Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1515: Heavy news

The four women were shocked and did not dare to neglect. They began to clean up according to Sun Hao’s instructions.

In less than two days, the four women and Sun Hao had already packed up in advance, and Sun Hao’s swords together destroyed Dongfu and destroyed his forged sword room and water-smelting place.

The lakes surged up and washed away the traces of several people's activities.

Only in the end, Xiaoqing was very reluctant, with tears in his eyes, holding the pear tree still in full bloom, and asked softly: "What about the hills, Xiaoxian pear?"

Sun Hao walked to the fairy pear tree and touched it a few times. He said in his mouth: "Little fairy pear, remember me in one sentence, endure not to die, practice hard, maybe one day, we can meet again and go. Xiaoqing..."

A tree of pears and a lake, no one has a light rainbow tonight.

Long water in the moon, lonely pear flowers fall.

The fairy tree blossoms are flying in the sky, as the children whose parents are about to travel are crying.

Yushui went out of the lake, and Sun Hao couldn't bear to look back. With a little dull four women, he followed the way and quickly returned.

When he came out of the sword camp, Sun Hao expected that he would practice in Wuhu for a short time, but he did not expect to go for more than 20 years.

Of course, after such a long period of time, Sun Hao’s cultivation is no longer the same. The five attributes of the real elements have all recovered and advanced to the height that Sun Hao did not think of.

The fighting is great and the killing is great.

The strength of Sun Hao, unconsciously, has entered a new height.

The four women around me also jumped directly from the swordsman to the first stage, skipping the middle-level swordsman and directly became a senior swordsman.

Among them, Xiaoqing and Ji Ruxue, like Sun Hao, entered Wuhu in the same year, and they all realized the great swordsmanship. Unfortunately, their accumulation was still worse, and they failed to generate the relevant Dacheng swords.

The strength has increased greatly, and the speed of coming back is much faster than that of sneak into Wuhu. In less than ten days, Sun Hao has already reached the periphery of the Terran camp and returned to the swordsman camp through the entrance of the sword camp.

Without going to the original residence, Sun Hao directly inspired the contact charm of the Ling Cang elite swordsman.

The Ling Cang elite swordsman is still stationed in the sword battalion. However, when the appearance of Sun Hao, who has almost no change in appearance, appears in front of himself, the Ling Chong elite swordsman is very surprised.

Really, he also thought that Sun Hao and a few Ji family juniors fell into the battlefield of the virtual world.

Nothing to think about, they have come back for so many years.

Ling Cang elite swordsmen are very curious about how they survived in the virtual battlefield.

Everywhere, how can you not find them?

Sun Hao simply told the Ling Chong elite swordsman about his cultivation over the years. He said that he was trapped on a desert island and is now able to get out of trouble.

The Ling Chong elite swordsman thought of Sun Haoqi's sea sword, but it was a little bit to understand why Sun Hao could survive in Penghu.

I briefly described my own experiences and did not introduce myself to my cultivation. Sun Hao directly said the key point: "Ling Cang adults, before Sun Hao left the island, he accidentally discovered the traces of the Lakers, and felt that things are different, so they are flying fast. The land came back."

Ling Cang’s body jerked and his brow wrinkled deeply: “Are you sure that it is a Laker?”

Sun Hao nodded and said calmly: "I can't go wrong. The monk I saw was more than a tall man. He rode a giant tortoise and held a silver lake fork. He claimed to be a Lakers."

Ling Cang's face changed suddenly and whispered: "Ke Ke! One of the famous players in the Lakers' dynasty, trouble, Sun Hao, your message is too big, I need to report it, let the upper level decide, so You and Ji’s several female practitioners stayed here for me, waiting for my news. Anyway, your residence has been confiscated. After finishing this matter, I will reschedule the yard."

Sun Hao nodded and said yes.

Ling Cang elite swordsman was slightly curious about the rapid progress of several female repairs of Ji family, but did not have time to ask, simply arranged the residence of Sun Hao and others, and left to report to Sun Hao. Madden news.

Sun Hao waited for less than half a day, and Ling Cang flew back and called Shanghao, whispering to Sun Hao: "Several adults want to see you, you come with me."

Under the leadership of the Ling Cang elite swordsman, Sun Hao first appeared in the command hub of the sword camp.

The virtual battlefield and the Terran camp are all militarized. In addition to going out to perform the task, other swordsmen are forbidden and the action is very rapid.

When Sun Hao and Ling Cang appeared in the command hall, the ten swordsmen of the sword camp, the three swordsmen commanders have all arrived.

The Ling Cang elite swordsman stood at the bottom and said: "See the three commanders, you adults, this is my outer sword, Wang Sunhao, Sun Shenxiang, who is proficient in the swords of the sea, the sword of the sea, according to my Ling Tianjian At the request of the battalion, he entered the operation of Wuhu. After many years, he accidentally discovered the traces of the Lakers, and invited the adults to observe."

This statement, with Sun Hao simple ditch, can add points to Ling Tianjian, and second, let Sun Hao's outing more reasonable, at the same time, Ling Tianjian also bear the risk of guaranteeing whether Sun Hao is true.

The ten great swordsmen were slightly moved, but they were calm and did not speak.

As the Ling Chong elite swordsman, Sun Hao is slightly stunned and screams: "Ling Tianjian sent Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, met three great leaders, and met the adults."

On the top, the commander on the left said: "Take everything you see, nothing, and in detail."

Sun Hao Lang said: "Good ~ ~ slightly modified the plot of the day, in addition to their own cultivation, the other is the truth, Sun Hao said slowly: "On that day, Aloes to the sea The sword is integrated into the lake and is still being chased by four or five silver. When Shen Xiang panicked and sneaked into a certain water area, the surrounding environment suddenly became quiet, and then a silvery lake fork fell from the sky, like a fork tofu. The five silver beasts were instantly chained into a string..."

After a pause, Sun Hao began to describe the appearance of Ke Wei: "Agarwood saw that there was a giant tortoise on the front of the lake, standing tall and tall, and the nose was as tall as an eagle hook, and the eyes were like a star. The singular monk, who is tall and bright, looks tall and strong, and the monk shouted, 'Where is the friend of the road, actually broke into my Lakers' territory, and Keke is here, dare to fight,' when Aquilaria did not dare to appear, using his own The sea sword is flying fast, and dare not stay in Penghu for a long time. The first time, come back to report, the event is like this, Sun Hao can guarantee that the described Lakers monks are absolutely not concealed."

"The big commander, the image of the Lakers monk he said, is indeed like the great warrior of the Lakers Zijin Dynasty." The left commander looks at the swordsman commander in the middle and says: "I didn't expect that the expansion of the Zijin Dynasty would be like this. As fast as I can, at least three to four months, the tentacles of the Lakers Zijin Dynasty will extend to the edge of the lake and discover our Terran camp."

The general commander swept Sun Hao and Ling Cang, and said in his mouth: "We can't take it lightly. We have three suggestions. First, the right commander will go to investigate again, hoping to find more detailed information; Second, the left commander will immediately report this information to the upper tier of the battalion; the third is that the seat will also report the intelligence to the Zhongying Sword Camp at the fastest speed, requesting the support of the battalion." (~^~)

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