Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1521: Big 5 line sword

The five elements of the refining monk, the reason why the status of the tribe is very high, the root cause is that in the large battle, the five elements of the refining monk's technique have an unparalleled large-scale lethality.

The coverage and duration of the spell is not comparable to that of the swordsman and the shooter.

The car did not make a sound, the marksmans took the lead in launching the attack, the arrows rained like flying, flew forward and shot the strange fish.

The shape of the strange fish is only the thickness of the chopsticks, but it is very tough. In the air, the arrows burst into bursts, shooting the sound of the strange fish, and the large area of ​​the strange fish is shot like a raindrop on the lake.

However, the soldiers found that after falling into the lake, the strange fish flew back without incident, and formed a Kuroshio on the side of the Lakers.

The Lakers warriors kept urging the mystery, like archery, shooting a piece of strange fish, and rushing to the Weidao Arrow Tower.

The strange fish quickly broke through the defensive area of ​​the shooter and went on and on.

The elite monk shouted: "The fire is prepared by the monks, the fire is empty, give me..."

Sun Hao knows what to do, and Shen Xiangjian’s "squeaky" sword screams and screams: "War."

The drink of the elite monk also came out at the same time: "Put it."

On the island of Weidao, the incense sword is full of red light, which is like a red light bulb. It sprinkles a soft brilliance and shines on the whole island.

The fire attribute monk on the island, along with the command, slammed forward the spell: "Fire Wave", layered fire attribute spells, forming a huge wave, flying forward and downward.

The entire island was instantly turned into a huge fireball, expelling volcanoes on the ground, spraying out the fire waves, emptying away, and heading for the bamboo chopsticks that came from the attack.

Bamboo chopsticks are extremely fast and very penetrating, but their disadvantage is that the line is single, because it is driven, so it can only be unchanged, whether it is a fire or not, it is still brave.

A fire wave can't stop bamboo chopsticks.

The bamboo chopsticks passed by, but only a little slower, they rushed into the second wave of fire.

However, the fire of the Weidao monks surged out one after another, full of ten waves, spreading toward the waves and spreading outward from the inside.

The bamboo chopsticks that went to the successor can pass through the three or four fires. It is already at the end. When the fifth wave of fire rushes, there is an unpleasant smell in the sky, as if the cortex is burnt. .

A large number of bamboo chopsticks fell like rain.

This time, unlike the one that was shot by the arrow, the fallen bamboo chopsticks were really burned, and the strips were turned over the lake. On the entire surface of the water, a layer of light burning Coke oil.

The face of the car showed a relief expression, and gave a thumbs up to the elite monk: "The five elements of the spell are powerful, lethal, and the strong fire is empty, admire."

The elite monk headed by him looked solemnly at Sun Hao and said with a slight sigh: "The five elements of the monk Alda, who have seen Shen Xiang adults, did not expect that the agarwood adults could increase my monk spells. It is the true five-line command of my human race. I am worshipped by..."

After that, I really have to fall to the ground.

Sun Hao quickly reached out and lifted Arda, and said softly in his mouth: "Everyone is an island gown. Adults are welcome. Agarwood is just a little trick, just laugh and laugh."

Arda stood up straight and had a heartfelt smile on his face: "Agarwood is very polite, and adults do not know. The five-line monks of my family are most difficult to have a dominant system. Once they appear, their status is lofty and they will inevitably be subject to all five monks. Support, so, on the island of today, all the monks can give full power to the adults, and I am Alda Gandang as a deputy."

Don't stay in the car for a while, said in his mouth: "Arda, you said that Shen Xiang is actually the rule of the Five Elements? But he is obviously a swordsman!"

Arda looked at the agarwood sword hidden in the red light in the air, and said in his mouth: "I can't be wrong, the sword of the five elements of fire, the increase of my fire is a double battle of the monks, which is what I have seen, the most powerful. The five elements of the fire are commanded, and the big shooter can't be wrong. Please see the big shooter. My five elements of fire are full of ten fire waves, sweeping the front bamboo chopsticks out of the air. If you don't get an increase in the number of adults, the fire wave will not exceed four. It is estimated that the swordsmen have already entered the battle..."

The car did not smash, and said in his mouth: "So powerful?"

An elite shooter around the car asked incomprehensibly: "Four fires, even if the increase is doubled, it seems that it will not reach so many fire waves?"

Arda looked at Sun Hao and said with a smile: "Don't forget that the incense and the ascendant increase, this is actually a full-featured, all-round increase, which will keep my five-level monk's state in the best condition and the strength will be improved again. ”

The car did not understand it in an instant. In the face of Sun Hao, he said slightly: "Agarwood, although I think the position here seems to be the highest, but the grasp of the whole battle, the command of the entire battle, but it is more suitable for you." Now, please also ask Shen Xiang to preside over the overall situation."

Sun Hao stunned, and his face showed a faint smile: "The car is not too polite, we will keep the island together, naturally we must fight together, and the adults still serve as the conductor, and I will do my best to assist the adults... ”

Between the talks, Ling Chong elite swordsman said loudly: "The Lakers warrior is coming again."

The two consecutive defeats, the Lakers soldiers were a little angry, set off a huge wave of waves, rushing to the arrow tower.

The tall and savvy Lakers warriors stand on the waves of the waves, and together they are stunned by the arrow tower.

Don't look at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said with a smile: "Adult, please order, Shenxiang fully cooperate."

At the crucial moment, the car is not in a hurry, and arranges the defense of the island in a loud voice: "All the gods listen to the orders, concentrate on the other fighters, and once they enter the range, they will shoot correctly..."

"All swordsmen pay attention to special attacks such as spears that may appear in the air, and serve as a good barrier for my family shooters and monks..."

"Monks, please find ways to destroy the other side of the waves."

Arda looks at Sun Hao.

Sun Hao said: "The adults please command, although I have some small skills, but I am not particularly proficient in the five elements."

Arda nodded and shouted: "Water comes to earth, five elements of soil..."

At the same time as Alda shouted, the agarwood sword in the air began to glow with khaki.

Among Alda’s eyes, he flashed amazed and inexplicable looks.

Then he saw that after the release of his own soil property command, the five-line fire sword that he thought he slammed into the yellow brilliance and sprinkled evenly on the island.

As a result, Shen Xiangjian once again strongly increased the monk's soil attribute spells, and a steady stream of loess rushed out of the island.

The increase is strong and powerful.

The water attribute spell of the natural advantage of the Lakers was actually killed by the continuous loess that was rushed out of the island, and looked down on too many waves.

Arda admires the incomparable, double attribute spell control ability, a strong and powerful agarwood adult.

The Hulkian warrior's hustle and bustle was fierceness was also fully stimulated, and the madness attacked instantly, and the car and Arda had no time to sigh too much about Sun Hao’s ability, and the spirit began to concentrate highly. Counterattack.

But the next battle, even if they are nervous, they have to sigh the magic of Sun Hao.

Arda found that the flying sword in the air is not a big fire sword, nor a big earth sword, but a handful of agarwood adults can be imperial, it is likely to be the "big five-line sword" of the incense soul.

What concept!

That is, no matter whether the monk uses any of the five lines of the spell, the good guy, the sword can always greatly enhance the power of the spell.

Not only that, the direction of the increase often has a strange auxiliary effect.

When you increase the fire attribute spell, it has a strong burning ability; when you increase the soil attribute spell, it has a strong growth ability; when you increase the water attribute spell, it has a peculiar weight blessing and frost effect; when you increase the metal spell, it actually brings the corrosion effect. When the increase in wood property spells, you can actually heal...

What Darda did not expect was the weight of the water property.

Good guy, one move, not drowning a few fish, but it is killing a large piece.

The most striking thing about Alda is the corrosive effect of metallic spells.

The metal spell itself is very sharp, and the attack effect after the first corrosion is even more impressive.

What makes Alda speechless is the healing effect of wood attribute spells.

Because I didn't expect it to be this effect, I got a lot of Lakers warriors to get timely treatment.

Sun Hao was also awkward at the time. I didn’t expect to use Mudan’s increase. It was actually this kind of effect. I had to swear and say: “Sorry, the first time I led this kind of battle, the business was not familiar, forgive me forgiveness...” To be continued~^~)

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