Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1535: Step on the shoulder (3)

(The tenth is in place, everyone friends have money to give a reward, heart to a book review, there is a ticket to recommend, let us continue to fight)

People seek tigers and tigers hurt people.

Sun Hao wants to use his power to temper his bones.

But the cricket is not so good, after a continuous crit, suddenly changed.

Moreover, after the change of the attack, the attack was fierce, and the powerful force invaded the body of Sun Hao. Sun Hao could not help but spit out the blood.

The waves of lakes and mountains are irresistibly impacting the body of Sun Hao in a wave of tides. The strength of the waves seems to be torn apart.

Sun Hao’s flesh, as if there was blood, kept shooting out.

Sun Hao still did not respond, the general body bones could not withstand a series of huge crit, the three major forces smashed, the bones were broken, Sun Hao body did not force to fall into the lake.

Among the eyes of Ke Wei, there was a glimmer of joy, and the next step, the Yulin kylin reappeared, holding the triangular lake fork, the thunder was too late, and it was a slap in the face, violently falling towards the leaves in the lakes and mountains. The grandson of Hao has fallen.

If the science is expected to be good.

This trip will be able to degenerate Sun Hao on the lake.

At this glance, his science will undergo a sublimation of the soul and will be greatly improved.

Such a fierce battle, for his science, the harvest is huge.

For a moment, Sun Hao almost collapsed across the board.

The body was tangled into a pot of porridge, the bones were all shattered, and the five attributes of the real element began to falter. The three swords were almost completely broken.

The power of the Lakers Warrior, Sun Hao has a deep understanding.

At the crucial moment, Sun Hao’s will always maintains a tenacity and firmness.

Just like Duz's lungfish, you can't hold back until the last moment.

At the crucial moment, Sun Hao’s willpower drives all the forces that are helpful to him and begins to save himself.

Mudan was driven, and the milky white brilliance swam through the body, quickly fighting against the physical destruction and rebuilding itself.

The small flames drive up, and the faint fire shines through the body, so that you don't lose your ability to move because of blood loss.

At the crucial moment, Sun Hao was keenly aware of it and seized the key that he would not collapse instantly.

Although the three swords were forcibly smashed, but among their own spines, the sticks are still there. Although their bones are not used, but the backbone is constant, you can rely on the spine to make your own three swords. The potential is not waning.

The three swords are scattered and not waning. While Sun Hao is tumbling in the air, he still shakes the agarwood sword, forcibly condenses, and rushes into his bones.

The spirit is highly concentrated, and the three swords are simultaneously launched and simultaneously entered the bones.

At this moment, Sun Hao self-rescue, the three swords have no slightest self-discipline, adhering to the will of Sun Hao, unite as one, and help themselves.

Sun Hao's body was in the water of the lake and the mountains, and the bones were once again forcibly solidified. The strength of the whole body recovered. The five attributes of the riots were once again eager to try in Dantian.

What makes Sun Hao most gratified is that he has been practicing undead blood on Lange Island for many years. At this time, it appears in another way. The soft flame of the small flame makes Sun Hao have a clear feeling, as long as the small flame is still there. As long as the fire of the small flames is not extinguished, there will be sufficient kinetic energy to drive the whole body.

At this moment, the small flame seems to have become the source of Sun Hao's whole body power. Even if Sun Hao is like a fountain, he will spurt the blood, but in fact, Sun Hao can still maintain a strong body to control the power, and will not lose blood. Too many of them produce a bad state such as syncope.

Although Ke Wei’s offensive was a strong and powerful click, Sun Hao was also able to achieve the initial integration of his three major swords at this critical moment, and also explored the huge application of small flames.

There was a faint surprise in his heart, and Sun Hao stabilized his position.

At this time, in front of Sun Hao’s eyes, the distraction of Ke Wei’s distraction has already smashed himself.

I didn't have much time to think about it, and I couldn't care much. Sun Hao's mouth screamed, and Shen Xiangjian's sword screamed, and the five colors shimmered and rushed forward.

The lake and the mountains were cut by Shengxiang sword.

The speedy and incomparable speed of the singer of the singer "snake" stabbed the incense sword.

Shen Xiangjian had a slight meal, and the five-color radiance made a big splash. And the speed of the cocoon is incessant, violently aimed at the front, whether it is Shen Xiangjian or Sun Hao, a series of shocks that are enough to turn the river.


A series of huge impacts came out.

In the energy flow of the two people's fierce battles, the lake was born and fell into a deep pit with a radius of more than ten feet.

What happened to Coron once again was very unexpected.

Sun Hao, who had been almost defeated by his own life, actually resisted the attack of his own lake and water ripples at the last moment. In the case of the body still squirting blood, it firmly stabilized the position.

His own violent distraction, actually blocked by the five-color soul sword.

On top of the five-color soul sword, the five real yuan flowed, and they continued to live. They caught the distraction of their own tyrants and won the time for Sun Hao to keep retreating.

Although Sun Hao was beaten by himself, although it seemed to be almost a little, he was buried in his own distraction.

However, until he broke out in a series of ten consecutive blows, and the shocking momentum of the gods was exhausted, he still could not really defeat Sun Hao.

With a bang, the lakes and lakes of Ke'er have finally run out of power, and they have turned into water drops in the side of Sun Hao.

And the final blow of the distraction of the science fiction, also a bang, squatting on the incense sword.

Shen Xiangjian sank slightly, shook a few times, and stood firmly in the air.

In the water wave of the lake and the water blasting, Sun Hao’s body quickly flew up from the body of the violent violent rush, almost stepping on the agarwood sword, and stepping on the shoulders of the scorpion, the point of the toes. Flying high, the air turned over, one knee, and laughed in the mouth: "The great warrior is a great prestige, and Sun Hao has taught."

Keke’s body was quite a bit, and Yushui’s unicorn was slowly starting to step. The look on his face was very calm, and his mouth said faintly: “I don’t know if Sun Hao can still resist myself.”

Sun Hao shook his head and said: "It’s the so-called not to indecent assault. The big warrior has stormed for so long, and it’s time to pick up my grandson’s moves.

The three forces are one, and the five elements are in the sword.

Shen Xiangjian rose from the front of Sun Hao, and the sound of a sword screamed, and it was turned into a streamer.

A simple and extremely ordinary sword.

In the direction of the sword, he attacked the squad straight.

This sword, the lake is roaring, there is a sea sword.

At the same time, this sword also has a fighting spirit and endless killing, and above the sword, it is a five-color light flow, like a whirlwind around the sword body, rushed over to the department.

Ke Xin’s heart is full of surprises.

Obviously, the opponent has just suffered a heavy blow to his own should be greatly reduced in combat power, but why did it break out such a fierce blow?

The heart is full of puzzles, but the action is not slow.

The lake fork moved forward, and Yushui Kirin ran two steps. The momentum of swallowing the lake and sea rose suddenly and rushed forward. At the same time, the lake and the water appeared behind him, and was waved by the lake fork and rushed to the front.

As a result of the distraction, Shen Xiangjian penetrated through the forcible, breaking through the enthusiasm of the lake, breaking through the lake and the water, and stabbed the scientific.

Coron's triangular lake fork forked forward, and a huge transparent water hood appeared in front of him, facing the incense sword.

As a thorn cotton, Shen Xiangjian pierced the water hood and slammed into the triangular lake fork of the scorpion.

Huge power came from the agarwood sword.

Ke's body was crushed and slammed, and under the body, Yushui Kirin couldn't stand the tremendous pressure, and a bang, turned into a waterdrop, and spattered.

Kodak’s tall body was directly pressed into the lake.

A loud bang came from the bang, and there was a huge black hole around the scorpion, splashing the sky.

As soon as the lake was allowed to pass, the giant waves surged again, and the cockroach sank into the lake.

The sound of Shen Xiangjian’s sighs, a beautiful arc in the air, and flew back to Sun Hao’s side.

Among the lagoons, the shape of the cockroaches slowly emerged from the lake.

The tall jade water unicorn was quickly formed under his body.

Ke Wei lamented the difficulty of Sun Hao, and his heart was even more puzzled about why Sun Hao could recover his combat power so quickly in the case of almost collapse.

In the heart, the science flocked up a lot of jealousy.

This Terran warrior in front of him has the strength to hurt himself.

Look at Yin Peng, who is ups and downs in the wind. In the heart of Ke Wei, the first time he retired. (To be continued.)

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