Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1542: Wild beast

However, Sun Hao knew immediately that this was not a dusk snake.

Because of their lack of signs of shock, the entire Langley Island was exceptionally calm during the dusk.

There is no doubt that the surrounding scenery is not caused by the desert snake at dusk.

Straight up, Sun Hao jumped up and floated above the canopy of the fairy pear tree.

Ji Ruxue and Xiao Qing flew up and stood side by side with Sun Hao, looking at the sky of yellow orange and orange.

Full of tea, the sky of yellow orange and orange began to change dramatically.

One left and one right, far apart, the bright moon hanging on both ends, under the yellow sunset, approaching quickly at a very fast speed.

It seems that the two discs overlap in general, and the two rounds of the moon in the air overlap each other and merge together to become a yellow-orange orange field, a bright moon emitting yellow light, hanging high above the high sky.

At this time, the sunset fell.

Huang Yue is high hanging.

Sun Hao and Xiao Qing and Ji Ruxue looked at each other.

Ji Ruxue whispered: "The two months are one, the yellow moon is high, the wild tide is coming, the war will start, the hill, we will go back to the right camp..."

Sun Hao said a good one.

Xiaoqing looked back at the fairy pear tree, followed Sun Hao and quickly ran to the transmission array.

Sun Hao just entered the right camp and immediately received a phonetic transcription. The right battalion commander called the right-hand squad to take urgent action.

The choking horn has already sounded in the right camp.

The wolf smoke came out from all directions, the whole array was opened, and the fortress was heavily displayed. The entire right camp had quickly entered the state of alert.

Sun Hao is a late-level executive.

The right commander is waiting for Sun Hao.

Sun Hao came in, and in the command post, the monks got up and greeted each other: "Agarwood adults."

Sun Hao nodded and stepped onto the second seat. He said: "Just back from Langein Island, it is relatively calm."

The general leader nodded: "Well, that's good. Now that Aquilaria is back, we are starting to discuss things. Everyone knows what is coming. I hope everyone can express their opinions in a concise manner. There is only one goal. Do your best to ensure the right camp. Not losing..."

The virtual world battlefield is in a state of eclipse, and it erupts every 50 to 100 years.

Many warriors who guarded the battlefields in the virtual world have experienced more than one wild tide, and they have also formed a set of countermeasures to deal with the battlefield of the virtual world.

The proceedings were quickly concluded, and the various teams were all ready to prepare for the battle.

The wild tide officially erupted, and a large number of wild animals appeared outside the fortress of the right camp. These wild animals have several huge differences compared with the past.

The eyes of the wild beast were covered with a layer of pale yellow light, and the strength was also greatly increased.

Different wild animals do not attack each other, but they consistently use the right camp as an attack target.

At this time, the entire right-handed battalion of the Terran Camp has a bright white light, and it is very different from the surrounding yellow scene. At the same time, it is very vivid in the yellow gas, and it has become a huge target waiting for the impact of the wild animal.

In the sky above the ground, outside the right camp, the battle started.

The fierce fireworks and the bright sword light began to bloom on the fortress. Sun Hao took the Yinpeng swordsmen in the core area and waited for it to be ready.

The wild beast is like a tide.

A steady stream of sources.

However, Sun Hao found that in response to this first attack, the Terran Right Camp soldiers responded very smoothly, with a degree of offensive and defensive, urgency and chaos, and the battle was fruitful.

The Yinpeng monk commanded Alda to pay attention to the situation at any time. He said in his mouth: "Fortunately, the nests around the camp have been broken by adults. The remaining wild animals are weaker melons, or else, The first phase of the Terran camp will not be so good."

The first stage of the outbreak of the wilderness is to stimulate the wild animals around the camp, strengthen their ability, and form a deterrent to the camp in a huge amount.

However, the wild beasts in the right camp have been cleaned up by Sun Hao. No matter the quantity or quality, they are not the same as the past.

As a result, the first batch of wild animals broke out and had no effect on the right camp.

Sun Hao and Yin Peng did not even need to shoot, the first batch of wild animals were blocked by the soldiers outside, and many soldiers also formed a team to kill the fortress, directly defeating the first wave of wild animals outside, destroying Above the wilderness.

But this situation lasted only less than three days, and a large number of wild animals were killed again.

The Terran warrior had to return to the fortress and began to rely on the fortress to defend.

The wild animals are in a tidal wave, do not desperately, and continue to come.

The soldiers took turns to kill the soft hands, and the wild beasts in the distance still could not see the margins.

With the entry into the upper echelons of the human race and exposure to more information about the virtual world, Sun Hao is no stranger to the wilderness.

The wild tide is a very important test and battle for the emptiness.

The virtual list in the sky is the defensive genius treasure that can resist the invasion of the wild animals, the existence of the virtual list, and the opening of the Kyushu land for the imaginary people and the continuous expansion of the land of Kyushu. possibility.

Kyushu, which is under the cover of the virtual list, and the wild beasts near Kyushu are limited in their ability to allow the imaginary people to recuperate.

But even if it is a heavenly spirit, it is difficult to withstand the expansion of the wild beast.

Every few decades, after the number of vain beasts reaches a certain level, in the battlefield of the virtual world, a wild tide will erupt. A large number of wild beasts try to cross the interception of the virtual world and rush into the land of Kyushu. Recapture more sites.

The war was born.

Every time the wild tide erupts, it is a big shuffle.

Usually, many ethnic camps in the virtual battlefield will be completely destroyed, drowning in the tide of wild animals, and many ethnic battlefield soldiers will even be wiped out.

Of course, under normal circumstances, because every large-scale camp has a large transmission array, even if the camp is broken, there are still a large number of monks who can escape and provide a possibility for a comeback.

After each wild wave, these strengths of the virtual battlefield will take about ten years to re-establish a stronghold.

The Terran Camp was re-established after the last wave of the wilderness.

The last time the wilderness, the Terran only held the Zhongying, even the Zhongying was almost forcibly broken.

Every time the wild tide, the racial rankings above the virtual list have undergone tremendous changes, and the changes in the warrior list will be even greater. In the midst of the war, there are often grasshoppers rising, real Tianjiao, in the two or three years of drought. In the tide, it tends to be like a star in the sky, illuminating a sky.

Originally, many people thought that the science of the Lakers would rise in this wild tide, and they would enter the top 100 and become a star warrior. But I did not expect that the wild tide had not yet erupted, and the scientific scorpion actually fell into the lake. Above.

The rise has become the Terran Sun Hao.

Moreover, after the rise of Sun Hao, in just a few years, the ranking continued to rise upwards, and when the wild tide broke out, it suddenly became a two-star warrior.

I just don't know if Sun Hao can shine in this wild tide, and I don't know what height I can go.

Under Sun Hao’s right index finger, there is indeed a star pattern of rice grain size. This is Sun Hao’s all the wild animal nests near the right camp, killing no more than 20 gold ~ In exchange for the results.

Two-star warrior.

The rank of the warrior has also reached 84.

In the midst of the wilderness, if you want to hold the camp, you mainly rely on two things, strength and luck are indispensable.

The strength is too weak, the first wave of attacks may not hold.

If you are too bad luck, come out with an irresistible big guy like a late-night snake, and you can only talk about it.

You must know that even if you are a true strong family in the top ten, even if you build a huge city like the Sky City, you can't guarantee that you will be safe in the wild.

Historically, the top ten cities that were destroyed by the wilderness were quite a few.

According to the records of the classics, the best rankings of the Terran have reached the top 50, but at the time of the glory of the Terran, the Xiongcheng was broken, the elite was greatly damaged, and the rankings were plummeting, and the situation was getting worse.

Therefore, in the wild tide, luck is still important.

The short first phase was mainly a wave of attacks consisting of wild animals near the camps, and did not form too much impact on the Terran right camp.

Spend easily.

The second stage, the real wilderness that overflowed in the wilderness, was killed by the outwardly expanding wild beast.

At this time, Sun Hao built a good news in the small camp on Langein Island.

At dusk, the desert snake is the first lazy snake in the virtual world. Even if it is a wild tide, it is indifferent, and its invisible pressure allows the slightly more powerful wild animals to evade automatically. Therefore, the Terran resident on Lange Island is relatively safe. Many, the highest, but the silver beasts, the defenders should be able to hold them.

In the wilderness of the right camp, many high-grade wild animals have been killed, and the wild beasts in the lake have also flooded the lake and killed them to the right.

The wild animals are booming and their strength is greatly increased.

Yin Peng began to participate in the war. (To be continued.)

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