Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1569: Lei Peng Tianjian (6)

How to improve Jianguang Power?

The answer is to recapture the Jianguang and form a lightsaber with a focus on assault.

This kind of sword is in the sword book, and Sun Hao has mastered it. That is the sword that breaks the river after the sword of the most basic sword.

After the rim, it was taken back, forming a big sword and slamming down, forming the power to break the river.

But the kind of rotation of Jianguang, and the five-color sword feather that broke out after Sun Hao’s sword-like feathers are completely two concepts.

If you don't say anything else, you can say that this coverage is different.

When the sword smashed, Sun Hao covered a pond, it was very powerful, and a small river was cut off, which was very mighty.

But now the Jianhua Yu, but overwhelming, a piece of Jianhai, the difficulty of gathering up, do not know how many times higher.

Moreover, the attack after Jianhua Yu, but even the gold shortage can shake.

The difficulty of this kind of gathering can be imagined.

The three swords are moving together.

Fighting for the sky, the sea is like the glory, murderous...

The three perfect swords meant that Sun Hao was completely submerged in a state of combat.

Yin Peng was completely still in the air at this moment.

The Yinpeng backbone monk, several masters who mastered the sword, and communicated with Sun Hao, at this time also completely sink into their own swords, in addition to the sword, or the sword.

At this time, all Yinpeng fighters completely sink into a state of self-forgetting fighting. The fighting spirit is high, and the real elements within the body rush out wildly, flocking to the heart, flocking to Sun Hao, and being introduced into the five-color giant by Sun Hao. sword.

The huge tail of the double-headed snake swept over.

Five-color sword feathers fly away.

A huge five-color lightsaber appeared out of thin air, between the Yinpeng and the wild beast.

The length of the huge lightsaber reached the width of the Yinpeng wingspan, and the blade body was not much weaker than the Yinpeng body. It was like a penetrating sword that magnified countless times. It flashed a five-color brilliance that was not particularly stable and was gradually forming.

I don't know why, the two-headed beast saw this huge five-color lightsaber, and there was a lot of jealousy in his heart.

Among the two big mouths, I kept spitting out the snake letter, and the mouth squeaked, and the four eyes showed the sullen eyes regardless of disregard, the huge snake tail, followed by thousands of attacking wild animals, sweeping into the air. Yin Peng.

Of course, the giant sword blocked the way, and the focus of the wild beast and the double-headed snake attack was the lightsaber under Yinpeng.

Bubwini's eyes narrowed and he looked at the silver Peng in a bit nervous.

If Sun Hao can't stop this time, then the wall that he defends will inevitably suffer unprecedented pressure.

At this time, Yinpeng sank into a very strange state.

The 200,000 monks are like a breathing frequency. The 200,000 monks seem to be completely transformed into every muscle of Yinpeng. Each feather, concentrating on stimulating its own true element, cooperates with Sun Hao to complete the five-color giant sword.

Extremely fast, the giant tail of the double-headed snake swept up, and the wild animal rushed up.

Sun Hao blinked fiercely and screamed in his mouth.

With the action of Sun Hao, Yinpeng looked up and screamed thousands of swords and turned it into a crisp Peng Ming, which resounded through Tianyu.

In the whistling sound, Peng Ming sounded.

The huge five-color lightsaber was extremely fast, and the air was spinning. Suddenly, under the entire Yinpeng, a huge five-color disc appeared.

Just as the opponent's attack rushed up, the rotation stopped, and the huge five-color lightsaber was aimed at the wild beast and the snake tail.

In the end is a five-color giant sword fallen wild animal?

Or is the wild beast breaking through the lightsaber and attacking Yinpeng?

After a sword, it can be seen.

A sword is dull, and it falls down in a simple way.

Bubwini's eyes narrowed, and the sword did not see any sharp points.

It should not be very powerful.

A sword is coming down. There really isn't a big bang that should be there. There is no such thing as a huge ray, and there really is no sound that should be there.

It’s just a sword, and it’s gone.

It seems to be sparse and normal, like a butcher cutting meat.

Really, there is no fancy, just a sword, cut down.

Only because this sword is too big, so the giant sword is fallen and cut, but it seems to be a space.

The giant sword is fallen and silent.

Wherever passed, the wild beast that is in front of it disappears naturally. There is no explosion, no sound, no signs of avoidance, no visible struggling body, and it is naturally destroyed in the sword light.

The huge wild animals, such as the giant snake tail of the double-headed snake, are larger than the light swords, and they are not resisted by a sword.

Because the speed of the lightsaber is slow and fast.

Therefore, when the lightsaber went down, the giant tail broke into two pieces, and a huge hollow appeared in the middle, but the tip of the tail was still in accordance with the original attacking momentum, and it also flew upwards.

It gives the impression that the giant tail is still attached to the body of the double-headed snake, but the middle is erased for a while, or an invisible tattoo appears in the middle.

At this moment of the fall of the Great Sword, time seems to be static.

The wild beast maintained a fearless offensive posture, and the double-headed snakes swept away.

The giant sword smashed, and the wild beast that rushed up, the small point was directly turned into fly ash, and the huge wild beast was smashed into two halves.

The wild beast, which is divided into two halves, also maintains its own posture like the giant tail of the double-headed snake. The momentum of keeping the attack is still in the forefront.

Rushed under Yinpeng.

It rushed to the position of the disc where the giant sword had not completely faded, and the time seemed to suddenly return to normal.

There was a dull sound in the air.

The muffled sound is like a switch that turns on the sound. In an instant, all kinds of wild animal screams are heard.

Surprisingly, these squeaks, and some even the snoring of the evil mosquitoes that have been turned into fly ash, it seems that the sound of the moment just fallen is preserved, and now it is only when it is old. far.

There was also an earth-shattering humming in the mouth of the double-headed snake!

The wild beast that slammed into the lightsaber disc turned into a piece of blood rain and floated down from the air.

The giant sword is still falling like a sharp blade, falling down quickly.

The wild beasts below are cleverly fleeing.

The wild animal that had no time to react to the light spot, after half a ring, once again came the screams of the wild beast.

Hundreds of millions of wild animals attacked Chongtiancheng.

Outside the city, a huge lightsaber descended from the sky.

In the middle of the hundreds of millions of wild animals, a huge gully was opened, and layers of light and shadow were dropped from the giant sword under Yinpeng to the gully. When it passed, the big wild animal was cut into two halves. The wild beasts are directly smouldering.

A sword is cold, and the fearless beasts have to stop at the head of the ravine. Before the Chongtian City, the rhythm of the attack was blocked.

Yinpeng in the air is another Pengming.

Sun Hao fanned his arms, and Yin Peng shook his wings and slammed down.

Among the high-altitude thunderclouds, the thunder of the rumble was passed down, and the silver snakes were intertwined to form a large thunder net. With Yinpeng as the core, the radius was eight squares and landed.

In the angry cries of the two-headed snake, the huge body kept receding, and the blood flow in the tail was like a note.

To avoid the raging thunder, the army of wild animals beside it, with the rapid retreat, the huge thunder net still shrouded a large expanse of wild animals, and above the sky, the sound of the wild beasts was thundered. Go on.

At this moment, the thunder and the giant sword, before the Chongtian City, became a large purgatory of wild animals.

The original double-headed snakes had to shun the three houses, and the billions of wild animals they led were even more devastating.

Once again, in the process of following the giant tail attacking Sun Hao in the process of following the giant tail attacking Sun Hao, the four kings were smashed into two halves, and the golden scars that were shot down were hundreds of...

Bubwini, who originally occupied a certain battlefield advantage, immediately launched a wave of storms. He took the opportunity to clean up the beast that was stunned by the giant sword, blocked the way, and intercepted the wild beast in front of Chongtiancheng.

Yinpeng slammed into the air, swaying against the double-headed snake, gently undulating.

Bubwini raised his own rattan stick and shouted: "Tianjian, Tianjian..."

This sword, descending from the sky, is like a heavenly dynasty, it can be called "Sword!"

Under the leadership of Bubwini, the unicorn regiment, with great morale, vibrated the weapons in their hands and shouted loudly: "Tianjian, Tianjian..."

The power of the sword, a sword broke the tail.

The two-headed snake felt a huge crisis and had to retreat. In the distance, four chilly eyes stared at Yinpeng, the silver armored monk of the main battle. (To be continued~^~)

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