Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1552: Change the middle camp

There are heroes in the virtual world.

Every time the wilderness, heroes come forth.

But as the big-eyed big nose general manager said, the Samsung hero is indeed very rare.

When the virtual list showed this information, the heroes in the virtual world, the top ranks, and the top ranked soldiers instantly remembered Sun Hao.

Even the proud long-eared hero, Mu Ge, was surprised to remember Sun Hao.

The nine-star warriors who are only one step away from the heroes, the flying people and the barbarians, have even opened their eyes in an instant.

They are all rushing forward, and everyone wants to be the second hero.

But I did not expect that a Terran kid, a Samsung warrior, actually became a Samsung hero.

Although the intelligence said that the Samsung hero can only be regarded as a quasi-hero, but it became a success, first they step by step, they have to sigh and be surprised, how a Samsung warrior did.

Among the white clouds, within the "immortal silver city" flying in the air, the flying winged flying man looked at the nine stars in his hand, and his eyes were full of unwillingness and incomprehension.

A hand-held inlaid with a huge sapphire scepter, the priest in a white blouse slowly came over and said softly in his mouth: "Single, the gold content of the Samsung hero is higher than the ordinary hero, so don't look at it. Sun Hao is now only a Samsung warrior, but in the eyes of the real power of the people of the world, perhaps his position is even more than you."

Solo slammed into the ceremony and whispered: "The high priest, why the Samsung warrior will become a hero, is not easy to understand, but please explain."

On the face of the high priest, the look of memories emerged. After half a ring, he slowly said: "The imaginary is the land of battle. The judgment of the hero on the virtual list is mainly based on two aspects. One is individual combat power; The second is the commanding ability of the battle, the two are indispensable, and the combat power is only the second. The criterion for the judgment is relatively complicated. The Samsung hero explains two things. One of them is that Sun Hao’s current level is not very High, but fighting is very strong..."

The high priest came slowly.

After half a ring, Shan Hao said softly: "So, at this time, Sun Hao's individual combat ability is only superior to his level of cultivation, and his strength is not very strong, but his most powerful, but the ability to control. Should his Yinpeng team have strong combat skills?"

The high priest nodded: "What needs to be added is that no matter what level Sun Hao is currently practicing, but given the evaluation of the Samsung hero, then his cultivation potential can at least get more than seven robbers."

Shan Hao said softly: "I understand, thank you High Priest, I think, in the near future, I will completely surpass this rising star."

The high priest smiled and said: "The most important thing I want to come here is to tell you, don't care too much, don't take Sun Hao as a imaginary enemy, it will be very bad for your growth, and you have to know, Although Sun Hao is a Samsung hero, but a hero who has not grown up, nothing, he can reach the height of nine stars, really two, so, single, you need to do, in fact, do yourself."

The single-handed wings were shrunk, and one knee was kneeling in front of the high priest, whispering: "Single-eyed understands."

The high priest smiled slightly, and his body swayed, turning into a light spot and disappearing into the air.

Almost at the same time,

The nine-star warrior Helik, the steel plate Rafi Meng... and so on, the Tianjiao characters, remembered a name together.

Terran Samsung Warrior, Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang.

Compared with other races, the Terran’s shock to Sun Hao’s becoming a Samsung warrior is no doubt much greater.

The Terran has not remembered that there have been no heroes for many years.

Who knows, so suddenly, there is a fierce one.

Originally, Sun Hao was able to become a Samsung warrior and had already formed a huge influence among the top leaders of the Terran.

And Sun Hao, a swordsman from a small school in the border of Zhangzhou, can become the first deputy commander of the right-wing camp of the Terran, and it is already the biggest use of the next generation.

Such a position, in the battlefield of the virtual world, has been able to rank in the top ten.

But what I didn't expect was.

How long has it been before, Sun Hao once again brought them two unparalleled shocks.

A sword, blocking the sixteen gold shortage, directly killing four of them.

A sword has fallen into the hundreds of millions of wild animals.

A sword, the people's right camp is completely stable in the virtual battlefield.

Terran, after this barren tide, there will be a great chance of returning to the top 100.

Once you return to the top 100, then the status of the Terran in the virtual world, the weight of the speech in the virtual world, the land that can be occupied, and the share of resources that can be allocated will have tremendous progress.

Sun Hao became a Samsung warrior, and the people saw the hope of returning to the top 100.

Sun Hao became a Samsung hero, and the people have made great strides on the road of the top 100.

No time, the Terran will be so close to the Top 100.

After getting the information, the top of the Terran also quickly figured out what a Samsung hero is.

According to Sun Hao's situation, he made a huge strategic adjustment quickly.

The hero of Samsung, the most needed, is two points. One of them is the exploit. In theory, as long as Sun Hao’s exploits can accumulate above the nine-star warrior, Sun Hao will automatically advance to a true hero.

The large-scale wild tide of the Terran Right Camp has passed, and the most powerful and most abundance of wilderness has already made Sun Hao’s name a hero. Sun Hao’s stay in the right camp is not conducive to his development.

In the third day after Sun Hao won the title of Samsung Hero, he arrived in the right camp.

Sun Haosun Shen Xiang led the Yinpeng team, and within three days, called Zhongying.

The Terran camp has the strongest strength and faces the most devastating attacks. Yinpeng calls Zhongying, which can greatly benefit Sun Hao's accumulated combat power and upgrade as soon as possible.

The best and most important friends of Sun Hao in the right camp are among the Yinpeng team. Most of the important resources are stored in the storage bags, and they will be ready soon.

Three days later, the right camp officers came together to deliver.

Swordsman, kneeling on one knee, lifting the sword with both hands.

Insane shot, one knee on the ground, one hand raised the bow, one hand to hold the arrow.

The knight, the array, raised the rifle in his hand.


Under the leadership of the great commander, the entire right-wing soldiers shouted in unison: "Gongnong to send the incense to the adults, congratulations to the incense adults..."

The highest warrior's gift.

Dedicated to the most admired commander.

Among the Yin Peng, Ji Ruxue stood by Sun Hao's side, and looked at Xiao Qing's companion, the cold face, and the radiance of rosy.

Like her, Xiaoqing is also good, Ji Yuliu is also good, Ji Yun is also good, seeing the scene before, could not help but think of the time when he just came to the right camp.

At that time, when they first came to the right camp, they were just unknown, and they could not attract anyone’s attention.

It is only the lowest ranked swordsman.

In the first few years, when Sun Hao began to practice, he was seriously ill. In order to take care of Sun Hao, they were careful and careful every day, and they lived hard and hard.

At that time, their hope was to complete the virtual battlefield mission safely and peacefully, that is, Sun Hao could get better.

Now, when they are transferred from the right camp, they are under the congratulations of the entire right camp. Under the highest salute, the scenery leaves.

Together with Sun Hao, they no longer have no name, but the mainstay of the famous Yinpeng team.

The right camp called them Yin Peng four, they never denied, because in their hearts, they really should be that position.

Accompanied by Sun Hao, step by step, they witnessed the hard rise of Sun also took deep feelings with Sun Hao, of course, until now, the real Tao of the hill There is only one Xiaoqing.

Quietly standing behind Sun Hao, there are Ling Cong and Mu Wang and others.

Looking at a green shirt, the young Sun Hao who did not wear the silver armor, the feelings of the two people are also very profound.

Ling Cang has been stationed in the battlefield of the virtual world for many years, but for a long time, it is only the elite swordsman of the sword camp. His status is not high. Many times, the swordsman of the entire Lingtianjian school will be assigned as a cannon fodder, and he can only accept it helplessly. task.

But now, the Yinpeng team has become a separate army, and the Megatron has become an elite in the elite of the human race.

His Ling Cang elite swordsman has also changed and become a swordsman level.

Although it is said that Ling Tianjian’s position in the disciples has been automatically placed after Sun Hao, he became the second child, but the position of the entire Terran camp has become completely different.

Ling Tianbenzong also heard the news. With the promotion of Sun Hao's status, Ling Tianjian's status has been completely upgraded among the major tribes of the entire Terran.

The biggest change is that Lingtianjian received the seat of the lower imaginary people, and the transmission matrix of the Jianpai headquarters to the core area of ​​the human race expanded from small to large.

Many of Zongmen, who have never been a bird of Lingtianjian, took the initiative to communicate with Lingtianjian, and began to establish a transmission array and exchange experience.

In a word, Ling Tianjianzu expressed his own unique insight into the development of Sun Hao, and expressed his satisfaction with the performance of Ling Tianjian’s disciples.

When you come, you will be silent and unparalleled.

Ling Tianjian’s disciples, composed mainly of Yin Peng, followed Sun Hao and entered the large-scale transmission array. They went to the Terran camp and began their new journey on the battlefield of the virtual world. (~^~)

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