Nine Cents Refining

: Civilization

Book friends, please read the latest chapter carefully.

Endure not to die.

Since Bo Yao wrote nine refineries, he has experienced many twists and turns, such as 900,000 words before being put on the shelves. He was overhauled once before the shelves, and cut 200,000 words. The actual is 1.1 million words of the public.

For example, the old readers of the past have some gradual departures.

After the ascent, there were some readers who couldn't stand the hardship after the ascent and went away.

For example, although Bo Yao is very cautious and wants to take care of the reading experience of more book friends as much as possible, there are still book owners who have raised objections.

Nine refining has come to the present, and it is not easy to use 4 million words.

But in any case, Bo Yao understands this truth.

No matter how others evaluate, what I can do is to be like Duz's lungfish, tough, and write down the nine refining.

There is hope in persistence.

Abandoning a book only requires a dissatisfaction.

But Bo Yao insists on it, and only needs one reason: as long as there are book friends who support Bo Yao, then it is like the Duz lungfish in the wall. Jiu Lian always has the water vapor and nutrients that depend on it.

Your willingness to leave is my dedication.

I would like to turn into a fish in a soil wall, waiting for a new life. (To be continued.)u

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