Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1506: Great horror (thanks to the book friends and tyrants)

It’s unclear what it’s like to fight.

It is not known what the material of the fighting stick is.

However, when Sun Hao practiced the trend of fighting, and used his fighting spirit to prop up his own spine, he was prepared to fully attack the final golden crystallization.

The magical change has taken place.

Dou Dou does not need Sun Hao to control, and he ran to become a fighter, greatly strengthening Sun Hao’s fighting ridge and propping up Sun Hao’s spine.

At this time, the stick of the sky, completely transformed into the golden trapper's tendency, attached to the spine of Sun Hao, propped up the spine of Sun Hao, completely unable to see the stick body, and it seems that this is the stick of the day. It should be in the form.

At the moment when the fighting stick became a spine, Sun Hao’s heart surged into the realization of his own struggle, the most difficult to train, and he did not know how to fully practice the struggler’s general trend and practiced it.

The will of the battlefield, the spirit of being strong and not frustrating, has always accompanied his life.

The body was quite up, and Sun Hao stood on the boulder and whispered in his mouth. It seemed to be a golden light that was erected in the body and condensed around Sun Hao’s body.

Shen Xiangjian appeared again in his hand.

The finger slammed on the agarwood sword.

Fighting songs.

With golden light, holding agarwood, Sun Hao rushed to the **** again.

This time, Sun Hao did not attach a beast to his waist, but directly rushed down.

The four women looked at each other and couldn't help but jump on the boulder. They looked at Sun Hao, who was rushing forward like a huge Golden Shuttle.

The fighters are fearless and fighting.

The golden light shines and the madness advances.

Soon, Sun Hao rushed to the penultimate gold crystallization, and Shen Xiangjian picked it up, crystallized into the palm of his hand, and the momentum was slightly slowed down. Sun Hao accelerated again and rushed into the last half.

Huge pressure, like the waves, rushed from the front and waves, and washed the golden light of Sun Hao.

The momentum of the forehead slammed, and Sun Hao screamed, and Shen Xiangjian slammed it on the slope. The whole body flashed, and the body shook a few times, finally standing firmly on the slope.

Sing a sentence: "Because you are a high-ranking player, you are as bold as a fight." Sun Hao has taken a solid step forward.

Sing a sentence: "Move the stars to change the fighters, step on the ladder", and then take a step forward.

A sigh of relief, continuous martyrdom: "I am hidden, I am like a shuttle, such as the sand gull only wants a fight in the heavens and the earth; a smile and enmity, there will be no king, happy and open, such as the Great Saint only ask for a fight... ..."

In the screaming voice, Sun Haoteng continually moved forward, striding forward and striding a few steps.

But a song of the song, completely sung here, but Sun Hao is far from the last reddish gold crystallization, and one step away, Sun Hao’s body has been under tremendous pressure, here, involuntarily swaying A few shakes.

The last step, enter or retreat? Do you lose money?

Sun Hao’s eyes jerked brightly, his body was golden, his hands were in the air, and his mouth was followed by the original fighting song. He was also violently screaming: “When the battle is over, I am invincible.”

The right foot jerked forward, and a bang, standing next to the last golden crystallization, stood steadily.

On the body, the fighting spirit has almost become a golden eggshell, and the light is restrained, supporting Sun Hao, so that Sun Hao can stand firmly before the golden age.

At this time, Sun Hao, in the eyes, only the golden crystallization, the demeanor is infinitely focused, a little bit out, grabbing the crystal.

At this moment, Sun Hao’s hand is firm, but in his heart, he is happy. After such a long time, Sun Hao finally achieved his goal.

Gently, Sun Hao grabbed the reddish crystal.

The wrists swelled and crystallized into the storage bag. The uncontrollable excitement rushed from the bottom of my heart. Sun Hao would like to cheer for it.

Taking a deep breath, Sun Hao stabilized his emotions and slowly stood up.

However, when Sun Hao began to stand up straight, his eyes finally looked to the front, and after seeing the scene ahead, his heart could not help but scream, his mouth almost exclaimed, his face suddenly changed.

In front of Sun Hao, it was not a wall at all. It was a huge snake that absorbed almost all the light. The loess was a huge disk. Sun Hao went to the present position and just saw it. To the snake head, and the eyes of the serpent are still round and straight, watching Sun Hao straight.

The cold sweat instantly came out of Sun Hao’s body.

Because at this time, the position of Sun Hao standing, from the giant snake Zhang Da, is like the huge mouth of the huge abyss, but only a distance of ten feet.

The giant snake didn't know how long it was. He visually measured the body of the disk, and it was round and huge, and the diameter was less than a hundred feet.

Sun Hao did not dare to breathe, looking straight at the eyes of the giant snake, under his feet, did not dare to move, fearing that he accidentally acted, attracted the assault of the giant snake.

Sun Hao finally understood the origin of the huge pressure in front.

The front is not an abyss, but a huge and fierce land. The forces may even surpass the desert snakes of the Golden Age.

The pressure is not formed by the blind frog burial place, but by the desert snake.

Sun Hao can be sure that even if his strength is greatly increased, it is definitely not the opponent of this desert snake. Not to mention the other, it is this kind of pressure that has made Sun Hao not the slightest chance.

With his own fighting power, ordinary wild animals that surpass one or two levels of their own are unable to suppress their own fighting spirit.

However, this desert snake has suppressed its own movements. It can be seen that the level of the snake is too different.

The spirit is highly tight, and Sun Hao looks straight into the eyes of the desert snake and begins to move backwards slowly.

One step, two steps, the speed is not too fast, Sun Hao is careful, a little bit of movement, can not dare to attract the attention of the desert snake.

After a few steps of nervously moving backwards, Sun Hao was surprised to find that the eyes of the opposite snake were not seen by themselves.

Still in a constant position, my eyes stared at the front.

The mouth is still open, and there is no movement to close or swallow.

Sun Hao couldn’t help but move. Is this a dead snake?

Standing in the same place, Sun Hao observed with his heart, but found that the body of the huge desert snake was slowly moving slowly at a speed that was difficult to see with the naked eye.

The big guy is definitely alive.

So now, its most likely state is sleeping.

It’s not a good thing to alarm this big guy. Sun Hao carefully, step by step, and gave back.

Finally, retreat to a slightly safe place, Sun Hao can no longer see the snake head and the snake eye below, and see that the giant snake is like a loess body, and it seems to be a giant abyss.

This wild animal, huge in size, does not say the breath, so that Sun Hao can not fully sense its existence.

What Sun Hao can perceive is the inherent pressure of it as a high-end wild beast.

I think about myself under this giant mouth, I have lived for more than ten years, and I ran around in a hurry. I took a lot of wild animal crystals, and Sun Hao felt a creepy heart.

A backflip, Sun Hao fell on the boulder, sweating and looking at the four women.

Ji Ruxue whispered: "Hill, congratulations, you finally got the last gold crystallization."

Xiaoqing hugged Sun Hao, and the pretty face was sent I kissed him: "Hill, you are so handsome, just a few times, it is really mighty."

Sun Hao’s heart was a bitter smile, and his whole body was a little bit collapsed. He sat on the boulder and kept gasping.

The four women thought that Sun Hao was tired, but where did he know that Sun Hao was a little surprised and scared, even if Sun Hao’s fighting spirit was in his body, he could not see such an irresistible behemoth, and he was still running in front of it. Run, my heart is not blame.

At the same time, Sun Hao also slightly understands why the strength of the blind frog can occupy such a large site in the core hinterland of Langein Island.

In fact, this is not the ability of blind frogs, but the deterrent power of the desert snakes.

At the same time, Sun Hao finally understood why blind frogs formed the habit of throwing their companions into the burial ground. It is estimated that this is feeding the wild snakes in exchange for the peace of their own ethnic groups. For thousands of years, it has become an instinct.

Sun Hao’s only doubt is that this desert snake is very different from other wild animals that Sun Hao has seen.

Most of the wild animals are very violent, and they will not let Sun Hao slap in its mouth, and this desert snake has let Sun Hao play it for more than ten years.

So, is this the habit of this desert snake? Is there anything wrong with this desert snake?

After gradually recovering from the huge shock of the desert snake, Sun Hao began to think about this interesting question.

You must know that Ji Ruxue has attracted a few days of robbery at the lake. Although the catastrophe in the virtual world is not very powerful, the Thunder is not allowed to leave, and the desert snake is actually no movement. Why?

How come there are such wonderful things happening?

Sun Hao fell into meditation.

The four women thought that Sun Hao was recovering, but did not bother Sun Hao.

After a long time, Sun Hao suddenly looked up and asked: "If snow, have you ever heard of the record of the dusk in the virtual world?" (To be continued~^~)

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