Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1488: Human movement


Recommended reading:? In my mind, thousands of thousands of words that haven’t been flipped for a long time have begun to turn up again.

Sun Hao really found a text that is very familiar with the birth of the road, Dan Wen?

But unfortunately, Sun Hao has too few spirits in his hands, and the lines on his hand can't find an accurate answer to the familiar text. Many lines are plausible. Sun Hao simply can't get the answer.

Sun Hao tried to write this kind of texture, and once again, he regretted that he could not write it at all, and it was a kind of text that was very similar to the rune.

Moreover, even if Sun Hao took the pen to practice, he still regretted that he could not do the normative font in his mind.

Now, Sun Hao has begun to realize that the thousand thousand words in his mind may be a very good legacy of the Yaozu, and some of the things recorded may be immeasurable for his future. Help.

Reselling the low-level swordsman refining in his own hands, Sun Hao got more than 2,000 contributions, ran to read some information, and detailed the refining method, precautions, usage and usage of the three-tened tire. Replaced it and studied it in detail.

Iron tires are not difficult, silver tires are rare, and golden tires are in the sky.

Ji Ruxue also paid attention to the raising of the swordsmanship level of the three-dan, knowing that the difficulty may not be small.

She said that it is good. From the detailed refining data, it can be seen that the refining of Yintai Pills is difficult, and the golden pill is basically difficult to appear. It can be seen that the Swordsman’s Camp, the Golden Swordsman There are not many estimates.

And Sun Hao, after getting the refining materials, his face gradually showed a bright smile, and other monks could not refine, not representing Sun Hao.

Perhaps, Sun Hao has found a fundamental place to surpass other swordsmen.

The difficulty of refining Jintai Pills appears in two aspects. One is that refining materials are rare. Jintai Pills need at least one of the crystals in the silver waste to be refined. It is best to crystallize the gold, which is difficult to achieve. In terms of refining, the medicinal materials are quite unstable, and the change in temperature is likely to cause loss of efficacy, which is difficult to achieve.

This point is not very suitable for the monks who are used to taking the real fire to alchemy. However, for Sun Hao who has practiced the water for hundreds of years, it is not a problem but an advantage.

What Sun Hao needs to solve is precisely how to get a lot of silver crystallization.

The use of silver crystallization to refine the golden dan, the required crystals can not be a small number, think it is also very well understood, using the lower order crystallization to cultivate the upper order of the sword, naturally need the amount to accumulate.

In a targeted manner, Sun Hao practiced the practice of raising the baby Sandan for a few days, and also consulted some information on the silver shortage, and did not officially pay for the action. One day, in the swordsman's camp, there was a horn of whine.

From the residence, Sun Hao looked thoughtfully at the huge square of the swordsman battalion.

At this time, inside the female swordsman, a swordsman shouted: "The female camp listens, the swordsman is above, within half an hour, dress up with a belt, gather here."

Sun Hao heard the sound, and there was a silver armor in the air, and the female swordsman with glazed armor in both eyes, and more female swordsmen quickly flew down to her.

Before I even had time to think about it, Sun Hao heard the voice of the Ling Cang elite swordsman, and quickly came to the east side of the square.

Sun Hao Ruyan found the square east, Ling Chong elite swordsman whispered: "Sun Hao, today's Terran elites use soldiers together to destroy the wild animal nest, you put on a high-level swordsman costume to act with me."

Finished, handed Sun Hao a storage bag.

The Ling Chong elite swordsman said: "Drop your blood and let it recognize the Lord."

Sun Hao nodded, and the gods took out the silver suit in the storage bag. A drop of blood dripped up, the blood was immersed, the silver flashing red light flashed, and it flew up automatically, both feet, legs... from below Pour it up and spread it quickly on Sun Hao.

Sun Hao suddenly felt that he had a layer of shell on his body. The weight was not particularly heavy, but the pressure was huge. Sun Hao had to use the tide of the sea to prop up the silver armor and not let him hug himself.

Ling Cang elite swordsman whispered: "This is the test of a senior swordsman. If you can't resist it, there is nothing. It will naturally recede. If you can resist it, it will become your swordsman's armor."

Sun Hao nodded and asked: "Does this pressure always exist?"

Ling Cang elite swordsman shook his head: "No, as long as you can block a fragrant time, the back does not exist."

Soon, Sun Hao covered a layer of silver armor, and his eyes appeared particularly clear before, as if he could see through the cloud-like glass mirror, and he felt that Sun Hao had completely turned into a silver swordsman. I can't see any of the original features.

On the back of the silver armor, a sword is automatically generated, and if necessary, a flying sword can be placed.

Ling Cang nodded and said: "Okay, let's go. The information you registered in the case is the high-level swordsman on the hill. On the silver armor, there is your code name. The rule of the swordsman battalion is that the confession does not recognize people, and the silver armor also has To isolate the role of the exploration of the gods, you will not expose yourself if you are careful."

When Sun Hao rushed to the square behind the Ling Cang elite swordsman, he found that the huge square was full of silver sergeants in uniform.

The east side of the square did not go far, Ling Chong elite swordsman stood in front of a team, behind him, including Sun Hao, standing in a row of five senior swordsmen, one of them nodded to Sun Hao, and the other three Then he revealed his doubts and curiously looked at Sun Hao, a high-ranking swordsman who suddenly emerged.

Sun Hao nodded slightly to the three of them and stood up behind the Ling Cang elite swordsman.

Time passed quickly.

Sun Hao observed that in the sword camp, the leader of the elite swordsman is no less than 100 people, every ten people as a group, a large swordsman floats in front.

On the helmet of the Great Swordsman, the golden helmets floated, making them look more heroic.

Three full-body gold armor, but the shape of the swordsman with the same shape as the silver armor, facing all the monks, floating above the air, the far right one said loudly: "Check the number."

Sun Hao felt a ripple from the front of the Ling Chong elite swordsman, and floated over his silver armor. After a scent of Kung Fu, the Ling Chong elite swordsman sang to the foremost swordsman. : "The 100th team should play ninth swordsmen, and actually played 8,950, and some of the swordsmen went out to perform their duties, which is in line with the conditions for playing."

The elite swordsman statistics, reported to the big swordsman, and finally the big swordsman statistics, reported to the upper swordsman command.

The swordsman led the report to the big commander in the middle, and the general commander nodded slightly. The swordsman on the left said loudly: "All the teams meet the requirements of the battle. The swordsmen listen. This is a joint operation. Every swordsman gives me Get up and let the other peoples see and see my swordsmanship..."

In parallel with the ten columns, the swordsmen, under the leadership of their elite swordsmen, quickly went outside the camp from the exit channel of the sword camp.

A million swordsmen army.

Silver silver is shining.

At the neat pace, you can hear the snoring of the silver armor between the steps.

In front of the team, the flag of a sword is flying high and fluttering in the wind.

Under the leadership of the banner, the swordsman army marched all the way to the huge grassland that was completely different from the usual active not far away, there was already a warrior flag embroidered with the knight. The wind is dancing.

At first glance, no less than 200,000 even mounts are white knights, and they are already orderly, standing on the grassland.

On the vast grassland, there is a chill.

Back to the quiver, a green dress, no less than half a million marksman army came along.

Driving the chariot, in the rumble of the sound, the 800,000 warrior army appeared in a place not far from Sun Hao.

The last debut was a five-line warrior who floated in the air and had no less than 100,000.

The elite power of the Terran has almost come out of the nest, and the Terran commander announced the battle mission, joint operations, clearing the wild animals, and cliffs and ridiculous nests.

The reason is that the ridiculous development of the cliff is too fast and must be cleared.

Among the millions of Terran army, Sun Hao felt his own smallness.

The torrent-like steel team made Sun Hao feel that he was just a drop of sea water that was not eye-catching.

A million swordsmen are the middlemen of the Terran army. Sun Hao is integrated into the ranks and marches at the pace of his shackles.

Next to Sun Hao, there is a warrior's chariot team, this is the right wing of the Terran battlefield, and on the other side, a tall and tall knight constitutes the left wing.

Behind the Chinese army is the archer army, and the five-line war department is divided into two left and right, standing behind the chariot and the knight.

There are also some knights with relatively small size, who are swimming around the team and exist as a mobile force.

A powerful battle is overwhelming, and it has pressed the past to the ridiculous survival of the cliff. (To be continued.)

I have read the book of "Nine Refinery and Immortal".

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