Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1545: 3 star hero (2) thanks to the book friend berserk?

After the three-headed golden wild cattle were destroyed, the iron-hoofed cows were angry, regardless of the ground, forcibly erupted the last assault, directly hitting the wild beast in front of the road, rushing to the defensive fortress, causing a lot of violent to the fortress. damage.

Blocking the impact of the iron hoofed cattle, regardless of the impact, the killing of the most powerful attack of several silver horns, the right camp is still firmly held.

Sun Hao sighed with relief, two or three days, and after successively repelling the attack of a few waves of wild animals, the right camp once again ushered in a huge test.

The big commander stood by Sun Hao, and there was the information of the right camp in his hand. The face was dignified and agarwood. Next, the attack on the right camp might be the frosty monitor lizard, the data recorded, the place where the right camp is located, the wild tide. The longest time, that is, insisted on here, never once, right camp can survive the attack of the frosty monitor lizard..."

This information, Sun Hao has long been in contact, so it is not a special accident, nodded calmly, Sun Hao asked such a big command, we now need to know how to do nothing wrong `w.`lu`com do ? ”

The general commander looked at the fortress, and the soldiers who were still alive and killed and the beasts were killed. The face appeared to be unbearable, but in the end, the eyes were firm. If possible, we must do our utmost to ensure that the right camp is not lost. Agarwood does not know, the human race wants to enter the top 100, the minimum requirement is that at least two camps can be guaranteed without loss in this wild tide. Otherwise, everything is free. ”

Sun Hao gave a slight glimpse, nodded, and said in his mouth, Aquilaria understood. ”

In the eyes of the great commander, it seems that it is full of longing for the incense. If you are in the top 100, the Terran can truly build a Terran in the virtual world and regain the glory of the top 50 in the past. ”

Sun Hao smiled and said that the Datong leader was relieved that Shen Xiang would do everything he could to cooperate with the general commander to hold the right-hand camp. The general commander still said that we should deal with the frosty monitor lizard. The road must be step by step. We must first ask this mark. ”

The frosty monitor lizard, the largest crawling lizard in the virtual world, has two characteristics.

Frost attack.

Huge no friends.

The number of frosted monitor lizards is not much, but the frosty monitor lizard that appears at every head is at least the strength of the silver shortage, and the number of gold shortages will reach as many as six or seven.

More crucially, the golden and silver-dead frosted monitor lizards are simply indistinguishable in appearance.

Only when they launch a frost attack can they judge their level from the characteristics and intensity of the frost.

Once the three or more golden frosty dragons are launched, it is a huge disaster for the Terran Warriors.

Instantly chilling thousands of miles, arrays, fortresses, even weaker fighters, will be frozen in an instant.

After the ice seal, the monitor lizard swept the giant tail, and the fortress was quickly destroyed like a fragile frozen object.

Since the establishment of the right camp, it has rarely crossed the frosty lizard.

If the Terran wants to make breakthroughs in new developments, this is a must-have level.

The commander of the great commander said that if he wants to overcome this difficulty, we need to discharge some of the screaming swearing, judging and marking in advance, those frosty lizards are golden, and if possible, it is best to kill some of them, if not, I have to take some away. I can’t let the three or more giant lizards spit out the frost at the same time. It’s best not to let the two or more spit out...”

Sun Hao thought about it and said that according to the general commander, if the team's ability to resist frost is not strong, I am afraid that under the attack of the frosted monitor lizard, it will encounter an unprecedented blow. ”

The general leader nodded. The Yinpeng team of Shenxiang had to be tens of millions. Once it was sprayed by the frost, it would have negative effects such as slowing down and stiffness. It is very likely that it will not be wiped out. ”

Sun Hao’s eyes flashed and nodded and said that Shen Xiang understood, then did the frosty lizard have weaknesses? ”

"They are very big and they turn slower." The general leader said slowly. In another wilderness, the Terran once killed a frosty lizard and studied it. The conclusion is that this wild animal is The blood is a frosty fluid. If a monk can approach it and bring a huge amount of flame energy into its heart, instantly dissolve its frosty blood, there is a great chance that it will bring unexpected results. However, this method has only been There can be a theoretical level, because so far, no human monk can dissolve its heart frost liquid instantly..."

Sun Hao nodded slightly and stood up to the big commander. It is not too late. I will take Yinpeng to the frosty lizard on the road for a while. You will not be in a hurry to send out the courage to blame..."

The great commander stayed a little, and said agarwood in his mouth. If it is not right, return at any time, don't resist it. The silvery frosty giant lizard is too dangerous once it is too numerous. ”

Sun Hao shouted, the Yinpeng team shone, the soldiers quickly returned to their homes, Sun Hao strode across the sky, falling in the array, arms shaking, Yin Peng skyrocketed, a beautiful arc in the air crossed, broken Go and cast in the wilderness ahead of the defense fortress.

The voice of the great commander came from Aquilaria. ”

The sound of Sun Hao’s clear voice passed. ”

Yinpeng spread wings, the body, the **** shooter and the monk Qiqi launched the attack, the strength is not very strong, the airborne wild animals have been planted in front of Yinpeng, turned into fluffy blood.

In the air, the huge Yinpeng body was slightly stunned, and Sun Hao’s will was instantly passed into the minds of every Yinpeng fighter’s mind. Please pay attention to the position of all the friends. Xiaoqing pays attention to connecting all the friends...”

After that, Sun Hao’s knowledge was taken, and the frosty cold inside the body’s frost and heavy water was led out.

All Yinpeng fighters only felt that the body was cold and the body was slightly stiff, and there was a feeling that the soul was frozen.

Xiaoqing’s voice quickly came out. Oh, hill, why are you, so cold? ”

Sun Hao’s will is quickly introduced into the minds of every Yinpeng monk to frost and frost resistance. Dear friends, I will lay a layer of frost cover on the outside of Yinpeng’s body. What you need to do is to adapt quickly to this environment, especially It’s Xiaoqing, don’t be careless, can you understand? "No error novel network does not jump words.

Within the Yinpeng, all the soldiers stood in unison and ruled. ”

On the huge body of Yinpeng, it looks like a hairy, with a faint glow. Within Yinpeng, every monk can clearly perceive it, and the body is covered with a layer of faint Thin cream.

The thin frost is extremely cold, but it does not actively attack the monks. The monk only needs to stick to his heart seriously, but he can adapt to it, keep the repair and listen to Sun Hao's commanding skills.

While adapting, Yin Peng flew forward, killing a lot of wild animals along the way, finally saw a moving mountain, in the direction of the Terran camp, the speed is not very slow attack.

The huge Yinpeng, which consists of 50,000 soldiers and has a wingspan of more than a few miles, appears slightly petite in front of these giant lizards.

Every step of the huge lizard, the ground is like an earthquake.

Above the wilderness, more than a hundred frosted monitor lizards are scattered everywhere, but instinctively, their targets are in the wilderness, unique and uniquely different from the desert.

Sun Hao’s arms were on display, and Yin Peng passed by a frosty lizard.

The head of the Frosty Lizard is puzzled in the direction of Yinpeng. It seems to have felt a bit. He did not attack the Yinpeng, and he still steadfastly took a step and walked forward.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly stunned, and he thought about A pair of wings, shaking Yin Peng, flying up, blocked in front of the frosty monitor lizard.

The frosty lizard stepped a little, bypassing Yinpeng and moving on.

Not attacking?

Yinpeng once again spread his wings and blocked it before the frosty monitor lizard.

The result is still the same.

Sun Hao thought for a moment, released a little frost cover, revealing a trace of the human monk atmosphere, the frosty monitor lizard instantly changed his attitude, the nostrils began to spit white mist, making a spurt.

Sun Hao instantly understood that the gods had once again moved to the ethnic monk with a frosty atmosphere, and then shook his arms and flew into the ice lizard.

Practice has proved that the frosty lizard may not have good eyesight, or that their criteria for judging the enemy is breath. When Yinpeng is covered in frost, the frosted lizard will misjudge that Yinpeng is the same kind.

Yin Peng is covered in frost, hovering among the monitor lizards, blocking the road of the monitor lizard, and the monitor lizard will detour.

Once again, Sun Hao drove Yin Peng to the huge iced lizard. Under the head, there was an agarwood sword. The red light began to flash and the whole sword became a restrained fire red. The small flame in Sun Hao’s body is completely attached to the agarwood sword.

The gods know each other, Yinpeng slightly shakes the body, all the fire attribute monks in the body really mad, and rushed into the incense sword, Sun Hao mouth violently drink Yin Peng wings, Peng hit ..."

The agarwood sword flashed and turned into a fiery streamer. A sword stabbed and slammed into the body of the frosty lizard before Yinpeng and directly into its heart. (To be continued.)

The first five and four five chapters of the Samsung hero (two) thank the book friend beserk Ming

The first five and four five chapters of the Samsung hero (2) thank the book friend beserk Ming is by [no * wrong] [small-speak-net] member hand, more chapters please go to the website:

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