Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1556: Preparatory team

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The city can be skyrocketing and the sky is rising. Vertex novel


The land was plunged into the sky, and it was suspended. The palace was opened in nine days, and Wan Guan worshipped.

Three thousand steps rushed into the sky, and five thousand 仞 上 上 摩 摩.

Once again set foot on Chongtiancheng, Sun Hao’s heart was still shocked by the tall city.

The Terran wants to build such a city, and it does not know how many years it will take.

Once again, I came to Chongtiancheng. Sun Hao came to the first time and was very different. When I first came, Sun Hao was just an unremarkable human race, LU overcrowded the heavens, and even did not get the arrogance of the sky. The monk's eyes are looking at each other.

But this time, Sun Hao led the Yinpeng team, as a reinforcement of the Chongtian City, and the nature was a great gift. After the transfer of the entire Yinpeng team, it was settled on a huge mountain, the Chongtian family. Providing a variety of logistical supplies, Yinpeng's duty is to be on standby, ready to attack at any time, to help the sky.

This is an anti-xianshan, located very close to a city wall arrow tower.

Standing on the top of Xianshan, you can see the front field more clearly.

On Xianshan, I saw the huge field of Chongtiancheng. Sun Hao finally understood that he was able to advance to the Five Stars. In fact, it is quite difficult.

Under the tall city of Chongtian, the daily life is uninterrupted, and the frequency of the wilderness makes Sun Hao feel awkward.

Every day, there are ten counts of the wasteland under the Chongtian City. Every day, under the Chongtian City, there is at least one powerful leader-level shortage.

The barrenness of the Terran camp is simply not comparable to Chongtiancheng.

As long as the willing people are willing, every day there is no end to harvesting.

Under the towering walls, piled up a lot of waste, one layer after another.

In the air, all heights have airborne attacks on the city walls. At all heights, there are monks hidden in the walls of the city.

In the case of the situation, Sun Hao had to sigh that the defense of the Terran camp is really not a level.

The rules of the virtual boundary field are reflected in the Chongtian City.

The more important the direction, the more the direction of the Xiongcheng station, often faces the impact of the wild.

If this level of shortage is put into the Terran camp, it will not last for a few days and must be finished.

Sun Hao came as a reinforcement, but after arriving at Chongtiancheng and staying on Xianshan, Sun Hao discovered that things were slightly different from what he imagined.

Although he is a reinforcement, he also received the gift of the Chongtian people, but the real share of his own Yinpeng team is actually a "preparation team."

The so-called reserve team is the kind of backup team that assists when the home team is struggling. Sun Hao arrived in Chongtiancheng for ten days, and Yinpeng did not get a chance.

The home team assisted by Sun Hao did not even contact Sun Hao at all, and even there was no one in the face.

Fortunately, Sun Hao got his own team information.

When I got the information, Sun Hao couldn’t help but think of the talented person who saw himself when he entered the Tiancheng City decades ago.

Bubwini, more than a mile high, deep red hair, deep blue eyes, a one-and-a-half-long horn in the middle of his forehead, when Bubwini killed the silver waste, if the sac is taken, it is very proud.

Now, in the past few decades, I have seen the information of Bubwini, and Sun Hao did not expect that he would become friends with him.

The main responsibility of the Yinpeng team is to assist Bubwini’s “Corners” to prevent the wild army in this direction.

From the performance of Bubwini, this highly arrogant horned priest did not put the Yinpeng team of the Terran Sun Hao too much.

Sun Hao looked at the information and understood the heart of Bubwini's heart. Indeed, from the data point of view, Bubwini is now a seven-star, which is two stars higher than Sun Hao. He did not put Sun Hao in his heart. On, it is completely normal.

Sun Hao is not in a hurry. If it is not necessary, Sun Haoba has to participate. After all, this level of fighting, even the Yinpeng team, will certainly have many casualties.

Moreover, the upper echelons of the Terran also quietly told Sun Hao that such assistance would be appropriate and that they should not do everything they can, and do not expose all the cards of Yinpeng.

The upper-level SI of the Terran, Sun Hao vaguely understood.

As the so-called gun-headed bird, Sun Hao is in the sky, what is needed is not performance, but low.

Bubwini did not see Sun Hao, did not give Sun Hao a specific defense task, Sun Hao was a breeze, happy to be free, of course, on the surface, the Yin Peng team is still practicing in the day, actively preparing for the fight.

Gradually, Sun Hao also began to understand the fighting power of Tiancheng, and was deeply shocked by the foundation of the Chongtian.

There is a nine-star, two-star, two seven-stars in Chongtiancheng.

Each star has led a large corps in one direction.

The biggest difference between the corps and the team is the number of monks and the composition of the monks. More than one million monks and more than five types of arms can be called a corps.

Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team is far from the Corps in terms of the number of troops and the composition of the arms.

In addition, Sun Hao also learned that in addition to his own Yinpeng team, Chongtiancheng also invited the "Mugeri, Geman" and other long-eared people, came to the Tauren, the children's song, the tree, the vine, the vine, In response to the upcoming army of the wild.

Among them, Mugeri's name is already a slap in the face, his phantom shooting is still only a team, but the power of the "Phantom Shooting" team has already been Yang Wei's virtual field.

The reason why it is a team, not a corps, is because his team is all a **** shooter and there are no other arms.

Geman, who should be a friend of Bubwini, is currently a seven-star.

Both the children's songs and the vines and the vines are six-star sects. They are the top leaders of the Tauren and the Shuren. Like the Terran, they are also the external forces of the celestial beings. At this time, they should recruit and jointly work for the Tiancheng City.

According to the news that Chongtiancheng scouts have received, there will be six peaks and droughts at the same time attacking Chongtiancheng. After some layout, Chongtiancheng quickly formed a team of six directions.

Six seven-star or above leaders led various groups to defend one side.

Among them, the three seven-stars with weaker strengths were assisted by the Yinpeng team of the Terran Sun Hao, the blood team of the Tauren, and the Green Sea team of the Shuren.

Bubwini’s most innocent is precisely the phrase “three of the weakest seven-stars”.

He grew up almost at the same time. At the same time, the long-eared Shigman, who had developed at the same time, did not arrange for team assistance, so that he would single-guard one side, but he was not trusted, and arranged the Yinpeng team. Auxiliary.

This makes him awkward.

Not for anything else, just to sigh, Bubwini also decided not to use Sun Hao’s Yin Peng team.

He still does not believe that he will be worse than Geman!

Sun Hao did not know that Bubwini was fighting for this incident, but Sun Hao could feel it, and he did not seem to be seen by Bubwini.

In this case, Sun Hao does not disturb him ~ ~ An An heart with his own Yin Peng team, the drill and practice, the practice of practice, quietly waiting for the wild offensive.

If Bubwini can really stop, Sun Haoba has to use his shot.

What Sun Hao does not know is.

Although Sun Hao does not want to compare with others, and does not want to compete with others, but Chong Tiancheng, want to compare with Sun Hao, the team is not a minority.

The Tauren song of the Tauren is very convinced that Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team always touches his own pair of sharp corners and scornfully expresses on different occasions: “The despicable people are really making a new generation of monks. If you don't need it, you will come to the wild to improve his merits. Otherwise, he is at most four stars, and how could he be a five-star hero?"

Although the words of Val's song are more extreme, there is no doubt that he has said some facts.

The Terran is really not busy with Sun Hao’s work.

It’s not just that Vale’s song is not convinced by Sun Hao.

The Long-eared Nine-level Bray fire is also unwilling to be a "hero" to Sun Haoran. His Breeze is the pride of Chongtiancheng. It has been a long time to advance to the Nine Stars, but it is not a heroic mark. The five-star character of a human race is hero.

Let him be embarrassed.

In fact, even Mugeri, who is a hero like Sun Hao, wants to see what kind of performance Sun Hao can have at this time. Is it possible to be a hero in the real big?

Sun Hao, who is leisurely and self-satisfied, completely does not know that he has become a secret object of many people secretly observing, secretly speculating, still me, what should I do, as long as Bubwini does not invite him to help, the front field is fierce, he also did not see. (.)

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