Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1582: Climax (3)

Just called for the first time of nine million, immediately, Letai called the price of 9.001 million.

Not long ago, a dwarf added a block to Letai.

Now, Letai has started to do the same, and it has also been added in 11,000.

The young children of the Taiha Giants strictly do not need to be osteogenesis, that is, normal development, and they can have different abilities at different times.

However, the early childhood of the Taiha Giants is particularly long, and it is particularly difficult for a child to grow up.

And the bones of Dan, enough to make a giant child born with a little roots in advance have the wisdom of adult giants in advance, can make giant children become gifted children of the same age, so the flower of Lingshi can be exchanged for a genius, is also a giant Cost-effective.

In the markup.

If the giant photographed the bones of Dan, it can give birth to a precocious genius child, then if the dragon family can photograph the bones, it will allow a dragon to enter the cultivation in advance and grow up in advance from the ignorance of the crisis.

The fertility of the dragon family is very poor. It is really difficult to have a dragon baby. The value of the bones can be great.

So, almost without hesitation, Green Dragon reported: "10 million..."

Brah's voice instantly increased by octave: "10 million, a full 10 million, Mormoni reported a high price of 10 million, a bone, created the highest price of today's auction, 10 million Shangpin Lingshi, there is no adult higher than this price, 10 million for the first time..."

The dragon family is rich and rich.

Ten million Lingshi is almost a tipping point.

Going up, that is the pulse.

There is an unwritten rule in the virtual trading, that is, more than ten million Lingshi, you need to use the spirit to measure.

Ten million top grades and one spirit can be completely two concepts.

If Lingshi is a cultivation resource, then the spirituality is the existence of strategic resources in many races, but it will not be used.

Brala continued to sing: "One million Lingshi for the second time..."

Among the lakes, the big fish finally broke the deadlock and raised a sign.

Brahla was very surprised and shouted: "A spiritual pulse, today's auction, the first appearance of the spirit, the trading level has improved more than one grade, the Boerbo adults call a price, there is no higher bidding than this ?"

There are five lakes and four seas under the hood, and its vastness is even more on the land. At least half of the ethnic groups live in the lakes and seas.

The resources in the lake and the sea are more abundant than those in the Kyushu region. Now the races in the lake and the sea are opposite to the dragons.

The dragons are so proud that they can lose to a fish.

One spirit and one million!

A spiritual pulse, plus one million Lingshi.

Big fish are not to be outdone, one spirit and two million!

Green Dragon is angry, and I have come directly to a spirit of 10 million!

Don't look at the green dragon looks like anger, the asking price has suddenly soared very sharply, but this kind of asking price, just rightly hit the psychological limit of the big fish.

The big fish is a bit misguided. In fact, it competes with the dragon. Whoever screams a spirit for ten million, whoever takes up the cheap, after all, taking out two spirits in exchange for a panacea is indeed a bit of a pain.

Unwillingly squirting a series of water columns, the auction site rushed a rainbow, but the big fish finally no longer increased the price, slowly diving into the water.

Green Dragon Molignini made a wish and took the Chinese medicine.

The high price of one spirit and ten million makes the atmosphere of the entire auction hall instantly high.

Moreover, the continuous appearance of these auctions also made the monks full of expectations for this auction.

And Sun Hao, has already opened the flower, just a bone, has already let Sun Hao successfully recover all the costs of this alchemy.

In particular, it is the joy of Sun Hao’s surprise.

The profitable path of his choice is effective, and Sun Hao settles down in his heart. So it seems that his follow-up plan should be able to go smoothly.

The huge harvest of the bones of the bones allowed Sun Hao to completely let go.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao pulled the ring of the auction. Soon after, Hehrar floated up with a smile and said: "Agarwood, I don't know what you told me?"

Sun Hao smiled and threw a jade bottle: "I still have a spirit, you can see if it can be added to the auction."

Hehrar smiled and took the jade bottle, and his eyes swept the name of Ling Dan: "Lei Yuan Dan", she saw a thunder, she could not help but shake her body, although she had never heard of this Dan name, but For the celestial family, she is very sensitive to Lei Zi, and she is very curious in her heart. Hehrar smiled and said to Sun Hao: "I think, Shen Xiang adults produce, absolutely belong to the fine, this kind of spirit, should be able to join the auction. In the middle, right, Agarwood, do you need a thread? Or do you need a stone?"

The value of the spiritual pulse is very high, but for some lone rangers, the spiritual pulse does not necessarily have a spiritual stone. Therefore, Hehrar has this question: "If the agarwood adult needs a spiritual stone, a spiritual vein can be exchanged for one. Thousands of million Lingshi..."

Sun Hao smiled and said: "I need a pulse."

Hehral’s face was regrettable, and he said, “Well, I understand, I am going to arrange an auction for the adults.”

"Brother, brother, Aquilaria has sent a spirit, and said that he wants to join the auction," Hehral ran into the auction, standing behind, whispering to the brother sitting on the appraisal seat.

The excitement of Hehmani’s face flashed past, and his mouth whispered: “Take me a look.”

Today, Sun Hao’s two Ling Dan auction prices are quite impressive. Once he is the spirit of Sun Hao, he naturally does not dare to neglect.

"Leiyuan Dan!"

I got the Ling Dan, I haven't identified it yet. I only saw the moment of Dan Ming. Hekhoni has already shaken the tiger's body, his eyes are shining, and he can't help but look around. He has a baby who is afraid of others looking at it.

After half a ring, Hehmani carefully opened the jade bottle and began to identify.

After the identification, recruited Hehrar, whispered: "Sister, you quickly send a voice to the old guys in the family, let them come over, it is important, you need to prepare the spirit, go, right? Said that I said, and, pay attention to confidentiality, do not miss the news, or else, the family may not be able to win this Leiyuan Dan."

Hehrar whispered: "Brother, how can you do this? We open the auction house, the purpose is to be fair and equitable, that is, to broaden customers, you do this, but it is not conducive to the development of the auction house, you are killing chickens and taking eggs. I don't agree, let me know, then all the families of the Tianzu people have to tell, this is the right choice for our auction house..."

Hehmani groaned, his hand touched his head, and his mouth whispered: "Lal, you are not afraid of the old man rushing at you, you can do it yourself!"

Hehral: "Well, I understand, I know what to do..."

The auction went on. With a few climaxes, the entire auction went quite smoothly, and many of the auctions sold auction prices that exceeded the original expectations.

At this time, Sun Hao discovered that in the area where he was located, among the alpine giants where the Chongzu natives were located, there were gradually some highly cultivated and highly qualified Chongtian monks.

Bubwini said very strangely around Sun Hao: "How come these old guys come out? It's really rare..."

When the words were not finished, a chorus rushed to Bubweini and flew Bubwini said to the melody: "The patriarch, what is the instruction? Yes, I am at the auction site? What Dan? No I haven't auctioned yet? Well, I understand, I will look at it, but I don't have much resources. The patriarch, you better come by yourself. I have already seen the Barbara family, the patriarch of the Nini family. Ah, the patriarch of the Hehe family is here too..."

In the auction house, Hehmani also received a note, and the patriarch broke out and shouted: "Small nephew, what do you do? Ah? Such an important resource, such an important news, you actually pass Give all the old guys, you just have to go back and smash the thorns..."

Hehe Moore was a little dizzy, how did the old man put his account on his head? After thinking about it, he whispered to the back and asked: "Lal, what did you say in the message?"

Hehral: "Moore's auction site prepares a source of Lei Yuandan. The Mozambican appraisers sincerely invite you to come and visit us on time, on time, not expired, Moore identification, virginity..."


The grand auction will continue, and the arrival of the monks will make the auctions add a bit of color. Many monks are secretly guessing. Maybe there will be more important things waiting for the auction. (To be continued.)

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