Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1534: Step on the shoulder (2)

Although Sun Hao’s body was thrown away, the whole body’s momentum was not reduced.

The sword of the sea, the trend of fighting spirit and the situation of the murderers converge in front of Sun Hao.

Just as the broken lake was quickly closed, Sun Hao was behind him and several kinds of swords that were forcibly broken by Coyote were also healing quickly.

Layers are stacked in front of the triangular lake fork.

Although the triangular lake fork is strong and has a good head, it does not have a strong ability to break the defense.

Under the layer of resistance, the triangular lake fork was slowed down.

Sun Hao’s knowledge of the movement, Shen Xiangjian’s voice, the accurate location of the triangle lake fork, the body is a slight shock, Sun Hao a back flip, knees in the air, hand a move, took back Shen Xiangjian Laughing in my mouth: "Teaching, the big warrior is really amazing, admire."

The triangular lake fork flew back and fell into the hands of the scorpion standing on the back of Yushui's unicorn.

Looking at Sun Hao, in the heart of Ke Wei, there was a burst of respect.

Break through, throw!

Don't look at these two moves is simple and straightforward, but it is the most sharp attack of Cosmo.

Simple and rude attack moves are often fatal.

Many famous monks are falling under the trick of Keke.

But today, Ke Wei was stopped by Sun Hao.

Without any fancy, it was completely blocked by its own strength.

The "breakthrough" of the powerful people in the Lakers is also called "dividing the gods", which means that cultivation to the extreme, a move down, can kill the weak monks and monks.

The distraction will be blocked, not unexpected, and can be blocked by an elite warrior level, and it is not unexpected, but it must be a strong elite, especially the strong elite who rank far before the Lakers.

But today, an elite warrior who is far weaker than the Lakers race actually did.

Evenly matched, Ke Hao’s will to fight is fully motivated, and he has not been so happy for a long time.

Yushui Qilin began to slowly step on the lake, and the triangular lake fork in his hand pointed to Sun Hao.

The powerful momentum once again began to condense, and the distraction once again gained momentum.

Divide the gods and force them to throw.

Ke Wei tirelessly killed him and shocked Sun Hao again and again.

Strong target-locking ability, so that Sun Hao can only be hard-wired unless he leaves the battlefield.

Powerful, time and again impact power, so that Sun Hao is not good.

After four or five minutes of scoring, after Sun Hao was all hardened, the corner of his mouth began to bleed and his body began to redden.

The powerful crit power, like the heavy hammer, is attacked on Sun Hao's body, so that Sun Hao is not particularly good, five insides tumbling, blood rolling, there is a feeling of being defeated by the general.

In particular, Sun Hao's body skeleton is itself a fragmented state. Now it is only supported by its own sword and sword. After encountering the violent attack, it is a bit unbearable and crumbling.

The huge shock power, a wave of shocking Sun Hao's body, Sun Hao's three swords solidified after the bones suffered a heavy blow, slightly a tendency to fall apart.

However, after taking a few minutes of the scoring of the science, Sun Hao discovered a very interesting thing.

Sun Hao’s killing trend has just been refining, that is, following Sun Hao. Finally, when the group of silver swordsmen in the back of the temple fell into the friction of the late-night snake, Sun Hao realized the true meaning of killing himself and forming his own. Killing the general trend.

Sun Hao cast the three great forces of the peerless sword, and finally all condensed.

Next, Sun Hao's cultivation task is to use these three swords to completely condense his bones, that is, the next step in the unparalleled sword bone cultivation is the three swords forging bones.

In itself, this is an active forging process, which requires Sun Hao to have time, constantly urging his three swords to forge his bones again and again.

Now, in the battle of the squad, under the powerful giant crit of the scorpion, Sun Hao found that the wrought bone can actually be passive.

Moreover, the powerful external force of Coe has a very unexpected effect on Sun Hao's forging bone.

For example, Sun Hao’s spine is now supported by the tycoon’s ambition.

Because of the power of the fighting stick, because the power of the fighter is strong, in a sense, the sea sword and the killing trend are more difficult to rush into the forge.

It is estimated that Sun Hao will start to forge in the future and it will be more troublesome.

Now, under the attack of Ke Keqiang, Sun Hao’s three major trends are constantly slamming, the bones are unstable, and the sword is loose.

Sun Hao had to swell all over the body and strengthen his bones.

This kind of integration is fast and unconscious. Under the influence of external forces, the three general forces have abandoned each other's prejudice and tried their best to maintain themselves.

Or to say that under the tremendous pressure, Sun Hao is fully motivated to quickly promote the integration of his three major swords.

Ke Wei clearly perceives that it is not particularly good for Sun Hao to take over the distraction.

Since you are not good, then fierce combos, see you can finally catch a few tricks.

The vigorous throwing after the sacred gods was saved, and the scorpion smashed all the jade water unicorns that were condensed by the lake water, and violently broke out with Sun Hao.

Sun Hao wolfed in the lake water constantly standing up the agarwood sword, very reluctantly, again and again, using the impressed defense.

The body is thrown over the lake like a donkey.

The war situation is completely down.

The Yinpeng swordsmen frowned.

The situation of adults is not good!

Ling Chong elite swordsman Ji Jixue: "Be careful, when necessary, we have a huge loss, but also to save Sun Hao."

Ji Ruxue flashed through the clear eyes of the water, but the voice still said in his mouth: "Do not worry, Sun Hao should be fine..."

Tenaciously, Sun Hao blocked the crit again and again.

Every time, it looks just a little worse, and Sun Hao will be completely defeated.

But every time, it is always a little worse.

It sounds like a light, swaying in the wind, the wind blowing and never going out.

External force tempering, passive forging bones, and Sun Hao active forging bones will have a huge difference.

Sun Hao has already felt the difference. If he actively forged his bones, the final result is that the three general forces are three-legged, reaching a balance and jointly forging their own bones, but this passive forging bone is a combination of three general forces. Mutual penetration, mutual formation, and a group of bones into the bones.

The advantages and disadvantages are clear at a glance.

Of course, the monk's forging bones is not a one-off event. Even if it is a science fiction, it is impossible to completely forge the body bones of Sun Hao.

The role of Ke Wei is precisely to make the three major trends in Sun Hao's body form a preliminary pattern of solid integration. In the future, forging bones can be executed according to this specification.

It is like casting a mold.

Sun Hao was under tremendous pressure and braved the danger of being able to stand up tough under the attack of a wave of waves.

The integration of the three general trends in the bones is also getting higher and higher However, while Sun Hao borrows the power of the science to temper the whole body, the science is also secretly preparing for the storm. Sun Hao’s fatal blow.

After a strong defiant, I did not wait for Sun Hao’s body to be completely stabilized, and the scorpion re-launched. The front action was no abnormality with the sacred god. It seemed as if there were heavy avatars.

Before rushing to the agarwood sword set up by Sun Hao, the movement of the scorpion suddenly changed, as if the **** of war slammed the reins, the predecessor of the jade unicorn rushed high, and the body of the scorpion slammed slightly. Fly into the air.

What is even more surprising is that behind the high altitude, behind the department, there is a very magnificent scene.

Behind Keke, the blue water of the lake is like a mirror, as if it is reflected in the surrounding layers.

The triangle lake fork waved forward, and the lake and the mountains were spurred. With the triangle lake fork of Kezhen, he attacked Sun Hao.

Le reins, flying, the lake and the mountains are now, the forks and storms.

Ke Wei's entire set of offensive moves in one go.

At this time, Sun Hao just erected the incense sword in front of him and displayed it as a mountain.

The huge sword body of Shen Xiangjian was blocked in front of Sun Hao. The artistic conception of the lake and the mountains did not directly hit Sun Hao’s body.

But this is the moment, Sun Hao's Aquilaria sword has suffered tremendous pressure.

A series of crit sounds were uploaded from Shen Xiangjian.

In an instant, no less than twenty heavy forks, and the power of the lake and the mountains, hit the Shenxiang sword.

The continuous slamming forced Sun Hao's agarwood sword back to the prototype, and the life defeated Sun Hao's defense.

The lake and the water drowned the agarwood sword, and then they rushed to Sun Hao, oh... once again issued a series of crit, and Sun Hao hit the high ground.

In the air, Sun Hao involuntarily spit out a blood. (To be continued.)

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