Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1558: The coming of the war

Before the peak of the golden age, the star warriors, in addition to Sun Hao, others have revealed their hands, each showing their extraordinary strength.

Sun Hao did not show.

Reasonable, because the six stars of Chongtiancheng and the three-line warriors below six stars all feel that their own strength is insufficient, they chose silence and did not show.

Sun Hao is only a five-star warrior, and the team that is in command is not good or bad, and does not show normal.

Of course, Sun Hao’s Tibetan Mastiff made the hearts of several warriors secretly disdain. At the same time, they also had a little regret in their hearts. They really wanted to see, Sun Hao could become a Samsung hero, and now he has upgraded to a five-star hero. What is outstanding? In the end, what special ability is there.

The virtual list should not come to the fore. Sun Hao’s ability to press a lot of arrogance and achieve the hero of Samsung should not be so simple.

It should be more than just potential.

With such doubts, soon, Chongtiancheng set off a real battle.

The peak of the golden age was unveiled, not far from Chongtiancheng, and began to bind the wild beasts, gradually forming a huge attack camp.

Chongtiancheng, the city is skyrocketing.

The tall city walls are thousands of feet.

At different heights of the city walls, there are different ethnic groups of monks, hidden secrets and arrow towers.

In the city, there are also floating mountains of various heights, which constitute a huge three-dimensional defense system.

With the advent of the wilderness, hundreds of millions of wild animals under the command of the Golden Wilderness have also formed a three-dimensional attack camp.

Ground, crashing wild animals; slightly higher is the gliding wild beast...

The six peaks of the golden age, divided into two directions, will be surrounded by Chongtiancheng.

Every time there is a golden age, there are no more than ten leading-level gold shortages. Under the golden level of each commanding level, there are no fewer than ten golden ages.

The huge wild animal tide has formed a huge deterrent against the Tiancheng.

At the top of the Tianzu people, Qiqi appeared on the highest Xianshan and observed the situation of the wild animals outside.

Similar to the Terran, after the sacred monks have passed a certain catastrophe, they will choose advanced distraction, and the monks who are stationed in Chongtiancheng appear on the top of Xianshan, that is, the eight robbing power.

According to the data, there is no less than two distractions in the city like Chongtiancheng.

Camps like the Terran cannot be distracted, and the virtual battlefield has its own constraints.

Although there is a distraction in Chongtiancheng, it usually does not participate in the battle.

Once you participate in the battle, it is the real life and death of Chongtiancheng. It is not the current state of the peak of the beast, but the time beyond the existence of the Golden Waste.

Nowadays, this situation can only be played by the younger monks of Chongtiancheng. Once you start, you will immediately lead to the existence of beyond the golden age, and come to attack Chongtiancheng without any politeness.

This is the traction of the next imposing manner, and it can be regarded as a hidden rule.

Moreover, the virtual space structure has limitations on the appearance of the wild animals and the revision of the monks.

For example, in the land of Kyushu gradually occupied by the imaginary world, once the strength of the wild beast exceeds a certain level, it will cause space instability. Once the wild beast is too strong, it is likely to directly rush into the void.

If the wild beast wants to rush into the land of Kyushu, the only breakthrough is like the vast battlefield of the vast expanse. Through this battlefield, the camp of the wild beast will be gradually advanced, and after changing the surrounding environment with a strong golden wasteland, Occupy more sites.

Of course, the space of the virtual battlefield is still not very stable. Once the strength of the wild beast and the warriors exceeds a certain limit, the end result is that both fall into the void, or directly rush to the imaginary.

The wild animal Chen Bing, the war opened.

At this time, Bubwini still did not have the intention to let Sun Hao help.

Sun Hao originally did not intend to do much.

Even if Sun Hao and Yinpeng team have rested for more than a month, but if it is not necessary, Sun Hao would rather not participate in the war, so calmly and peacefully through this reinforcement career.

However, when the peak of the golden age with its younger brothers appeared far outside the city of Chongtian, Sun Hao’s body, there was little reaction to the condensate tower, and a message of resource hunger.

The eagerness of the object is the peak of the golden age outside Chongtiancheng and the younger brothers it leads.

The golden age of the peak is a strange, wild animal with a snake tail. There are two heads. What is even more peculiar is that wearing a purple dress and wearing a crown.

Behind it, more than a dozen wild animals of the same shape are just a little smaller.

In contrast to the data in memory, Sun Hao immediately identified the type of this wild animal.

The snake, also known as Yan Wei. One of the ancient aliens, among the classics, is more common, and the most valuable of them is the four eyes above the two heads.

According to legend, these four eyes are magical treasures, and they will stand up and stand up to see the world.

The resource demand of Sun Hao’s Shou condensing tower is the eye of the snake.

After Sun Haofeisheng, the strength has recovered more than half, but the distance has completely recovered. In fact, there are still two major key breakthroughs. One of them is that the refining of the peerless sword bone can restore the soul and complete the transformation. The second is that the complete restoration of the condensate tower needs to continuously invest resources to make it evolve automatically.

The condensed air tower is Sun Hao’s magic weapon, representing one of Sun Hao’s strongest strengths.

In particular, the many wonderful uses of the condensing towers can make Sun Hao possess many magical abilities. Therefore, Sun Hao will naturally try his best to collect any resources that must be eagerly awaited by the empty tower.

Now, the condensed empty tower has taken a fancy to the eyes of the snake, and Sun Hao can't sit still.

On the top of Xianshan, Yinpeng took off on its own initiative and drifted away. The voice of Sun Hao’s clear voice came out: “Vini, the leader of the human race, Sun Hao, Sun Xiangxiang, Shuai Yinpeng’s team requested to participate in the war.”

When the war broke out, Bubwini didn't have time to talk to Sun Hao, his eyes staring at the front, and his mouth said casually: "Well, you are responsible for the left wing of the team, there will be at least three more snakes over there, I hope you can stand it. ""

Yinpeng hovered and flew to the left wing of the "Unicorn Corps" and found his position. Sun Hao said loudly: "Agarwood understands, and the general commander is assured that it will not be a mistake."

Sun Hao has just returned to the position and won the war.

The tall peak of the snakes screamed a few times, and the neighboring commissars responded with a snake, and in front of Buddhism, Bubwini, there was a hoarse tweet.

A large number of people are also the first snake body, but only a small head of the snake rushed out of the wild animal community and appeared in the air.

These snakes can be vacated, at least as a senior warrior.

In the hands of the small snakes, they touched the back and touched out a strange one. It seemed to be a bow made of their cortex, flying outside the sky city, pulling the bowstring and shooting the bow.

But they are not arrows.

The they shot is a pair of eyeballs that look like their own eyeballs.

It seems to be the human race, the **** eyeballs shot out and attacked Chongtiancheng.

Bubwini appeared in the hands of a huge greenwood cane, high in one fell swoop, a green light extended to the four sides, covered the elite soldiers of the Corps, and screamed in the mouth: "Be careful of the petrified light of the snake... ..."

When the words were not finished, the pair of eyeballs shot by the small squadron suddenly opened outside the Chongtian City, bursting out of the white light and shining towards the Chongtian City.

This is a very different way of attack.

The distance between the snake and the bow is very far away. Even if it is the spectacle of Muge Day, can you shoot such a long distance, it is also two.

However, the eyeballs shot by the snake's bow, in a fast flight, after reaching a certain distance, suddenly burst into a glare, straight line, and illuminate the sky.

Above the tall city walls of Chongtiancheng, many heights have defensive monks, and the eyes of the snakes are blooming, and they quickly illuminate the monks of all heights.

At the top, Bubwini’s tall armored warrior erected a huge shield in his hand and stood in front of him, defending his eyes.

Hey, a series of sounds hitting the shield in the air, most of the attacks were blocked by the shield, and the warrior was not deterrent, but there were also a few attacks that passed through the gap between the shields and landed on the armored warriors.

When the shield blocked the light of the snake's eye, it turned gray.

The armored warrior who was hit by the body suddenly paused in the air. The entire armor was covered with dust and became dull. The warrior in the armor could not see what the situation was, but the armored warrior could not help but Fall down and go.

The ray of many eyeballs broke out and rushed to the Yinpeng team led by Sun Hao. (To be continued~^~)

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