that his face was lost.

No one is taking care of Sun Hao, and no one even sent a task to Sun Hao.

In this way, all the swordsmen seem to forget Sun Hao in general, let them fend for themselves.

Sun Hao's condition, with the recovery of strength ~ ~ getting more and more heavy, walking is not stable, one step three suffocating, often steaming on the head, cold frost under the feet, sleeping in bed Then I will hit the hem.

And Sun Hao’s own full energy is also placed on how to stabilize the bones and spine, and does not spend too much energy to pay attention to the outside world.

It doesn't matter how others look.

Sun Hao knows that his current situation is just a process that he must go through to restore his strength.

The major foreign bodies within Sun Hao’s body have been nourished and re-energized by the aura of this world, and naturally they will produce various visions before they are formed.

As long as Sun Hao can hold his own position, recovery is only a matter of time.

Two months later, Sun Hao officially stayed in bed.

The body is too heavy, the lungs completely lose function, the real yuan has not recovered, the health function can not support the consumption of Sun Hao, Sun Hao had to stay in bed to rest.

What moved Sun Hao was that on the night of his bed, Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing moved into the small swordsman's yard next to Sun Hao's yard, and took care of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao originally thought that Ji Ruxue was a young lady, and she was not used to taking care of others. But who knows, when Ji Ruxue took care of Sun Hao, it was very natural, as if it was justified.

Ji Ruxue and Xiaoqing take turns to give Sun Hao a daily massage with Jianqi, so that all parts of Sun Hao's body always maintain good vitality.

Although Sun Hao can't move, but the feeling is still there, and the heart can't help but feel like the faint warmth of Wangcun.

The so-called road to know the horsepower, the time to see the people, when the time is tough, can you see the quality of people most realistically.

Perhaps Sun Hao is in bed and will eventually recover.

However, there will be no rehabilitation effect of Xiaoqing and snow care. (To be continued.) 8

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