Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1583: Branch of tree building

Lei Yuandan’s auction was arranged in a fairly backward position.

Going to the 60th auction item, I still haven't seen Lei Yuandan.

In so many auctions, Xiaoqing occasionally raised the price, and also really took a bottle of "tears of the elves" from the long ear, which was taken to Xiaoqing himself. It is said that there is inside. The rich Chang's family's understanding of emotions may be beneficial to Xiaoqing's sword cultivation, and spent a million Lingshi to shoot it.

Above the special Xianshan, the grades of various auction items are very high, and there are various foreign objects in Sun Hao's body, and there is also a faint sense of the auction items.

Because the induction is not very intense, so Sun Hao is not on the mind, look at the price, if it is appropriate, take it, if it exceeds a certain amount, it will naturally let go.

Although the auctions of the two kinds of panacea are good, Sun Hao really doesn't know how many veins are needed to condense the empty tower, and it is estimated that this number will not be small, so I really don't dare to make a big deal.

However, when the auction went to the 90th auction item, Sun Hao couldn't help but feel a little bit stunned. His eyes flashed and his fingers gently knocked on Xiaoqing's thin waist.

Xiaoqing has a heart and soul, and immediately knows that this auction item, Sun Hao is a must-have.

Brala holds a white jade bottle, a slender, wicker-like twig inserted in a white jade bottle.

In the voice of Brala, there is also a sense of excitement: "This is one of the most valuable babies auctioned at today's auction. It is also the auction today, in addition to the finale and the mysterious additional auction items, the last, the third. The most valuable baby, please see, this branch looks slim, but once it really grows up, it will become one of the tallest trees in the world. Yes, you didn’t get it wrong, this auction item, It is a very rare, branch of the tree..."

Under the monk, the monks who can participate in this auction, are not well-informed people, heard Brah's words, the auction floor, the buzzing sound.

Building a tree is quite rare in the underworld.

It is also one of the **** trees under the imaginary.

For many races in the forest, building a tree is directly a tree of life, a mother tree or a tree of totems of worship.

The establishment of the tree is the inheritance of the ancient sacred tree "building wood".

Jianmu, a kind of sacred tree worshipped by the ancient ancestors, is a bridge connecting the gods of heaven and earth.

The emperors of Fuxi and the Yellow Emperor went up and down the heavenly court through this sacred ladder. Above the building, there are branches, flowers, fruits, birds, beasts, hanging dragons, **** bells, etc...

The holy book "Shan Hai Jing" records: "There is a wood, its shape is like a cow, and it has a skin, if it is a scorpion, a yellow snake. Its leaves are like Luo, in fact, like a scorpion, its wood is sturdy, its name is built."

In the illusion, Jianmu has become a legend. Whether it really exists or not is already untestable. However, in the illusory, there are still collateral trees of Jianmu.

Building trees, the tallest trees in the imaginary, in different races, often have different titles, trees of life, holy trees, and so on.

The growth of the tree is also very strange.

There are species that do not germinate and build trees. The most practical way is to transplant them, transplant them with tree branches and grow them, and gradually build towering trees.

The growth of tree building is not easy. In particular, there are not many trees that are suitable for transplanting. It may take tens of thousands of years to appear, and the survival rate of transplants is not very high.

Of course, the value of the tree, the significance of the representative is self-evident, even if there is only a chance of survival, the forest race is willing to cultivate.

A tree building may be the future of a race.

Therefore, at the moment of the establishment of the tree, the spirit of all forest races immediately rose.

The spirit of Sun Hao is also uplifting.

In the body of Sun Hao, Mu Dan, in the moment when the branch of the tree was unveiled, madly commotion, Sun Hao can clearly perceive it, and building a tree is very important to Mudan.

In the mind of Sun Hao, the five elements of the wheel of the round, and the first time to take the initiative to remind Sun Hao, the branch of the tree is the best to complete the wooden properties of the wood.

Sun Hao’s five-line round of the spirits, only the last round of the wood, can be fully completed, by the time, Sun Hao is likely to be the five major levels of Ling Gen at the same time, plus the ability of each foreign body to automatically refine, Sun Hao's refining and repairing may have a huge auxiliary effect.

Once the five elements of the wheel are completed, the five elements will be in harmony, and there may be many other wonderful uses.

Moreover, according to the improvement of the five elements of the round, the grandfather of Sun Hao is not difficult.

Compared with the rotation of other Linggen, Lunmuju has a natural advantage, that is, the formation of Mudan by Sun Hao is the earliest cultivation foundation of Sun Hao. For many years, Mudan has been affecting Sun Hao in a subtle way. The spiritual roots of the wood are in the roots of the wooden attributes of Sun Hao.

The improvement of the five-line round of spirits shows that as long as Sun Hao collects enough powerful wood-wood materials, the completion of the round-wood will be completed.

Now, Mudan's demand, the improvement of the five elements of the wheel, so that Sun Hao knows instantly, even if it is all about it, he must also take this section of the tree.

Mudan's demand is very strong, indicating that the tree can indeed meet his needs and can rotate to generate the roots of wood properties.

Naturally will not let go.

The price of the twigs has reached a million Lingshi, and each price increase is not less than 100,000 Lingshi.

Xiaoqing participated in the auction and only called the price once. The auction price of building the twigs has reached 6 million. Almost all the races in the forest area participated in the auction.

Prices have been constantly rising.

In this way, it is estimated that there is no way to get it down, and it is very likely that it will break through to the Lingmai transaction.

Sun Hao’s heart moved and gently said to Xiaoqing: “Through 10 million.”

Xiaoqing nodded in a clear position and took the sign in his hand: "10 million top grade Lingshi."

Ten million, but a small hurdle, the voice of the forest race bidding slightly, Qi Qi looked at Xiaoqing, looking at Sun Hao around Xiaoqing.

A Terran kid, who actually opened a high price of 10 million, and forced everyone into the threshold of trading, this is not good news, the weaker forest race had to see and timid, and withdrew from the competition.

A strong race will not be intimidated.

A lot of races followed by quotations, directly pushed to a spirit of five million.

Sun Hao’s heart was in the middle, and Xiao Qing made another big move: “One spirit and ten million”.

Approaching the limits of the two spirits.

It also reached the highest limit price of the auction.

But unfortunately, the importance of building a tree to the forest race far exceeds Sun Hao’s imagination, and the forest race’s persistence far exceeds Sun’s imagination.

This auction price did not stop the forest race.

The auction price directly broke the two spiritual customs, and soon rushed to the two spirits and four million.

Sun Hao also rushed out, regardless of the cost, let Xiaoqing directly called: "Two spirits and ten million."

Once again reached the limit of the two spiritual veins, and aligned with the three spiritual veins.

Three spirits breakthrough!

Sun Hao’s arrogance was directly pushed to the “three spirits and ten million...”

At this price, in fact, it has reached the limit of Sun Hao. Going up, Sun Hao will have to throw his own spirit, in exchange for Lingshi and Lingmai.

At this price, Sun Hao has actually put most of the rewards given by the Chongtian to himself. It is already at a cost, to win the twigs.

And such a price is indeed a frown of many forest families.

Although it is important to build twigs, it is hard to say whether it can be cultivated successfully. Moreover, even if it can foster success, it needs to be young, for a tree that can not be cultivated successfully, and does not know how many years later can see the effect. Too many words are really not in the interests of the big people.

The price of three spirits and ten million has reached a certain limit, and several forestry monks who have won bids have lost.

Only Muge Day sat on the canopy and looked at Sun Hao. He said in a loud voice: "It is very important for me to build a tree. Even if it is agarwood, I will not give up. Agarwood does not blame, four spirits."

Everyone is a determined and determined person, and friendship is a matter of fact, but it is irrelevant.

Sun Hao's brow slightly wrinkled, his mouth whispered: "The phantom is polite, but this branch of the tree is also very important to the agarwood. Today, it is necessary to compete with the adults for one or two, four spirits and ten million..."

Bubwini gave a thumbs up to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao smiled and said softly: "When the wife of Vigny, if you can give aloes a few spiritual connections, I may not be competing."

Phantom is a hero of the Changer family. The accumulation is much deeper than that of Sun Hao. Once the phantom is determined to fight, Sun Hao does not pull foreign aid, and his existing financial resources are estimated to be very difficult to compete.

A human race monk, who can spend a lot of money at the auction, throwing out the high price of four spirits and ten million, has already made many monks stunned. I did not expect that even the top 100 are not the human race, there are still monks so fierce! (To be continued.)

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