Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1553: Zhongying War

There are many rules to follow in the virtual battlefield. One of the simplest rules is that the bigger the city, the more violent the wilderness.

The Terran Camp is built in a large mountain with many buildings, defense towers and three fortresses built on the mountain.

The majestic Terran camp is much stronger than most cities in Perak.

But in the virtual battlefield, there are many gaps from the real city.

Sun Hao knows a lot about these judgment standards. In any case, Sun Hao’s rise is too fast, and it is not a good fact to cover up the truth. Many rules of the battlefield in the virtual world, Sun Hao still knows a little.

But in a general direction, Sun Hao knows.

The performance of the virtual battlefield will determine the division of the virtual world among the Kyushu and determine the status of the people in Kyushu.

The status and resources, which have the greatest impact on the imaginary race, are the population base.

Especially for the Terran, which has great potential, but without cultivation, the population base is the foundation of ethnic development.

Some races, as long as they are adults, even if they are not practicing, they are born with the strength of senior soldiers. Some strong races are even stronger, but the only way to develop is to expand the site and accumulate a large monk class with more mortal foundations.

When Sun Haozhen was mourning the Tianzheng, he encountered a giant terror family. The demise of the giant terror family lost the foundation of the population. Therefore, Sun Hao expressed his understanding that the Terran is desperately resisting the wild animals in the battlefield of the virtual world in exchange for the construction site.

As a member of the human race, Sun Hao is also willing to contribute to the human race.

After Sun Hao arrived in Zhongying, he did not reschedule his duties. Instead, he was granted the right to participate in various decisions of the Terran as a leader of the Yinpeng team.

Zhonghao high-level franchise Sun Hao selected elite forces to supplement the Yinpeng team to form a better combat capability.

Compared with the right camp, the middle camp is more elite, and the fighting power after the formation of the Yinpeng team can be stronger.

For example, Sun Hao can completely replace some of the intermediate fighters in the Yinpeng team with senior swordsmen.

According to the proposal, Sun Hao expanded his Yinpeng team to a total of 250,000. After that, the newly-expanded soldiers organized a training session for more than three months at the training ground of Zhongying.

Familiar with the drills, Sun Hao also asked Ling Cang and Ji Ruxue to discharge a list of battles in accordance with the needs of the battle. The entire team, except for the backbone of the main team, was divided into three batches, and the rounds flowed out. At other times, they were able to compete in the Terran camp. Strengthen the strength of the place and strengthen the training itself.

Of course, playing with the Yinpeng team is actually a special intensive training. Therefore, the soldiers who have the honor to be selected by the Yinpeng team are all very happy and very proud.

After the outbreak of the wild tide, the three Terran warriors stood out and formed the team. The strongest one was Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team, while the other two were Jiang Yu and another Terran warrior. Sun Hao was recalled to the camp. After that, the other two teams were sent to the left and right to strengthen their strength.

After Yin Peng was formed, he began to participate in the battle of Zhongying.

In order to allow Sun Hao to quickly accumulate military achievements, the Terran Right Camp created a series of fighting opportunities for Yin Peng, providing the best supply, and even consciously attracting a large number of wild animals, let Yin Peng kill.

After Yin Peng entered the battlefield, Sun Hao rarely took a break.

A wave of wild animals was sent up, and Sun Hao and Yin Peng were soft, but only after a wave of killing, Sun Hao discovered that the Zhongying monk attracted another wave and waited for himself to clear.

In the past, the methods of fighting in the Terran camp were based on the strong defense capabilities of the fortress, which greatly reduced losses and increased the success rate of the camp.

But this time it was completely different, and the Terran took the initiative.

The Yinpeng fighters rotated in three batches and rushed into the wilderness to launch a massacre. Sun Hao used the five-line flying sword from time to time, and the next killer, the big move, the rare phenomenon of the wild tide was cleared before the Terran camp.

Sun Hao’s exploits also grew rapidly in this fast, cheating-like battle. In less than three months, Sun Hao successfully advanced to the four-star warrior and became a four-star hero.

Only at this time, Sun Hao found that his warfare gains slowed down again.

After all, the Terran camp is just a camp. It is a wilderness around the Terran camp. No matter the number of wild animals or the strength of the wild beasts, there is a huge gap compared with the top 100 races in the city.

Even if all the wild animals before the right camp gave Sun Hao to kill, it was just the same thing.

At this time, after a few months.

The flying man single, the barbarian Helik, the clay man plate Lafay Meng three have already successfully upgraded from the nine-star warrior to the real hero, the virtual list is distributed with special information, and the record of the three of them is indeed higher. Sun Hao is too much.

Of course, it is also very likely that they themselves have received the general treatment of Sun Hao within the race. The killing of the beasts is soft and the battle is accumulating.

The Terran is also hard, in order to let Yinpeng have enough battles to accumulate, or even take the initiative to provoke a team, to bring the wilderness farther away, let Sun Hao kill and kill.

It is estimated that in the entire virtual battlefield, like the Terran, it is absolutely unique.

This is an expression of positive contributions and active contributions to the next.

At the same time, this is also a kind of provocation and rudeness to the virtual tide.

After more than a month of fierce fighting, the Terran camp cleared the barren tide around the camp, and after pulling many wild animals to cushion, finally angered the wild beast.

According to the truth, only the golden priests under the city will appear, leading more than a dozen gold shortages around the right camp of the Terran.

What followed was the overwhelming wilderness, the heavens and the earth, the black pressure, and the innumerable wild animals.

The golden wilderness commander is only one level higher than the peak of the golden age.

This is a nine-headed desert snake with nine heads and nine kinds of attack methods. It is entangled in the wild beast. The blue snake is like a hill. It is also surrounded by more than ten golden wild cattle. It is very tall. His body is bright and bright, his body is tall and burly, his limbs are strong and powerful, and his nose keeps snorting.

The emergence of the Golden Wild Commander has made the top of the family happy and fearful.

At this time, Sun Hao understands that the reason why the Terran is to provoke the wilderness, the fundamental purpose is to lead the wild animal command.

Only by killing the leader of the wild beast and gaining the heart of the wild beast command, then the Terran will finally have the conditions to build a city under the hood, and will truly be among the top 100 races.

Therefore, strictly speaking, this nine-headed desert snake is actually the one that the Terran has won.

However, it is coming, but the Terran has found that when it comes to this moment, there may be a lot of price that it will cost.

Nine heads of the nine-headed snake, nine skills, among all the wild animal leaders ~ ~ is considered to be the top of the difficult, the most terrible is the nine-headed wild animal led by nine wild animals These giant bulls are not strong enough to destroy the fortress. They will also have a horrible law skill, fear to death, huge bulls eye, can bring out the eyes of people who are extremely fearful, and the monks who are shackled, no matter how much High, once in the middle of the move, there is no reason to die, even if it is repaired to be higher, it will die instantly.

The offensive combination of the nine-headed desert snake and the golden wild cattle is really a headache for the family camp.

Sun Hao led Yin Peng and began to play.

After understanding the habits of the golden wild cattle, Sun Hao first launched an attack on the Golden Wild Bull.

When the first head was bullied, the fear of death was stunned and instantly launched. Sun Hao led Yin Peng to fly and flew, but the speed of death was extremely fast. At the speed of Yinpeng, there were still two swordsmen who were shot by light. Unresisting, falling from the air, silently died under the law of sexual assault.

The power of the bull is precisely here, the attacker is too weak, can't beat it at all, the monk with strong strength, once it is hit by it, it is sure to die.

The only way is to launch a long-range attack so that it can't see the attacking team and it can't be effectively killed.

Sun Hao drove Yin Peng and began to pour arrow rain on the golden wild cattle. At the same time, he began to use the agarwood sword to gain momentum.

Before the middle camp, above the fortress, the monks cooperated vigorously. Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team fought for four or five days. Shen Xiangjian killed the last golden wild cattle, and paid a lot of price. Qian Yinpeng warriors fell into the contempt of the bulls.

After clearing the top ten bulls, Sun Hao drove Yin Peng to support the top monks of the Terran, who had been holding down the nine desert snakes. After ten days, they cut off the nine heads of the nine wild animals and harvested them for the Terran camp. A precious wild animal commanding heart. (~^~)

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