Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1570: Lei Peng Tianjian (7)

A sword breaks its tail!

Shocked in the sky.

On the top of Xianshan, the vine sticks in the hands of Alu automatically emerged as pale green brilliance. Under the hood of the wild deer, the eyes were radiated with light, and the mouth whispered softly: "Well, it’s so good, actually you can fall to the peak of the snake." The end."

The face of Dafas was also slightly moved: "In the direction of Bubwini, there should be no big problem. Hahaha, I didn't expect that I would fight in Tiancheng. The first thing I won was the fact that I was in this direction. Sure enough, it’s no one on the list...”

A tall warrior costume monk said loudly: "I don't know if Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang's move can be used continuously. If the interval is too long, it is difficult to block the double-headed snake."

Dafa smiled and didn't speak.

Alu said softly: "After the Tianjian, the tens of thousands of thunders have been dropped, which illustrates two problems. First, the technique of Thunder, for Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, is not expensive, and it is handy; second, Tianjian The big move did not fully reach the limit of Yinpeng, that is to say, such a sword, Yinpeng should be able to release it..."

The warrior stunned and said: "Great!"

The Dafa shook his head and said with a chuckle in his mouth: "In fact, you still haven't seen his most powerful place."

The warrior does not believe: "Isn't he the most powerful swordsmanship? Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, this Yinpeng, isn't the Terran Swordsman, the archer and the monk as the auxiliary team?"

The Dafa looked at Alu.

Alu said with a sigh of relief: "I think that Sun Haosun's agarwood is the most powerful, and may still be a manipulation technique. Although his individual strength is extraordinary, he can definitely fight against the level, but it is impossible to reach the peak of the injury. The point of ridiculousness, therefore, his strongest, should still be the control of the battlefield, Dafa, I am right?"

The Dafa nodded and shook his head. He whispered in his mouth: "Yes, it’s not right. His power is reflected in the control of the battlefield. I originally thought it was, but the moment that Tianjian was born. I finally understood that the most powerful thing about this is actually his powerful knowledge, the fineness of the finest, and the powerful gods that can be distracted. This is the real magic of this child. You pay attention to him. The sky sword, those flying feathers, the energy is huge, but he can still gather, change to be you, it may be difficult to do it..."

The soldier stayed and couldn't help but say: "The big sergeant, do you mean that he can now step into the distraction period?"

Dafa smiled and said: "As long as he is willing, in theory, you can be distracted by a robber..."

Alu said: "He may at least get into distraction after eight robberies. Once he enters, the Terran will have more potential and potential."

Silence on the mountain.

At this time, Bubwini's defense direction, the Unicorns soldiers, the morale is unprecedentedly high.

Yinpeng soldiers, proudly proud, soaring in the air, broke out bursts of Peng Ming.

Opposite, the giant tail was broken, the double-headed snake, roaring, the blood on the tail, finally stopped, and broke the long tail. At this time, the double-headed snake was more like an upright broken double. Tall double-headed man with legs.

The chilly eyes stared at Sun Hao.

After the huge lightsaber completely depleted the energy and dissipated in the air.

The two-headed snakes were all six arms, and they lifted a huge stone and rushed out to Yinpeng. The wild beasts around it ran wildly again.

For the wild beasts, especially for the wilderness of the peak level, the siege, broken out, is the instinct inscribed in their bones, dead and no regrets. Now, Sun Hao has become a stumbling block and must be kicked off. Stumbling block.

The two-headed snake has been out, and led his own pro-guards, and did not hesitate to launch a storm on Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s sword is very powerful, but the double-headed snake does not believe how many times Sun Hao can use.

Fill in the wild animals, and also consume the power of Yinpeng.

In the direction of Bubovini's defense, the army of the wild beasts rushed up again after the sword was scattered. However, after Sun Hao’s sword was smashed, he was attacked by Sun Hao’s lightning strike, and the wild animal outside the city had already Not as good as before, the Unicorn Corps did not struggle to deal with it.

However, Sun Hao’s Yin Peng was once again surrounded by the powerful corps of the double-headed snake, and a great battle broke out.

Double-headed snakes, Bubweini, know that this battlefield is the key.

Therefore, after the megalith of the double-headed snake was thrown out, the guards around it moved together, almost moving with the double-headed snake. They also raised their hands and raised various kinds of hands. Stones, thrown forward.

The direction of these stones is not Sun Hao, but they are thrown on the boulder of the double-headed snake.

In particular, a few large-scale megaliths thrown out by the leading-level Jinnuo snakes, after being attached to the boulder, the whole stone was built in the air to build a huge stone mountain, which was pressed down to Sun Hao's Yinpeng.

Bubwini also took supportive action at this time.

The vine sticks were lifted, and the unicorn regiment continued to the front of Yinpeng's feet, throwing three huge Haohai Leiguangguang groups.

Although the overwhelming silver light is not strong, it is full of space around the Yinpeng, dazzling.

Almost at the same time, the battlefields all gathered under the Yinpeng.

Yin Peng spread his wings and heard a sound.

Thunder swarmed and turned into thundercloud.

Hundreds of thousands of thunders began to gather, and the five-color sword feathers floated down.

The Thunder hit the big mountain where the stone was built, and could not stop the impact of the mountain. The mountain came and came.

Jian Yu was also shaken by the mountains, and the mountains were like apples. They were cut off and smashed into the air.

The mountain was pressed against the top and was broken.

After the double-headed snake led the wild animal to follow the mountain, it rushed over.

The same scene is reproduced.

The Jian Yu, who was hit by flying, quickly gathered at the incense sword in front of Yinpeng and turned it into a huge five-color lightsaber.

The step of the double-headed snake attacked, but the mouth snarled and ordered the wild beast behind him to continue to rush forward.

Tianjian is fierce, and it does not dare to go forward easily.

However, behind it hundreds of millions of wild animals, you can control a certain number, a certain degree of offense, you can wear away the sword of Yinpeng.

When Yinpeng can no longer erupt a brute force attack, it is the time when it doubles its head to the end of the revenge.

Under the imperial rule of the double-headed snake, the attack power of the wild beast is well controlled.

A large number of pro-Golden priests, the mixed one or two positions behind the Golden Wild Commander.

If Yinpeng does not break out of the Tianjian attack, such power is enough to break the thunder net and impact the body of Yinpeng.

However, if Yinpeng broke out with the Tianjian attack, the latter few Jinshan commanders could be withdrawn, and the loss of the team was within the acceptable range of the double-headed snake.

The speed is extremely fast, and the right tide of the wild beast quickly rushes to the sky sword to Yin Peng.

The double-headed snake changed the strategy of The second time Sun Hao of the Imperial Sword, instantly perceived the fighting intention of the double-headed snake. When the heart moves, the enemy changes and I change!

Sun Hao is head-on, and he is shouting in the sky.

The warrior raised the sword, and Yinpeng broke out with a shocking sky.

The five-color giant sword no longer rotates the roulette, but directly a sword, falling in front.

The two leaders led the gold shortage to see the Tianjian fall, without the double-headed snake command, crazy back, avoiding the sword.

The wild beast that rushed forward, like the wild beast under the former sword, was instantly degraded.

The two-headed snake was not moved, and looked closely at the Tianjian, trying to wait for the Tianjian energy to run out and launching an offensive again.

However, at the same time that Tianjian fell, Sun Hao screamed: "I have a sword, the sea is king; I have a sword, fighting can be skyrocketing; I have a sword, killing the wilderness..."

With the scream of Sun Hao.

Tianjian Jianfeng is divided into three, one front is blue like the sea, one front is full of fighting spirit, one front is as **** and red, and the three fronts are shaking.

The two-headed snake only felt the space in front of it slightly trembled, and it seemed that it was a little momentary loss.

When the gods were set again, the three fronts had already arrived.

Suddenly writhing the body, the two-headed snake tried to retreat quickly, but above the three fronts, three powerful and powerful momentum was covered.

The sea is trapped, so that the double-headed snakes are trapped in a whirlpool; fighting spirits make the two-headed wild beast feel sharp and sharp; murderous, let the double-headed snakes tremble with fear... Involuntarily, the double-headed snake is instantly lost.

The tragedy was born.

The three-way Jianfeng took the three swords and instantly plunged into the three eyes of the double-headed snake.

Hey, three consecutive sounds, three huge eyeballs have been picked up by the three major swords.

A **** rain in the air!

The double-headed snake broke out and screamed.

Heavy hit, a sword is eye-catching. (~^~)

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