Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1522: Storm attack

Before the war, the three army soldiers of the first island of Weidao, no one would have thought that this would be the battle.

Fighting high spirits, the godsman swordsmanship, formed the first remote defense circle.

Five attribute spells repeatedly turned out, and the monk spells gained a strong increase, forming a second medium and long distance defense circle.

In the end, the swordsmen, occasionally fighting with the sword, in the middle and close defense.

The three defensive circles formed ladders, and the islands formed a huge lethality.

The Lakers’ attack was basically unable to reach the island and failed to hurt the island’s defense.

Three warriors, high morale and spirited.

The five-color flying sword floating above the island became the **** of war in the minds of the soldiers.

After a round of fierce battles, the five warriors in an arrow tower sat together. Although they were a little tired, the mental head was obviously good.

A shooter turns his right hand and restores the numbness after pulling the bow. The mouth says, "Whose sword is that?"

Another shooter said: "It should be the sword of the swordsman."

The monk said: "There will be no such powerful swordsmen? Our five-property spells can increase, and the effect is extraordinary. It should be a powerful spell leader. It may be the big commander temporarily transferred from the camp."

The two swordsmen were in silver and looked at each other.

One of them said: "If I am not mistaken, the sword should be the flying sword of our agarwood adult. When he led us to practice the sword array, I was very impressed with this five-color flying sword."

Another swordsman said: "Yeah, I was very strange at the time. Under normal circumstances, the flying sword is not the purer the color, the better? How can the flying sword of Shenxiang adults be colorful?"

The monk stayed in bed, reacted and said: "Stupid, five colors represent the five elements, the five elements of the spell are all proficient, such a five-line flying sword is very good..."

The swordsman said that he was puzzled.

Several people talked about it.

Among the original Terran camps, the monks were the most reserved, rarely communicating with swordsmen and shooters.

But now on the island, this atmosphere is very harmonious, especially when it is learned that the flying sword is actually the Lingjian swordsman elite swordsman, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang adults flying swords, many monks are happy at the same time, It is not clear.

According to their understanding, any monk who can control the five elements of the spell is very honorable. If the scope of this control is wider, even if it is only a single attribute, his status should be high.

What's more, it is actually a magical monk who can control all five attributes.

What's more, there is also a magical monk who can influence the magical doctrine of the three armed forces.

Among the three armed forces, the most admired Sun Hao, but turned into the most proud monk.

Among the monks, it is simply too difficult to have a large-scale blessing dictator.

I did not expect to meet one here.

Sun Hao did not expect that he could produce such dramatic changes according to some characteristics of the sectarian technique and some small skills formed by combining his own advantages.

From the face of Arda, Sun Hao has seen a similar expression of madness. Sun Hao has a feeling. After this war, he may be transferred to the monk department and serve as a monk.

The possibility is great!

Seriously examining the process of forming various ruling powers, Sun Hao suddenly understood that these little tricks that he pondered may be of high value, and other monks may be really difficult to learn.

These little tricks of Sun Hao are not easy to come by.

For example, if you increase the fire attribute spell, Sun Hao needs to call the power of a small flame.

It is not enough to have a small flame. It is also necessary for Sun Hao to use the agarwood sword that has been condensed by five attributes.

Both are indispensable to be able to form a large area of ​​red light.

While Sun Hao thought about it seriously, he discovered that other monks were hard to do except himself.

Your own little flame is a unique one, and other monks are afraid that it is very difficult to have such a foreign body.

His own agarwood sword is even more unique in heaven and earth. It is estimated that among the entire ethnic swordsmen, there is only one one who has condensed the golden pill.

Small flame, agarwood sword!

Other monks can't have it at all, so on the top, you may feel that there are no small tricks, perhaps it is really impossible to control.

The five-character gold tires that I have worked hard to cultivate, the five attributes of the incense sword, began to show off.

Perhaps Arda feels that his commanding ability is very strong, but Sun Hao knows that this is actually not very expensive for himself.

There is also the commander's ability to dominate the general trend. To put it bluntly is the use of a fighting power.

Fighting this thing, if Sun Hao did not reinforce the sticks into the big ridge, maybe still can not fully practice, and gave up Sun Hao, who else?

It is estimated that these capabilities are really unique to them.

Then, Sun Hao began to ponder, he still has the big trend of the sea and murderous in the body, is it possible to develop some tips?

Thinking of murderous, Sun Hao suddenly thought that he is not practicing the third general trend, killing the general trend?

At this time, on this battlefield, is it possible to take advantage of the opportunity to practice?

The general trend of the sea is still not easy to use. If it is not good, but it is a blessing of the Lakers, it is really a big tooth.

Sun Hao’s mentality has changed, and the way of fighting has changed.

As soon as the body swayed, Sun Hao appeared in the air, sitting cross-legged, and Shen Xiangjian flashed and appeared on his hands.

At this point, the Lakers warriors once again launched a storm, in one direction, the emergence of the Lakers new war soldiers.

A crocodile knight.

A fierce giant crocodile with a length of more than one foot, riding a full body of green and blue armor, the Lakers knight holding a blue rifle, picked up the waves and launched an assault on the island.

The arrow of the archer is simply wearing the armor of the knight.

The monk's spells can't stop the impact of the knight.

Seeing that the knights rushed up, the swordsmen also began to fight.

In the middle of the air, Sun Hao’s eyes brightened and he screamed in his mouth: “Swordsman’s orders, follow me, kill!”

The violent momentum rushed out from Sun Hao’s body, and Shen Xiangjian slammed into a flash of air and rushed down.

The swordsmen in the same direction, the Qi Qi spirit shocked, while fighting for the masterpiece, the heart burst into bursts of desire to kill, all of them came out.

In the middle of the sky, the silver snake rushed out of the island. Under the leadership of Shen Xiangjian, it slammed into the Lakers.

The knight's rifle was spinning, and there was a blue whirlpool in the air, spinning, and rushing toward the flying sword in front.

On the incense sword, the light blue halo swayed.

The vortex that rushed in like ice and snow met the sun and melted away.

The crocodile knights are all in one, and the leader of the knight is violent: "Dive."

The giant crocodile roared and sneaked into the lake in a hurry, but the tide rushed up and rushed to the island.

A lot of Feijian brush brushes rushed into the wave, and there was a buzzing sound. The crocodile knight turned the long gun and blocked it one by one.

Many flying swords were even shot down in the lake and had to be returned.

In the air, Sun Hao’s eyes flashed red, and his mouth screamed: “Kill!”

Agarwood slammed and slammed up.

A lot of flying swords that followed the Shen Xiangjian rushed together to make a lifting The power of the shock stopped abruptly, and then followed the Shenxiang sword.

Slammed down to the bottom.

With the squat of the incense sword, a powerful sword light descended from the sky, and with the "killing" sound of Sun Hao, it fell like a waterfall.

I am the king of the sea, and the river is broken.

Killing the sky, the blood of Wuhu.

The Lakers warrior's tough one-piece armor, the sturdy crocodile's strong thick skin, like tofu, simply can't stop Jianguang's sniper.

One wide and one hundred feet deep and one hundred feet deep, the same as the huge cracks of the head, with the aloes scent, appeared on the surface of the lake, where the cracks passed, the violent crocodile knight who had no time to retreat was instantly killed on the spot.

Sun Hao’s action has not stopped, and his mouth is violently violent: “killing and killing...”

A sword fell and entered the lake under the agarwood sword, violently rotating in place, forming a huge sword wheel, with the violent killing of Sun Hao, the sword wheel constantly shot the water blue in all directions The sword light with red marks in the color.

In the lake, a series of buzzing sounds broke out.

The Lakers, who thought they were lucky enough to escape, were shot like a fish, along with their mounts, and were shot in the lake.

A series of blisters rushed to the surface of the lake, and huge **** blood surged up.

The sound of Shen Xiangjian slammed back, and the sword was blood-stained and murderous, hanging over the head of Sun Hao.

A fierce sword!

The Terran warriors were all in a hurry, a little dazed, but they quickly reacted and could not help but scream.

Morale is again high.

It will be the courage of the soldiers. On the first island of Weidao, there are such fierce people as Shenxiang adults. Why are the Lakers afraid? Even if the first island of Weidao is inevitably in the process of falling, it will definitely give the Lakers a good start, so that the proud Lakers know that the Terran warriors are not irritating. (~^~)

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