Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1505: Pear Blossoms (3) (thanks to the book friends)

Day after day, year after year.

Years of pear blossoms.

Pear blossomed and thanked, thanked and opened again.

But it has never been fruit.

Xian pear tree, ten years fruit.

It has been ten years since the blink of an eye, and the white pear blossoms are elegant and pure, but there is still no result. Under the care of several women, under the influence of several swords, the pear trees are also the same species as their own. Different.

Although Xiaoqing is very much looking forward to having grown into a big tree and become a place where she often rests, she can bear fruit, but it has no results. Xiaoqing does not complain. She cares for fruit trees. Ten years later, it has become theirs. Habits and nature.

Ten years, it is just a slap in the face of the virtual battlefield, but it is enough to make the monks forget a lot of people, a lot of things.

In addition to a very small number of people, Sun Hao and others have been completely forgotten.

Of course, for ten years, for Sun Hao, there is an extraordinary harvest.

Five crystals, Sun Hao has got three of them.

In the end, there was only one light blue, and a pale red crystal was not taken.

In the past ten years, Sun Hao has forgotten how many drops of blood he has cultivated, and even his own body repairs have been polished to a small step forward, reaching the great completion of the ancient iron warfare, but still Without exception, his undead blood has completely turned into a nutrient for small flames.

Ten years, Sun Hao continued to cultivate the refining gas, and under the nourishment of the continually taking the golden dan, there has also been tremendous progress. The three attributes are really close to the late stage of the god, and the price is obtained from the blind frog. The silver crystallization of the field consumed more than half.

The spirit of the four seas, the sea sword, the more rounded.

The trend of killing is still in the stage of murder and soaring, but the trend of the fighters has gradually condensed.

The most typical sign is that Sun Hao knows the stick in the sea, and finally stands on the island again, and begins to bloom golden light.

In the past ten years, Sun Hao has never used his stick to improve his fighting spirit. He has never used the stick to practice his fighting spirit.

Just use the agarwood sword with the fighting song, and constantly hone yourself.

By now, the imposing blessings of the fighting song and the agarwood sword have reached their peak.

Sun Hao has been in the process for more than a month, and can't get far behind.

In other words, it almost reached the limit of Sun Hao.

At this point, the distance is light blue crystal, there is half the distance between the palms, and the distance from the last one is half the distance.

A few women think that Sun Hao may have difficulty winning the last two gold shortages.

Xiaoqing spit out his tongue and said: "Small hills, I feel that you may need to polish for a long time, in order to break through the current fighting limits, we have to fight for a long time."

Sun Hao smiled and ended his own repercussions. He clap his hands and said: "Girls, starting today, half a year, give you advanced. After half a year, see me show my magic and win the last two crystals."

A few women laughed at the same time, even Ji Ruxue, who was as cold as the moon, had a bright smile on his face.

Before coming to Lange Green Island, they never thought that they would be promoted to the realm of Jianjun so quickly, and they would never think that they would be so fast, ushered in the realm of the swordsman of the realm, that is, the sword king of Lingtianjian. level.

But now, as Sun Hao said, they have already prepared for the breakthrough at this time, and at least polished for more than two years.

Over the years, the golden nectar of the silver crystallization refining has fallen into the belly of Sun Hao, and more of the iron crystallization of the iron crystallization refining has been divided into four groups, falling into the belly of several women.

However, to make them a little puzzled, in order to improve their cultivation, Sun Hao even did not hesitate to let them take the different attributes of the silver.

Such a method of taking it can indeed enhance their cultivation and quickly push them to the edge of the god, but naturally there are also bad results.

In the end, according to Sun Hao’s plan, they need to advance their iron-born pills into silver-filled pills at the time of the transformation of the gods, and break the silver-filled pills and condense them into their own souls.

This process, with the help of Sun Hao's special group of matching Yin Dan, should not be difficult to achieve, the energy is completely enough.

But the problem is that the property of Yin Yin Dan is not pure, and the result is probably that the fit of the Soul Calibur is not very high.

Among the Lingjianjian's sword repair cognition, a sword soul with a high degree of fit is a strong sword. The potential and power will be stronger than the sword soul generated by a silver-feet pill.

However, the absolute trust that Sun Hao has developed over the years has allowed them to selectively ignore this problem. As always, they have been implementing Sun Hao’s cultivation arrangements, and today, they are welcoming the gods. .

At this time, it is another spring.

The white pear blossoms are open again.

Ji Ruxue accumulated the deepest, and the first one began to turn to God.

Taking the top grade of Sun Hao's special product, Dan, the last high-ranking Yin Dan, Ji Ruxue began.

There was no big robbery in the promotion of the gods. Ji Ruxue easily broke through the barriers of cultivation and achieved the god.

In less than three days, he successfully promoted the iron-filled pill into a silver-feet pill and began to generate the sword spirit. At this time, the problem appeared, and the resulting sword-soul fit was not ideal. The pure white sword soul sword body should be pure. Above, it is full of variegated colors.

When everyone was a little sorry for Ji Ruxue, Sun Hao reached out and took two chapters of strange symbols on the forehead of Ji Ruxue.

A magical thing happened.

The variegated color on the sword body of Ji Ruxue was cleaned, but in the half day, the body of the sword was as white as the new one, and the fit was 100%. After waking up from the setting, Ji Ruxue held his own white sword soul. Surprise inexplicable, even like Xiaoqing, who is not ashamed and shy, hugged Sun Hao, and kissed him.

The next thing will be easier.

With the example of Ji Ruxue, a few women were excited, and according to Sun Hao’s arrangement, they began to break through.

All four women did not break through to the senior swordsman and produced the silver sword soul.

In the heart of Sun Hao, he took a sigh of relief.

After the four women became senior swordsmen, their viability in the virtual battlefield increased greatly, and they themselves lost a worry.

The plan is half completed, and then, see if you can achieve your goals as scheduled.

The four women accumulated enough to complete the breakthrough, but it took only two months. At this time, the pear blossoms still bloom, and the whole pear tree keeps swaying in the wind, as if it is a warm congratulation.

Each of the four women embraced Sun Hao.

Of course, Xiaoqing is a fierce kiss for a long time.

The iron dan, the preciousness of raising silver dan, they have long been in the sword camp, they have a deep understanding, it is said that even if it is a five-level alchemy teacher, the probability of raising a silver dandan is difficult to exceed 20%.

In addition to the fact that the big wild animals are rare, in fact, even in the sword camp, the appearance of a silver sword soul is very rare.

But with the help of Sun Hao, they magically did it on this Langein Island. Dreaming generally achieves goals that others may not achieve in their lifetime.

Advanced God, Shouyuan for thousands of years.

The creation of the silver sword, the road to repairing the sword with half the effort, plus the cultivation qualifications that were not weak, their life was completely rewritten.

It is inevitable that the heart will stir.

And there is one more thing that makes Xiaoqing, who is eager to try, think of it, and she will not be slightly reddened by her face. Sun Hao once told her that if she is promoted to the gods and cultivated as a solid foundation, she can become a Taoist, and her dream of a big house can be realized.

A few women completed the advancement in advance.

Sun Hao did not think that he could already be a gangster, and began his own preparation It was the disappointment of Xiaoqing, who was full of expectations, the big eyes and beads began to turn, to find a way, of course, She is also not in a hurry to disturb Sun Hao’s business.

Sitting cross-legged on the big stone, Sun Hao’s mouth rang a bright fighting song.

The wrist flashed, the golden light flashed on the hand, and the stick of the gods appeared on the virtual world for the first time.

Sun Haofei was promoted to the upper bound, and the smuggling tower was temporarily unavailable. The stick could not be used. However, with Sun Hao’s self-discipline, the sticks gradually adapted to the virtual Renewed golden light.

With the help of the stick, he is sitting on the knees and singing the songs of Sun Hao. The fighting spirit is rising from the sky, and the powerful momentum makes the women not far away feel a strong feeling of resistance.

The trend of the fighters!

At this moment, they felt the body of Sun Hao and the situation of the fighters.

A few women retreated a little, looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes. I didn't expect Sun Hao to have such a trick. With this golden stick, maybe Sun Hao can really rush to the end and pick up the last golden crystallization.

Sun Hao, who is sitting on the knees, did not directly rush down the slope.

Among the exuberant fighting spirits, Sun Hao’s mind was slightly moved.

The general trend of the sea quickly withdrew from its own spine, and the power of the fighters replaced it. It quickly replaced the sword of the sea and gradually evolved the ridge of the fighters of Sun Hao.

However, when Sun Hao’s tactical ridge was completely created, what Sun Hao unexpectedly happened happened. In the hands of the stick, actually do not need to greet Sun Hao, naturally rushed into the body of Sun Hao, and the ridge of fighting spirit in Sun Hao's body is united.

When it was heard, the stick of the stick was inlaid into the new spine of Sun Hao, and it did not move.

Why is this?

Sun Hao is a bit dumbfounded.

But in an instant, Sun Hao’s eyes lit up again. (To be continued~^~)

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