Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1546: 3 star hero (3) thanks to the book friend berserk?

(Several book friends continue to reward, continue to support Bo Yao, did not have to say, a few more chapters before 12 o'clock)

Above the defensive fortress, the top of the Terran, the big commander and the two deputy commanders, as well as several war camp leaders are paying attention to the distance.

When Yinpeng smashed a **** path from the air and rushed forward, their hearts were full of expectation and full of worry.

The power of Yinpeng was vividly demonstrated in this war. Although Sun Haosun was only a monk, he was only an elite swordsman, but his fighting ability has already sighed several leaders, and its huge development potential, It is to let several major leaders look forward to it.

This is Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang's participation in the first wild war. According to his age, according to his cultivation, he can fully participate in many wild wars. It is conceivable that as he cultivates, the future will grow. His ranking in the virtual list will be higher and higher, and maybe it will be possible to become a hero.

Compared with the great development potential of Sun Hao, the defensive gains and losses of the Terran Right Camp are not very important.

Now, Yinpeng took the initiative to challenge the frosty monitor lizard, which made the family high-level people feel a little scared. They hoped that Sun Hao could create miracles and fear Sun Hao’s accident.

The high-ranking people are cautiously and nervously watching the front.

About half an hour, the wilderness in the distance ahead, there was a huge change.

The flames of the sky, rising from the sky, the fire is shining, the distance is far and far away, there are a lot of wild animals separated, above the defense fortress, you can still see the huge fireworks.

It seems that I can also feel the enormous heat of the flame.

The shooter had the best vision and was able to observe the flame pattern sharply. He shouted loudly: "This seems to be a monitor lizard!"

A burning, upright giant lizard?

Shouldn't the front be a frosty monitor lizard? How come a flame monitor lizard?

In the blazing flame, the earth seems to tremble, violently tremble, the ray of light above the defensive fortress flashes, and the big array opens, reducing the damage caused by the shock.

The general leader thought about it and said, "Send a strong scout to see what is going on?"

After an hour, the earthquake subsided slightly, and the fire in front seemed to be extinguished.

A scout in black appeared on the defensive fortress: "You adults, just a group of frosted monitor lizards besieging a flame monitor lizard..."

The general commander asked: "How is the situation of Shenxiang adults?"

The scout said: "Yinpeng is watching the battle not far from the battlefield, and Shenxiang adults should be in the lineup."

The general leader nodded and was preparing to speak.

The front has changed again.

The blazing flame rose again, and another flame monitor lizard appeared, and the earth trembled again.

The Terran commanders face each other.

The general commander asked: "Don't you say that there is only one flame monitor lizard?"

The scouts nodded affirmatively: "Before I left, there was only one head, and it was already suppressed by the frosty monitor lizard, and gradually lost its own firepower. This head should suddenly appear..."

The monk commander suddenly said: "This flame monitor lizard, isn't it made of agarwood?"

The great commander said to the scout: "Go ahead and find out what is going on."

Scouts are leading the way.

Without waiting for the scout to come back, the battlefield in the front has changed greatly. Several flame giants have vacated and ignited the fire. The earth is shaking for a long time. You don’t need to see it, the frosty monitor lizard is stopped by the flame giant lizard in the wilderness. .

Countless times, I destroyed the big man of the right camp. It is almost a difficult problem. Is it just past?

After a while, Scouts came back strangely, and when they asked questions, they said aloud: "Agarwood adults ignited the frosty monitor lizard in a magical way, and let them fight..."

The swordsman commander Liang Shu and his wife couldn’t help but pinch their fists and called out: "Good!"

Although Sun Hao is already above him, Sun Hao is indeed from his sword camp. At this time, Sun Hao is building a wonderful work and suddenly makes him feel gratified.

Several high-ranking people have a good heart.

The general commander asked: "What is the situation of Shenxiang now?"

The scout's face showed a strange expression: "Agarwood adults led Yinpeng to swim freely between the frosted monitor lizards, as if the frosty monitor lizard could not find the existence of Yinpeng."

The big commander took a look and smiled on his face. He said in his mouth: "This kid, some ghosts, it’s no wonder that I volunteered to fend off the frosty monitor lizard."

After that, the general leader shouted: "Brothers, come on, maybe, we can hold the Terran right camp in an unprecedented way..."

The Terran warriors suddenly became full of morale and burst into cheers.

Yinpeng flew through the frosty giant lizard, and the Yinpeng warrior once again admired the magical means of the incense and adults.

Sun Hao himself did not expect that his own tentative approach actually worked, and there was a very magical change.

Shen Xiangjian rushed into the heart of the frosty lizard with a small flame, burning fiercely, and instantly lit the frosted lizard.

The frosty lizard is like a cold ice fat. It is very easy to burn. The whole giant lizard is less than a musk time, and it is turned into a flame giant lizard. The body expands outward, and the huge flames and heat waves roll.

After the surrounding frosty lizard found a huge change in the companion, he stopped moving forward. Instead, he surrounded it and sprinkled frost on the flame dragon, trying to extinguish the flame on his companion and return him to normal.

However, the incense sword with a small flame in the flame dragon lizard kept burning, the flame dragon lizard could not be extinguished.

The fire dragon that burned in the fire violently screamed, and could not help but say that it launched an attack on the surrounding companions, spewing fire, smashing the limbs, biting the head, and trying to get out of trouble.

A big fight.

After observing for a while, Sun Hao took back Shen Xiangjian and drove Yin Peng to the other under the frosty giant lizard.

The Frost Dragon Lizard of the Right Camp of the Terran has been destroyed many times. This time, it has not yet reached the Terran Fortress and has begun civil strife.

The Frosted Monitor Lizard has the instinct to help his peers to extinguish the fire. It may be the first priority of their race. Therefore, once the Frosted Dragon Lizard begins to ignite, other Frosted Monitor Lizards will come together and begin to cool down.

The flame monitor lizard is a violent nature, and the six parents do not recognize it. After the blood is ignited, the flame monitor lizard completely loses its sense, and the wilderness, the orderly advancement, and the various wild animals that do not attack each other are completely different. Perhaps this is a kind of variation, but it may be more morbid. So, there is a huge difference from ordinary wild animals.

The practice of the frosted monitor lizard is to try to help the flame monitor lizard to calm down and calm down.

Perhaps without Sun Hao secretly making a bad word, they can completely extinguish the fire on the flame monitor lizard, and let the flame monitor lizard return to the frost state again.

But with Sun Hao's flame burning in the heart of the monitor lizard, no matter how hard the outer iced lizard is, even if it freezes the huge body of the monitor the flame is still rising.

The violent flame monitor lizard automatically recognizes the iced monitor lizard that helps him to extinguish the fire. It is an aggressive behavior, starting to spit, catch bites, and violently attack.

After the Frosted Lizard slammed a few blows, it began to fight back.

The civil strife began.

The frosty monitor lizard does not know how to become such a situation. On the vast wilderness, it becomes a world of ice and fire. The hill collides, the flames rush to the sky, and the continent is frozen.

Even the wild beasts behind were blocked by this huge battlefield.

After destroying the wild animals outside the desert, the Terran camp was very rare and got a few days of rest, so you could watch the huge battlefield from afar.

A moving hill.

The burning volcanoes, in the midst of a fierce battle, slammed into the wilderness.

Every frosty lizard will land, and the defensive fortress will shake a few shakes. If it is surrounded by these big guys, it will not be too good.

The big guys are broken like this.

If it is not the experience of the predecessors, Sun Hao will not think of taking the flame to ignite the frosty monitor lizard, but at the same time, if it is not Sun Hao, it is not the sacred sacredness of Sun Hao, who is helped by the Yin Peng monk fire attribute, the frost giant The lizards are also incombustible.

If it is so easy to be ignited, the first few times, the right camp will not fall under the frosting lizard.

When Yinpeng knocked down the last hill and crossed the beautiful arc and appeared on the defensive fortress, the Terran warriors could not help but scream.

Another big difficulty has passed.

The Terran Right Camp created the record of the longest persistence, and at the same time, with Yin Peng and Shen Xiang adults, all the fighters have raised a strong confidence.

The wild tide is not invincible.

Right camp may be able to hold, perhaps not to rebuild after the tide. (To be continued.)

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