Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1503: Pear blossoms

Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing really care about the small pear trees. Even under their influence, Ji Yun and Ji Yuliu also take care of the pear tree baby as soon as they have time.

It’s Sun Hao, much more casual, think of it, just pour it into the lake or something.

After the restoration of the three attributes, Sun Hao temporarily stopped condensing the fourth silver-feet pill and turned to comprehensively improve his own strength, especially fighting spirit.

The water property of the silver granules at hand is the worst among all the silver granules. Sun Hao has now gone to the silver crystallization area, and naturally has more choices. On the real ji, Sun Hao’s gaze has been aimed. Golden pill in the depths of the slope.

The energy contained in the golden fetal pill, a hundred times of silver fetal pill, if possible, if Sun Hao can refine the golden fetal pill, maybe the refining gas can be improved to a higher level.

Of course, before this, Sun Hao first needs yào to further enhance his own strength, or else, he will not be able to reach the gold crystallization area.

Sun Hao began to repair liàn "word of fighting" and "God's sword".



p; fighting songs, song statement, sword strokes, a kind of swordsmanship.

Shen Yujian is another very strange Yu Jian. The effect of this sword is to strengthen the effects of various monks and swords, and reduce the requirements of various swords.

It is also a magic.

When he saw this sword, Sun Hao had a bright eye.

Reducing the requirements of various swordsmanship requirements may be helpful to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao is different from the swordsman who has been arbitrarily repaired in this world. The biggest advantage is actually flying the monk. Sun Hao himself has repaired many very powerful exercises in the lower bounds, but after flying, because of the special law relationship, many skills They are all sealed and can't be displayed.

Among them, Sun Hao is very important in all stages of the lower bounds, and the sword is the sword.

Sword rims, swords straight, swords like mountains and swords, each stroke is powerful, but also has its own characteristics.

It’s okay to enter the swords. On Kaimo Island, Sun Hao has tried to use these four styles, but he has never been able to take it.

According to the process of Sun Haoxiu liàn, many skills in this world are not impossible to repair liàn, the most typical is the eight methods of the sea.

Under normal circumstances, Guanhai Bafa can't be played, but when Sun Hao's understanding of the seascape reaches a certain level, he finally succeeds, and becomes the heavy yào support of Sun Hao's refining.

Therefore, when Sun Hao saw the sword of the gods, he could not help but shine.

When the sword is used by God, the **** is the sword, and the ordinary monk thinks that God is born into the sword and is born. In fact, the **** knows the sword, but also has the power and the speed, the speed is slow, the angle is different... Therefore, the **** sword The first thing to repair is actually the power of God.

Carefully scolding the gods and swords, Sun Hao suddenly made a very interesting thing.

The method of the gods' swordsmanship and the practice of getting started are actually quite similar to the theory that Sun Hao got the sword in the lower bounds.

Moreover, the way of repairing liàn actually has some relationship with the sword book.

For example, the Emperor's swordsmanship emphasizes that the way to repair the liàn monk's knowledge of the imperial power is to make the flying sword, practice the rotation, practice the straight stab, practice the speed...

These things are Sun Hao in the sword book, the process of repairing liàn.

Carefully scolding the gods and swords, Sun Haofa xiàn himself may have made a common sense mistake.

It is very likely that some of the lower bounds of the repair of liàn can not be repaired liàn in the virtual world, but just go to the virtual world to learn to walk again. Some of the techniques of repairing liàn, to the virtual world, must also be skilled from scratch.

The sword book Yu Jianshu may be one of them.

After carefully scrutinizing some of the characteristics of the gods' swords and swords, Sun Hao began his own practice.

Singing a fighting song, the imperial agarwood began to practice the sword rim.

Although practicing the sword rim in the virtual world is only the first time, Sun Hao has practiced many times in the lower bounds. Many experiences have been engraved in the bones. Many movements have become their own instinct. In less than three days, Sun Hao has successfully deployed the sword to break the river.

In less than ten days, Sun Haojian’s straight stabs made a sudden po, and they became a sword.

It was half a month, and Sun Haojian was refining the mountain and completed the Jianbhan Mountain.

And the gods swordsmanship, with the practice of these three styles, fully meet the requirements of repairing liàn, and later, it is the accumulation of water and hard work.

Only to the fourth style of the sword book, Sun Hao began to jam, how can it not be a sword.

Sun Hao has a psychological standard, because in the lower bounds, Sun Hao’s display of Jianhua is still very reluctant. It must be carried out under certain conditions, and it is not very familiar, and it is completely beyond It is difficult to practice some of the normal cultivating liàn categories of the gods.

The fighting songs have also been memorized, and every time they go down the slope, they sing high and Sun Hao’s distance will increase a lot.

A few months passed by.

Sun Haoxiu liàn has made a lot of progress. In addition to the fighting songs and the swordsmanship, Sun Hao has finally practiced a drop of bloodlessness. However, this drop of blood has just been refined, and the small flames in the heart are immediately burning. Immediately wrapped the blood, refining it.

Undead blood secret surgery has no such record at all, Sun Hao can only dry his eyes, following the xu repair liàn, there will always be a small fire will eat.

A few months later, Ji Ruxue and others also produced a drop of blood.

Moreover, what is more important is that their iron-raising procedures are completely completed, and the whole body is really agitated, and all of them have reached the Golden Dan.

Sun Hao laid the law on the frog-like boulder, and gave each of them a refinement of the spirit, so that they officially began to advance.

The Jindan and Yuanying monks in the virtual world are far more than the lower bounds. The fundamental reason is that there is no robbing in the virtual world, and the annihilation of Yuan Ying is just meaning.

The robbery of the monks in the virtual world is more reflected in the robbery period.

Therefore, it only took two months before and after, and all four women went into the Yuan Ying period and became Jian Jun.

However, according to Sun Hao’s suggestion, they did not turn the sword in Dantian into a magic weapon, but they continued to become a sword pill, followed by xu repair liàn.

A few months before and after, waiting for a few women, the last one, Ji Yun completed the broken Dan baby, unconsciously, and went to the spring of one year.

A lot of small pear trees grow up, and a few white pear flowers are on top, as if they are celebrating, and gently swinging in the wind.

The flowering period of the pear tree is much longer than that of ordinary pear trees.

Especially this fairy pear tree, when it was growing up, just happened to meet the four females, and inadvertently absorbed a lot of heaven and earth and a special aura, growing more exotic, a few white pear blossoms in full bloom for more than three months. .

I was happy with a few girls and I was like a big baby.

Its excitement even exceeds the silver bantam that Sun Hao gave them.

The four women are full of bèi, and the accumulation is also strong. Under the supply of Sun Hao's sufficient iron and iron, Shangpin Jianmao really did not expect it, and all of them were turned into iron tire pills.

The iron wreckage left by the blind frog burial site is quite a lot, but it is really possible to push their swords to the height of the silver granules. Of course, the golden granules can't be done anyway.

Sun Hao spent a little time, and in accordance with the most scientific configuration, gave each woman a refining of a group of upper, middle and lower three products, and successively raised the silver.

There is a big difference between the virtual world and the lower world.

The low-ranking monks in the virtual world do not need to have too much sensation. As long as they are repaired, they can advance quickly. Of course, there is no special understanding of the strength gap.

For example, the four women, Ji Ruxue comprehended the light sword, and after the daylight and the moonlight comprehend the Dacheng Guangming sword, the other three women are not the opponent of Ji Ji Ruxue comprehends the moonlight The meaning of the sword seems to be a matter of course, that is to say, Sun Haoxiu liàn 当 当 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Innocent sword body, no scale sword heart.

Sure enough, there is a natural advantage to repair liàn.

Of course, the biggest metamorphosis recognized by several women is still Sun Hao.

Because they send xiàn, I don't know when dào, refining the air to the lowest Sun Hao, a refinement of the air has become like the abyss of the sea, let them a few stunned.

However, they clearly remember that Sun Hao began to refine the air in the battlefield of the virtual world.

How long has it been before, they have already opened up and they do not know how far dào.

Of course, they also understand that refining a golden fetal pill, two silver fetal pill, the invariable state is strange, and their cultivation is lower than the silver fetal pill. I don’t know many levels of fertilizer and Under the nourishment of Yin Yin Dan, it has leaps and bounds.

The strange undead blood also made their refining body repair, that is, the sword body began to develop rapidly, and laid a good physical condition for the improvement of gas refining.

Xiaoqing has no need to yào Sun Hao to stun and throw the pool, but every time he finishes the blood, he will naturally want Sun Hao to hold her to sleep for one night to stabilize the mood.

However, Ji Wei regards her as crazy and mad, taking the opportunity to love the hill. (To be continued.)

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