Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1543: Tianjiao

A virtual warrior who has not experienced the wild tide, can not be called a real warrior.

The virtual warrior who has not experienced the wild tide will never imagine how intense the intensity and intensity of the wild tide will be.

Sun Hao led Yin Peng to participate in the war.

After a war, he flew in the air and continued to fight fiercely. He did not land for three months.

At any time, a large number of wild animals, in the sky and underground, always flooded.

Yinpeng hit, can hit the tide into a huge hollow, destroy many wild animals, but then, the wild beast immediately filled the empty hole, behind it is dense, a large number of wild animals came off the bench.

The level of wild animals overflowing from the wilderness is very high. The common wild animals have reached the level of intermediate swordsmen. Every day, there are many silver shortages appearing before the fortress. At least one gold shortage appears every day.

So dense, so strong.

The people's right camp is facing tremendous pressure.

The entire right camp, the various entrances, the various defense points, are experiencing cruel battles all the time.

The Yinpeng team is basically a non-stop under the leadership of Sun Hao, timely attack, killing a powerful wild beast that has deterrence against the right camp.

Half of the silver shortage of the siege of the right camp fell under the attack of Yin Peng.

Every day there is a gold shortage, and two-thirds fall under Sun Hao’s Aquilaria.

Only when there is a strong, short-term can not end the battle and there is a new golden shortage, the right commander will lead the team to play and stop the other end.

In the end of the war, the body of the wild beasts piled up like mountains.

In the wilderness outside the right camp, the earth has been reddened by blood, dried up, and reddened. The killing wild beast that has not been cleaned up in a large amount is in the midst of a huge battle, and is turned into meat and blood. The rain fell on the earth, and the earth was gradually filled in, and the ground was raised high. Outside the right camp, a new wall of flesh and blood was built.

For the whole three months, after Yinpeng took off, it did not land. Even the monks rotated, it was also carried out in the air.

The monks in the main battle are from beginning to end, and the war is endless.

If everyone is above the high-level god, and can occasionally be lazy in the body of Yinpeng, they can’t hold on.

The continuous **** battle, dyed the silver armor, and dyed the silver sword.

Yinpeng has become a **** Dapeng, coupled with the violent killing of Sun Hao, blood Peng became the real killing machine of the Terran right camp.

The whole battle of the virtual battlefield broke out in all directions.

The blood of the bursts rises from all directions.

The yellow, seemingly yellow dusty battlefield gradually changed its color as the war continued.

The virtual battlefield of yellow orange and orange gradually evolved into a battlefield of blood, and the color changed from yellow to dark red.

Whether it is the sun in the air or the moon in the moon, it is gradually turned into a blood red color under the reflection of the virtual battlefield.

Bloody moon.

The **** sun, the sun that should have been very strong, seems to be covered with a thick layer of blood halo, the light is not there, even if it is hanging in the sky, it is still a dusk-like dark red.

After three months of fierce fighting, Sun Hao’s right hand pointed to the roots, once again lit up a faint little star, did not know how many silver shortages were killed, killed more than forty gold shortages, and let Sun Hao’s exploits soar again. In the position of the virtual world battle list, jumped to the Samsung fighters.

After the outbreak of the wild tide, the real power speaks.

Under the constant war, under the ecstasy of the battle, the powerful monks, it is naturally faster to get the battle.

There is no fancy at all in the middle.

Like Sun Hao, he can lead Yin Peng to continue to fight, and he can fight against most of the golden warriors. There are not many in the virtual battlefield.

Therefore, the outbreak of the wilderness for more than three months, Sun Hao's ranking has achieved a substantial increase.

The same reason, many, hidden in all directions, powerful, crouching warriors stand out in this fierce battle.

One by one, arrogant, boarded the historical stage of the virtual battlefield, and began to shine on the virtual list.

Even within the Terran, there have been warriors who have risen rapidly, and the speed of progress is even above Sun Hao.

Jiang Hao, who once moved to Sun Hao, finally left with the rise of Sun Hao, and left in the left camp of the Terran.

He is a warrior on the virtual list, but the ranking in the past is not very high, only more than 4,000. After the outbreak of the wild tide, the strong outbreak, ranking all the way, and March has passed into the fifth. Within a hundred years, it became the second big warrior after the Terran followed Sun Hao, and got the unanimous optimism of the upper class.

Among the Terrans, the emergence of two powerful rising descendants has indeed attracted the attention of many ethnic groups. However, for the top 100 races, these achievements of the Terran are still negligible.

The most sensational, most influential record of the imaginary, appeared in the top ten races, the long-eared clan, the wild wave of the war only three months, the long-eared five-star warrior Muge Day triumphed all the way, with an unparalleled power, in In this wild tide, successfully, the first promotion became a "hero."

A hero who has been recognized by the virtual list and has strong individual combat ability and powerful special combat commanding skills.

According to legend, the long-eared warriors of Mugeri’s commander can unconditionally ignore the defense of the arrows, break the arrow of the law, and blow down, the wild beasts outside the long-eared tree city will be swept away.

The arrow of Mugeri can directly penetrate the head of the Golden Desert and kill it on the spot.

The wild animals outside the Long Ears are very strong in quantity and quality, which makes the name of Mugeri.

The first hero, the rising tide.

In addition to Muge Day, there are many warriors, dazzling, far surpassing the two fast-moving warriors of the Terran.

The barbarian warrior Helik, although not able to jump into a hero, but its record also shocked the next imaginary, launched for three months, directly from the big warrior, jumped into a nine-star warrior.

The barbarian is a very strange in the vain, the race that can be active in the wild, and it is said that the barbarian is the branch of the witch who occupies an important position in the emptiness, and Helik, awakens the blood of the witch, once it breaks out, Can force the people to move, relocating the mountains and reclamation, and the battle team he led, when the battle, the attack power instantly doubled.

The clay-man warrior Rafi Meng, who stood among the hundreds of millions of wild animals, did not fall down. The single person was alone in the gate of the station for more than a month, and the blood was dyed and smashed, and it was passed down as a "steel plate."

The Flying Warrior Warrior is single-handed. "After Nirvana, it is a new one." It is the only nine-star warrior among all the fighters who can face the golden age and win the battle. They have realized the most powerful skills of the flying people. "Great Nirvana" is a nine-star warrior who is about to become a virtual hero. According to the data, he is also likely to be the second hero after Mug.


Every time the wild tide Tianjiao is out.

From the intelligence of the virtual list, Sun Hao saw a lot of races that he did not know, and learned many powerful monks who he did not know.

Tree Terran Warrior Kordo can manipulate some wild animals to fight for themselves;

The Tauren warrior Sol can rush for thousands of miles in a day, directly connecting the two camps of the Tauren;

The warrior Balbo, who built the steel dragon;

The semi-orc warrior Ni Soke, the commander of the half-orc can double the attack;

Ancient Mozu, Wing Ren, Elder Dwarf, Stone Man, Glass Man, Haiwang, Cyclops, Blind Eyes...

A powerful ethnic warrior on the stage of history, one by one, the celestial warriors began to shine, illuminate the square.

These materials made Sun Hao feel his own smallness and insufficiency, and his heart was filled with the desire for strength, and the fighting became more and more effort.

As a Samsung warrior, Sun Hao has a very special advantage, that is, he can transfer the virtual list from his own three faint stars, and can see the simple virtual list information.

Those powerful records recorded in the virtual list, those powerful warriors, Sun Hao received through Samsung.

Sun Hao himself, although outstanding in the Terran, although made a great contribution to defending the right-wing of the Terran.

However, Sun Hao’s record has not been able to get on the virtual list. A battle report has not been distributed. Compared with the battle reports among the three stars, Sun Hao’s heart must be convinced.

Every time the war report is issued, it is an earth-shattering battle. Every time the war report is issued, Sun Hao feels trembled and frightened. At the same time, he is also eager for such a battle scene.

The imaginary world, the arrogant generation, the heroes countless.

In the Samsung Seal, there is still some information, which makes Sun Hao feel afraid and really not complacent. (To be continued.)

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