Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1520: Grand Collar (2)

The song of sadness sang for a while.

Most of the monks and swordsmen on the island were greatly affected. Moreover, many of the hands of the archers who were slightly lower than the archers were shaking slightly, and they could not hold on.

The time of the scent continued, and the song changed suddenly and suddenly became fierce.

A little half-shooter was loose, sat on the ground and began to sweat.

The brows of the car are slightly wrinkled, but there is not much way to do it. The shooter who can really be unaffected by any one, only the jungle shoots of the long-eared people, the striker of the Terran is much worse.

Sun Hao’s brows also wrinkled.

The battle has not yet been played, the combat power here has been weakened by six or seven percent, and the gap with the Lakers Zijin Dynasty may not be a little bit.

Sun Hao is thinking so.

The voice of the Lakers' water witch's mouth suddenly became extremely high and roared toward the island.

The roaring sounds, like the tsunami of the mountains, raged on the island, bursting with waves of lake water, and the island was attacked and automatically began to flash.

In the roar of the roar, most of the swordsmen and monks on the defensive tower, more than half of the gods, could not help but sit on the ground.

"Witches howl!"

The car’s face was gloomy and his mouth shouted loudly: “Everyone, the Lakers’ attack is coming soon...”

With his violent screams, the waters of the lake in the distance rippled, and the tortoise shells floated on one side. Above the tortoise shells, half a scorpion fisherman’s warrior, which is slightly taller than humans, holds a shield. Holding a spear, with the sprint of the giant tortoise, quickly launched an attack on the No. 1 island.

Extremely fast, the half-fish warrior rushed into the regular range of the gods.

Don't be violent in the car: "Shooting."

The archers in the tower, brushing, and bowing.

However, the effect is not ideal, sparsely pulled, the arrow that is shot does not have the slightest momentum, many even fail to shoot how far, directly drop the lake.

The brow of the car was deeply wrinkled, and it was violent: "To concentrate on listening to my command, Zhang Gong..."

The violent sound of the car was not finished yet, and the bow of the gods had not been fully opened.

In the lake, the Lakers and the Witches roared to the island.

The momentum of the gods is suddenly a glimpse, and if you look at it, you can’t shoot it.

The speed of the semi-mermaid warrior is approaching quickly. On the back of the giant tortoise, the half-fisher in the first row is already slightly sideways, starting to accumulate power and preparing for the throwing action.

The car does not sound badly.

Suddenly, I heard a scream in the air, and my side, rushing to the earth-shattering fighting spirit, someone shouted: "War!"

Involuntarily, the car doesn't feel like a sudden increase in their fighting spirit. In an instant, there is a feeling of not fighting, not shooting, and then screaming: "Shoo!"

Almost at the same time, on the first island of Weidao, all the soldiers, the spirit suddenly slammed, all the uncomfortable negative state was swept away.

The marksmen, instinctively, shot the sword in their hands in the order of the car.

Among the towers, some swordsmen also involuntarily violently rushed forward, pointing forward to the sword, and the silver sword in their hands also flew out.

On the back of the giant tortoise, the half-fisher who had been rushing to the impact had not had time to throw a spear in his hand.

In the air, densely packed with arrows of various radiances, followed by a variety of flying swords with sharp edges, rushed up.

After the witch screams, the hostile warrior will usually be weak, and the main energy of the half-fish warrior is actually on the spear of the biggest force. I didn’t expect the opponent to suddenly explode such a powerful attack.

There are too many defensive moves too late.

On the back of the giant tortoise, a row of half-fish warriors have been submerged by the arrow rain and flying swords. In an instant, more than half of the half-fishers who have not had time to react are directly killed.

And there are very few spears that can make a spear.

Even if it is forcibly issued, it does not have any deterrent to the shape of the island arrow tower.

There was a whimper behind the Lakers. The giant tortoise quickly sinks, sinking into the lake with the remaining half fishermen.

Among the islands.

At this moment, the car was looking at Sun Hao with a look of surprise, and said in a loud voice, "In the big command, you will actually lead the way."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "Some tips I just learned, I laughed."

Don't laugh at the car: "Small tricks? See you laughing, hahaha, I really can't laugh at you, his grandmother's, my car's other commanding skills, but it can affect the shooter, but also can't resist the witch." Call, but your magical fighting spirit of your kid can affect the three armies, but it can instantly enhance the overall strength of the warrior. I am afraid that the entire Terran camp is right, and few monks have this skill!"

Ling Cang elite swordsman, at this time also looked at Sun Hao with a look of surprise.

The Lingtian Swordsman has never seen a swordsman commander. The fundamental reason is not that the individual can't be repaired, but the Sun Hao is not able to directly promote the swordsman's overall combat power.

Unexpectedly, Sun Hao would be so powerful, actually mastering the great command of the legend.

The commanding technique is actually a kind of ability that can enhance the strength of the whole team. Ordinary commanding techniques, like cars, can affect their own arms and have a strong ability to control their own arms; There is also an enhanced type of command, the increase in combat power will be greater, and the duration of the effect will be stronger.

However, there is also an extremely rare kind of combat capability that can greatly increase the combat capability of all branches, and there are many magical masters.

The Terran camp is called the Grand Master.

Look at the effect of this scorpion that Sun Hao has just pulled out. The conductors in the command towers of all the towers suddenly know that this time, they may be really lucky to find the treasure.

Especially the car, originally thought that among the three parts on the island of Wei, the swordsman was the weakest, but now, suddenly, the swordsman may be the strongest link.

Look at the effects of the first battle and you will know.

At this time, on the lake, a large bloody, large body of half fish people, still drifting with the waves, on the first island of the island, the soldiers who won the first battle, morale is high, bursting out bursts of cheers.

The Lakers and the Witches are still unwilling to mourn, but the Terran warriors are always in a state of extreme morale and high spirits. The witches are screaming like mosquitoes, and they have no negative effects on the soldiers.

Strong and powerful tactics.

The car did not express service.

Sun Hao’s face has a faint smile and a clearer understanding of the so-called big command.

Sun Hao has read a lot of information on the sword camp. He has not understood the so-called commanding skills advocated by the sword camp and the Terran camp. Until later, after practicing the trend of the fighters, he saw the swordsmen training slightly.

To put it bluntly, the so-called mastery of the sword should be the special application of the sword that can be used to enhance the combat effectiveness of the fighters. Hao tries to integrate his own fighters Shen Xiangjian, with the influence of the fighters, affects all the fighters, and the effect is wonderful.

This is actually a great commander.

Indeed, this is just a little trick for Sun Hao.

The Lakers Zijin Dynasty did not expect such a situation, and paused for a while, did not launch an offensive. Even the singing witches sneak into the lake.

It seems that it has been brewing for a while, and above the lake, it will start again.

The strips are only as thick as bamboo chopsticks, but they are more than a foot long and have long pointed fish like a sword, floating on the water.

In an instant, surrounded by the huge lake around the No. 1 Weidao Island, it was dark.

Behind the strange fish, a row of huge silver sharks, a real Lakers warrior, appeared on the back of the shark.

The height of the Huren warrior is about one foot, which is much shorter than the one that Sun Hao has seen. The skin is very dark, and each eagle has a hook and nose, and the eyes are sharply staring at the No. 1 island.

There was a horn at the rear of the Lakers.

Each Laker moves in a uniform position, taking a shot on the back of the silver shark he is riding.

The body of the silver shark slammed into the lake.

It’s like taking a table and stunned the teacup. The strange fish in the lake was photographed together, and all the Lakers’ soldiers went forward.

I don’t know how many strange fish, overwhelming, on the ground, the sea attack began.

The car has frowned again. This strange fish is small and numerous, and the shooter cannot shoot it one by one. There is no doubt that the defense of the island has been greatly tested.

The car looked at the top ranked elite monk, and said: "The monk's five-line spell preparation."

The elite monk nodded and said loudly: "The monk listens to the command, and the five elements of the spell prepare for the battle." (To be continued~^~)

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