Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1489: Small in size

Before today, Sun Hao did not understand the Terran camp.

Before today, Sun Hao did not feel much about the battlefield in the virtual world.

After coming in to the Terran camp, Ping calmed down for ten years. Sun Hao’s feelings were similar to those of Ling Tianjian. He said that there are differences, that is, there are many strangers, and they are not in contact with each other. They are all busy.

But this time, following the Terran army, Sun Hao had a completely different feeling.

The pressure of the Terran fighting, the pressure of the gathering, so that Sun Hao is shocked, the sea of ​​pride that he is proud of, under the impact of this general trend, is absolutely like the waves in the sea, will be flattened in an instant.

The general momentum of the steel torrent has produced a huge shock wave.

The swordsmen have not yet shot, and the wild beasts that appear occasionally in front of them are washed away.

The whole army of the Terran army formed a whole under the cohesiveness of the momentum. Sun Hao himself was also integrated into it. It didn’t take much effort, and it has followed the army, like the flood of the Yangtze River like the sea. Gushing.

The whole team ran fast for more than three hours, and the team's speed was slightly slower.

In front of the sky, there is black pressure, like a huge black cloud, covering the sun, exudes sorrow and anger, confrontation with the Terran army.

In the sky, a human swordsman commanded a big drink: "Pillar sword."

The speed of the swordsman running stopped abruptly. The million swordsmen raised their flying swords with both hands, and the body sank slightly, and the left foot stepped on the side.

With the bang, the earth is like a shock, and the tidy march of the millions of troops makes the earth tremble.

Among all the swordsmen, there may not be much experience without training. Sun Hao is one of them, but Sun Hao still does not move slowly, and completes his own "pillar sword" according to the actions of other swordsmen.

In the swordsman battalion, every swordsman is in a straight body, holding up the flying sword in his hand, standing in the middle of the Terran battle, right in front.

Among the sky, the flying elite swordsmen, swordsmen and swordsmen led the body, and received the blessing of a million swordsmen, forming a huge sky-like sword, like a pillar, tied to the prairie.

This is the swordsman sword.

The warriors and knights on both sides are slightly behind the swordsmen, and they are also in a strong position, standing firmly on the ground.

Among the gods of Sun Hao, the ridiculous cliff opposite is a huge gray bird with a length of one foot and a wingspan of two feet.

Further away, there is a block of towering cliffs, huge nests, neatly arranged, like a hive, built on a cliff, thousands of miles.

A huge, powerful wild animal community.

The first to launch is not a swordsman. The pillar sword is only for defense, just to gain momentum.

After the sword, the swordsmen began to stand by.

The squadrons after the Swordsman squadron began to shoot bows and arrows.

The string of the cymbal rang from the sacred camp after the swordsman, and the arrow rushed out, and the speed was extremely fast, pouring out into the air.

The battle started instantly.

On the ground, swordsmen, warriors, and knights did not launch at will.

The Shenying Camp and the Five Elements War Department are the mainstays, constantly fighting the ridiculousness of the air.

The absurd strength is not weak, the absurd strength of adulthood is not a swordsman, and the ridiculousness is not weaker than the elite swordsman.

They also quickly launched a counterattack against the Terran monks.

The war is on fire.

The dark clouds flew from a distance, shrouded in the battle of the Terran, and a large number of ridiculous were shot in the air. Blood rain, feathers spilled, and the air seemed to fall down.

The swordsman silver silver is shining, the blood is not stained, and the lenses on the eye mask can make Sun Hao clearly discover the ridiculous attack action through the feathers.

But there is still a lot of absurdity to fight down.

The swordsman commander violently said: "Double swords."

The swordsmen responded with a voice and took a step forward, holding the sword in both hands, slamming down a sword, and then took out the second sword.

The silver armor swayed, and the swordsman’s swords were pulled by the silver armor. They flew up in the air, and the sword pillars that stood in the air suddenly shone, and they smashed two swords and slashed forward.

Two huge cross-crossed swords rushed out and smashed into the air.

The sword is over, the sky is thick and the ridiculous is empty, and the two huge crosses of the cross appear on the dark clouds in the sky.

I can't heal for a long time.

On both sides, the warrior and the knight also started to start.

The Cavaliers are violent: "Raise the gun."

The chariot is violent: "The shield."

The knight’s hand was raised with a long gun, and the tip of the gun was plunged out like a forest. The ridiculous smashing of large swaths was pierced by life.

The big shield of the chariot warrior seems to be the lid of the long-range troops.

The war is in full swing.

In this, Sun Hao deeply felt his weakness and insignificance.

The ridiculousness of the air also has a strange attacking posture. In addition to the instinctive slamming, the attack can also spit fire bombs and magical sound waves.

If the Terran Silver Armor has a magical sound insulation effect, this sound wave will not be good.

A lot of ridiculousness was killed, but there were still a large number of fireballs forming a sea of ​​fire, falling into the battle of the Terran monks.

The raging flames burned on the grasslands.

The swordsmen are still lined up in neat formations, and under the leadership of their elite swordsmen, they have launched a confrontation with absurdity.

In Sun Hao’s knowledge, it can be seen that many swordsmen could not withstand the fire of the fire, and a silver armor fell into the fire.

Sun Hao can also see that there are high-ridical and ridiculous claws that have caught the swordsman’s head and caught it in the air, which was instantly ridiculed.

The war is on fire and in full swing.

The swordsman is like a mountain, forming a wall of people, blocking the archer behind him, allowing the **** shooter to shoot quickly.

But at the same time, the Terran Swordsmen inevitably suffered casualties.

Not only the swordsman battalion, in fact, the warriors and knights on the left and right wings also have casualties.

Relatively safe, it is the Shinsei Department and the Five Elements War Department.

But when it comes to the ridiculous killing, it is also more powerful for long-range strikes.

After the war, Sun Hao felt that his own smallness, the sword of the four seas, the general trend of the sea, has been applied, and there is a faint blue light above the silver armor.

Under the flying sword, I don’t know how many vacancies have fallen from the sky, but the general trend of the sea is not how far it can be released.

Thousands of ridiculous slamming power, the power of the rear shooter's neatly shot, will instantly defeat the grandeur of Sun Hao's individual sea.

It is not that the sea is not strong, but in this battle of thousands of horses, the individual strength of the monks has been absolutely suppressed in the face of the power of the team.

Unless Sun Hao can reach the height of the sword camp command, otherwise, Sun Hao’s own combat power will not be able to control the situation.

Among the fires, Sun Hao did not dare to neglect, and the movements became more and more familiar with the strict implementation of the requirements of the sword camp. At the same time, some of the gods were always concerned about the direction of the female swordsman camp.

Under the silver armor equipment, Sun Hao can't distinguish between Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing. All the female swordsmen are a model. Fortunately, the characteristics of the female swordsman are quite obvious, otherwise it is impossible for Sun Haolian female swordsman to be in any position. know.

Swordsman Women's Camp There are more than 3,000 swordsmen of all levels. Among them, swordsmen like Snow and Xiaoqing are more than a thousand, but they are the backbone of the Swordsmen Women's Camp.

Sun Hao has been paying close attention to the movements of this part of the swordsman and doing his best to help him as much as possible.

With a bang, a high-level ridiculous broke through the defense of the swordsman, rushed down, and the two claws screamed in the direction of the swordsman female camp.

Sun Hao knows what to do, and Shen Xiangjian flies out.

Among the millions of the army, the light blue brilliance flashed, and the high-ridical steel claws were hit by the blue ripples, and a scream of screaming, in an instant, the surrounding Jianguang attacked and completely advanced the high-grade It’s drowning.

This is just a small episode in the battlefield. In an instant, the swordsmen are once again engaged in other battles, forgetting that such a thing has happened.

In fact, in the battlefield, the ridiculousness of this breakthrough defense is happening all the time. The difference is that there is no damage, the size of the damage.

Sun Hao defeated the high-level wild beast and suddenly caught it. Ji Ruxue had already judged that it was Sun Hao’s help, and entangled Xiaoqing. He continued to display Ling Tianjian’s moves in front of himself and finally let Sun Hao find it. Their location.

The battle continues.

The bright moon rises, the bright moonlight keeps coming through the dark clouds, but in the battlefield, the moonlight is stained with blood.

There was already a blood red around, the earth was dyed and dyed, and the ears were a little bit awkward. Sun Hao didn't know how many swords he had waved.

Only know kill, kill, kill!

The only thing that can be done is to ensure the safety of them, such as Xue and Xiaoqing, while ensuring their own safety.

Day after day, the war continued for more than half a month. (To be continued.)

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