Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1516: Zhongying Jiangjia

The two left and right leaders are all right.

The top ten swordsmen did not have much opinion.

The right commander who did not speak alone called Sun Hao, and asked in detail about the direction and orientation of the department, so that he could go to explore.

Sun Hao has a hard scalp, telling the truth.

The right commander was very surprised to find that it seemed that the distance from the outer sword king of the Lingtian swordsman was a little far away, far beyond his imagination.

Such a distance, such a depth.

His right commander is not easy to reach.

However, he can clearly understand from the description of Sun Hao, from the characteristics of the various waters described by Sun Hao, that this kid is really in the waters so far.

Now, in fact, the most surprising thing is that Sun Hao’s sea swords have some magical effects in the end, and they can make a foreign door sword king run so far.

Well, this distance, his right commander Tuobohan may be difficult to reach safely.

However, the distance is so far away, the camp time of the Terran camp is correspondingly more, and the preparation for the strain will be stronger. If the news is true, there is no doubt that this kid has made great contributions. ”

Waving to let Sun Hao leave, the right commander ran to the general leader Liang Shu and the intersection: "The big commander, Sun Hao's sea sword is too magical, the distance to run out is a bit far, has exceeded my exploration limit, this is The waters information that I have collected and described by Sun Hao, in order to judge the truth of this information, may be best left to the scouts to do.

Among the Terran camps, there are also special scout camps. However, in the past, the activities of the scouting camps were mainly on land, and they did not focus on the waters of Penghu.

But now the situation has changed, and naturally the scouts are busy.

The great commander also lamented the magic of the sea sword. After thinking about it, he did not think too much. He threw the intelligence of the right commander to the scout camp and ran to report to the swordsman camp of the Terran camp.

In the battlefield of the virtual world, there are three big camps for the Terran.

Sun Hao is in this camp, but it is the right camp. The real human race is the strongest, but it is the middle camp. Some people also call Zhongying as the base camp.

The management of the Terran camp has two sets of command systems, vertical and horizontal.

For example, Liang Shu and the commanding sword battalion, in the horizontal direction, belong to a combat camp of the Terran Right Camp; at the same time, in the vertical direction, they belong to the Terran Sword Camp, which is controlled by the Zhongying Sword Camp.

The focus of the right camp management is to command the sword camp.

The management focus of the Daben Sword Camp is the appointment and dismissal of the Jianying Grand Commander, as well as the complement and improvement of various sword camps, and the inheritance and replacement.

Right Camp is close to Penghu.

The Lakers will appear sooner or later, so the Terran usually does not collect information on the Lakers.

But what I didn't expect was that the area of ​​the right camp would be close to the Lakers Zijin Dynasty.

In the last millennium, the Lakers Zijin Dynasty developed rapidly, especially the five great warriors such as Kezhen, Jiaer, Taiasi, and Shefei. They also became famous in the battlefield of the virtual world and became the golden generation of the Lakers. Let the Lakers continue to rise in the entire virtual position.

Since it is close to the development direction of the Lakers Zijin Dynasty, it is not difficult to understand that the Lakers have come so fast.

Terran camps are bound to encounter extremely difficult tests.

Although the active area of ​​the Lakers is mainly in the vast lakes of the vast lakes, if the human race is too weak, they will not mind to wipe out a Terran camp.

Sun Hao can perceive the news that he brought back, which should be highly valued by the upper class.

The atmosphere in the sword camp was a lot tense.

Sun Hao was quiet for less than two days and was once again called to the sword camp command room to ask for information.

This time, even the ten great swordsmen did not appear, and all of them became the leader of the Terran elite.

Sun Hao came in, not humble, and demeanor, but it is also the leaders of the people who are slightly stunned.

Once again, I briefly described the information I saw.

Sun Hao stood upright and stood by, and began to look at the composition of the Terran elite.

The right battalion leader took the center, the left row, sitting on the right camp knight leader, the right camp shooter commander, the right camp monk commander, and a masked towel, the last war did not appear as if it were a thief Dress up, it should be the scouting commander.

On the right side, they took the three commanders of the Sword Camp, plus a new one, carrying a sword on their backs, a swordsman dressed in a big swordsman costume, and sitting under the command of the right-handed swordsman.

Seeing this new swordsman, Sun Hao couldn't help but narrow his eyes, and his heart felt very bad.

It’s not that the new swordsman is wrong, but behind the swordsman, Sun Hao actually saw an enemy who had almost forgotten himself and had a hatred of genocide.

Jiang Fuzhen, a disciple of Gusai Jiang, was suddenly behind his sword and stood behind the new swordsman.

At this time, Jiang Fuzhen also clearly recognized Sun Hao, his face appeared a trace of indignation, saw Sun Hao looked at himself, could not help but stunned Sun Hao.

Seeing Jiang Fuzhen, Sun Hao was suddenly reminded that although the Gusei Jiang family was directly destroyed by himself, the Jiang family had two disciples and did not lose their own hands.

One is Jiang Fuzhen in front of him, and the other is Jiang Buxu.

Sun Hao never imagined that he would see Jiang Fuyu here.

And it seems that Jiang Fujun camped in the Terran and found a very strong backing.

I am afraid that I am very peaceful in the battlefield of the virtual world.

The brow wrinkled slightly, and Sun Hao did not respond to Jiang Fujun’s provocation, and he lowered his head slightly.

After Sun Hao finished speaking, the Scouts led the commander to stand up straight and whispered: "After our scouting camp verification, Sun Hao said that it is basically true. From the current intelligence analysis, the Lakers will arrive for about four to five months. On the shore of Wuhu Lake, in addition, we need to explain that at least two of us have fallen into the hands of the Lakers, and we cannot rule out the possibility that the Lakers will expand rapidly in this direction."

When the scouts commanded the general commander, Jiang Fuyu leaned down and whispered a few words in the ear of the big swordsman.

Sun Hao’s eyes saw that the big swordsman, like the sword’s gaze, gently swept his own side.

The heart could not help but sigh slightly. The so-called tree wants to be quiet and the wind is not enough. I don't want to cause trouble. I didn't expect things to find myself.

Since things are coming, Sun Hao is completely calm.

The soldiers will stop, the water will flood, and Sun Hao is not afraid of people.

What about the big swordsman?

After the Scouts commanded the whole commander and did not wait for other people to speak, the new swordsman of the only big swordsman costume on the scene had already said: "I think, it is very likely that the Lakers have discovered our human race before your scouts are exposed. The trace, I said is not? Ji Hill?"

Everyone looked at the big swordsman strangely, and looked at the direction of his Hao, that is, Ji Ji in his mouth.

Sun Hao said very calmly: "No."

The scouting commander said at this time: "From the point of view of contact, the Lakers should have discovered something and the alert is very strict."

The great swordsman shrugged at Sun Hao.

However, the scouts continued to say: "However, the Lakers do not have a clear direction of attack, and it should also be an undetermined stage."

Sun Hao is still standing, and his face has no expression.

The big swordsman smiled and said: "This is strange, a foreign door sword king, actually better than my family scouts are good to hide, to my swordsman camp is really a talent."

Sun Hao said with no humbleness: "Sun Hao is only a unique sword, and the sword is just right for the sea."

The scouting commander said very seriously: "If the sword camp is willing to let Shen Xiang come to me to squash, I am sincerely welcome, and my scouts do need a master who can detect the sea intelligence."

The right-wing Terran commander spoke at this time: "Well, this is just a small matter. Let's talk again later, Sun Hao, you go first, others, etc., we continue to discuss."

Sun Hao was slightly in the body and left without saying goodbye.

When Sun Hao withdraws from the command post, the right-wing Terran commander looks at the big swordsman and has a faint smile on his face: "Hey, some little things on the side of the festival, but they should not be brought to the battlefield of the human race. I The human race itself is not very strong, but it is the time when it is most necessary to unite."

The great swordsman said, "I understand it," but the tone is very dull, and my face is also disapproving.

Looking at Jiang Yan, who apparently did not listen to his own words, the right-handed Terran leader could not help but shake his head. The topic turned and said loudly: "Well, the intelligence has been clear, the Lakers Zijin Dynasty is indeed approaching us, then everyone, plan Ann?" (~^~)

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