Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1557: Insufficient strength

The peak of the golden age has not yet arrived, and Chongtiancheng has become a stage for all star warriors to show themselves.

After Sun Hao, witnessing the combat effectiveness of these fighters, he was shocked to discover that although he is a five-star hero, it is estimated that the most valued by the virtual list should be his own development potential, which is better than the real strength, especially the strength of the team. His team is more than one grade.

Bubovini's "Unicorn Forces" had to let Sun Hao sigh.

Among Sun Hao’s more than 200,000 Yinpeng team, about one-third of the intermediate fighters.

But the Bubwini corps, the soldiers of the upper class, the backbone of the corps, the elite of 100 soldiers, and the command of Bubwini are also very distinctive. Unlike Sun Hao, the command of Bubwini mainly falls. One hundred elite soldiers, and through the elite soldiers sub-command the entire regiment.

Sun Hao’s command method is that the gods cover the whole team, the gods reflect the picture, the matter is not fine, and the beard is grabbed. The advantage of this command mode is that the whole team can be commanded by the arm, and each soldier is in his own consciousness. In the middle, but the shortcoming is that the total number of soldiers in command is under control. For example, Sun Hao’s current commanding ability has reached its limit.

The warrior is a little more, and Sun Hao is a little commandless.

Like Bubwini, direct command of a million corps to fight, Sun Hao can not really do.

Of course, Sun Hao has not tried Bubwini's approach. Perhaps this layered control method should be able to better control the team, but there is a premise that Sun Hao's team must have enough elite fighters. And it is still the kind of warrior with the ability to lead, or else, even if there are millions of troops to Sun Hao, it is no good.

Six directions, nine star warriors.

In the end, Sun Hao had to regret to find that his Yinpeng team was the least and the weakest.

The Tauren Warrior Warrior’s **** team has reached 600,000, more than double the number of Sun Hao.

The tree-landed warrior Fujihe’s Green Sea team has reached 500,000 troops, which is exactly double that of Sun Hao.

Moreover, among their teams, there are many elite warriors who are leading the way. The method of commanding the system is similar to that of Bubwini. The overall strength is higher than that of Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team.

Even Sun Hao himself, after seeing the information in his hand, can only secretly shake his head and sigh gently.

In this situation, I don’t actually have to hide in the possession, because once the war breaks out, it is estimated that even if I break out of the full force, it is better than other teams.

Compared with the main players, other star warriors are at least robbed, that is, the soldiers after the three robbers, and Sun Hao has just entered the robbery period, or has not spent the new tender.

Compared with the backbone, other teams and corps have at least dozens of elite fighters, and Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team, the elite warrior, has a slap in the face. The main backbone is actually the Jijia four women and Ling Tianjian’s sword. Shi, repair and command the ability to shoot horses and other teams.

Compared with the soldiers, the number of soldiers of other teams is much higher than that of Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team. The other teams do not have an intermediate fighter. The senior soldiers are composed of high-level fighters. The overall quality of Sun’s Yinpeng team is not limited.

It is no wonder that Bubwini does not recruit Sun Hao to help. In fact, Bubwini believes that Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team is actually not worthy of its name. It is very likely that Sun Hao’s Yinpeng team will not match the three-line team of his Tiancheng. Sun Hao assisted, maybe there is no third-line team in Chongtiancheng.

The first line of Chongtiancheng is the nine-star warrior Bray fire and the eight-star warrior Dedeyi. The second line is Bubwini and another seven-star warrior. In addition, there are four third-line fighters in Chongtiancheng. One of the rising stars was formed, and one of them was even a six-star fighter who was ranked higher than Sun Hao.

The foundation of the Chongtian City, is it the human race that is comparable to the clan that the first hundred have not been able to enter?

Bubwini’s opposition to Tiancheng’s mobilization of the Terran Sun Hao’s arrival was not necessary and very difficult to understand.

The Yinpeng team had just been stationed in Xianshan, and Bubwini launched his own "Unicorn Corps" to make a strong wave, showing his muscles, and let Sun Hao have the clearest recognition of Bubwini's combat effectiveness. know.

200,000 iron giants rushed out of the city, 200,000 lightning warlocks, 200,000 tall shooters followed, 200,000 silver Pegasus knights, formed the air team, and 200,000 colorful unicorn floating team the bottom.

The entire "Unicorn Corps" formed a three-dimensional offensive formation, and made a wave from the Sky City.

Bubwini’s entire corps was shrouded in a rainbow of seven colors, with high morale and unparalleled accuracy. Hundreds of wild beasts outside the city, including a golden age, four ordinary gold shortages, were swept away by the Bubwini regiment. .

In front of the sky, it is quiet.

Sun Hao is stunned.

This kind of combat power has completely surpassed the Yinpeng team.

The five arms are collaborating with each other, and each of the five arms has its own stunts.

The intensive shooting of the big shooter, the violent thunder attack of the Thunderbolt, the rainbow blessing of the unicorn, the powerful defense of the armored warrior and the mobility of the silver Pegasus knight all make Sun Hao shine.

Bubwini’s Corps is really strong.

But then, each corps was unveiled, and Sun Hao, who was conscious of his own strength, suddenly appeared awkward.

The Tauren Warrior led his own team of Taurens, rushing out from the bottom of the city. The whole team was full of blood and under the leadership of the children's songs, violently, like the autumn wind sweeping the leaves, grinding the past on the ground. Outside the city, there is blood.

The tree-winged warrior, the vine and the vine, cast hundreds of thousands of tree guards in the other direction, like a moving forest. Wherever they pass, the branches and vines will annihilate the wild animals.

These fighters are all coming to help each other. They all show their hands and show their muscles. Only Sun Hao knows his own shortcomings and knows that his Yinpeng can’t do these teams. The crushing, there is no move.

Anyway, the upper class of the Terran also said that this time Sun Hao came to Chongtiancheng mainly to study, mainly to assist the defense, these practices of face-to-face can be exempted.

Sun Hao's lack of strength did not start, but other star warriors could not help but tickle, and there was a kind of competition on the same stage to show their own ideas.

Each star warrior leads his team to the battlefield and demonstrates their strong skills.

This kind of display reached the apex after the nine-star warrior Bray fire and the first hero Mug.

The Brigade's regiment was more powerful than Bubwini. His regiment was also a million-scale, but there was an elite warrior squad among each.

The existence of these squads has greatly enhanced the strength of the entire corps.

Moreover, the Brigade's Corps, the most powerful warlock group, was a higher level than the Bubwini's Thunderbolt and became a Thunderfire Warlock.

The doom-like thunderfire attribute spells blasted out among the wild beasts, and the wild beasts were drowned in large swaths.

After a move, the soldiers who have been shown before are all convinced, and Sun Hao’s heart secretly concludes that if Yinpeng meets this kind of thunderstorm attack by Breeze, it is estimated that there will be only a share of the escape. ~ Finally, it is the turn of Muge Day performance.

Sun Hao really felt what it is called sharp.

Very sharp.

A green-colored blouse with a horizontal pattern on the face of the long-eared sacred face appeared on the wall, and the green longbow was lifted up, as if there was no target.

Muge’s hand gently fell down.

The long-eared sacred shot in the air, brushing, seems to be very casual to shoot the arrow in the hand.

The arrow that was thrown out was turned into a cloud of arrows and spread to the front.

Where the arrow passed, hey, a series of penetrating sounds came over, and a lot of wild animals fell like raindrops.

Each arrow can easily penetrate the body of three or more wild animals.

After a round of throwing, the front of the wooden grid is clear.

At this point, Muge Day waved his arm down again, the first wave of arrows was still in the air, and the second wave of the second row of shooters had been thrown out.

The three-row shooter takes turns to shoot, no matter what the wild beast, can't resist the shooting.

The more powerful gold shortages were also shot by the elite shooters under Muge Day. The Muge Japanese did not take the shot. In front of the Chongtian City, they were swept away by a huge empty space, hundreds of millions. The wild beast is outside the open space, but he does not dare to approach.

Seeing the shooting technique of the long-eared gods, Sun Hao couldn’t help but raise his eyes. If Sun Hao’s judgment was not wrong, the silver armor of his swordsman could not resist the long-eared gods. Arrow strike, once you fight against Mugeri, it is estimated that you have not been waiting for Yinpeng to get close, you have already been killed by the arrow, and there is no slight victory.

Become a five-star hero, a little pride and complete convergence, Sun Hao heart, full of a sense of crisis, compared to the real battlefield of the virtual world, this strength is not enough! (~^~)

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