Xia Guo has four major Xianmen, Jin Jiantang, Qing Muzong, Lie Huozong, and Hou Tu Zong.

The four major fairy gates, the innate masters countless, Xianmen called the refiners, it is said that there are still a few hundred years of foundation-based monks, can fly the sword, the day is a thousand miles...

From small to large, the father's mouth, the innate master is the rivers and lakes, laughing at the top players, Sun Qiang's pursuit and dream is to achieve congenital.

This is also the goal of Xiao Sunhao.

In a flash, the target collapsed.

Get the fairy edge and enter the fairy gate.

A brand new picture, an unknown world full of deadly appeal, is presented to Sun Hao.

However, Gu Qiang regretted to say that the fairy rim is rare, and it is not easy to ask for immortality. He sighs and sighs Sun Hao’s shoulder and sighs.

If you want to marry the fairy tales, you must first have a spiritual root, hundreds of millions of mortals, and those who have spiritual roots, and there is no one to save one; even if there is a spiritual root, those who can enter the fairy door are also ten.

It is no accident that Feilongzhai has a fairy edge.

This year is the tenth year of the "Longmen Year" in Xianmen. In the 30th county of Xiaguo, Xianmeng set up a point to recruit income disciples.

Qu Youzhen is the neighboring county to join Xianmen, and the "Longmen Day" of Nan County is in the fifth day of next month.

Lanlin Town has a lot of school-age children, there are more than 40, but Gu Qiang and Sun Qiang are still worried.

"Yuelongmen" is too difficult. There are 32,000 children in neighboring counties, less than ten in Lingen, and only three in Linger.

But the dead horse is a living horse doctor.

A month later, Sun Hao appeared in the county seat of Nanxian County on time.

During the “Yuelongmen” period, the county seat of Nanxian County was very crowded and comparable to the grand festival.

The children are lined up with a long test.

Sun Hao stood in the middle of the big team, his eyes were looking around, and his heart was very nervous.

Jackie Chan into a snake? It is related to the life and death of Lanlin Town, and he is not nervous. The palm of your hand is sweating, your heart beats faster, your blood accelerates, and your heart seems to hear the heartbeat of "咚咚咚".

After three hours, Sun Hao saw the scene inside the county government.

In the spacious large room, four handsome young men in blue gowns sat in four tall chairs, each with a table that was not very tall.

Place a quirky ball on the table in front of the first youth, and each child who goes in will touch a hand on the ball.

There were only a cup of tea and a roster on the table in front of several other youths.

"Yuelongmen" is so simple?

After each child touched the ball, he always saw the first young man shaking his head with regret.

Only to a little girl, with a little braid, the little girl with a dirty face on her face walked forward and pressed her hands to the strange ball. The strange ball suddenly released blue, red and gold.

The youth suddenly felt a spirit and sang loudly: "In the brothers, water, fire, and gold, the roots of Ling, the strength of the roots are excellent, qualified."

Then, the second young man touched the bones of the little girl, and the third young man smiled and said a few words to the little girl.

The last young man, with a sullen face, said with no expression: "Standing behind me, testing the fairy edge tomorrow."

Sun Hao understands that Linggen can make the strange ball shine.

Sun Hao also knows that Linggen is very rare. So many children have passed, and there are only five children in the house.

The faces of the five children all had a faint smudge, and the mood was not particularly calm.

Looking at the strange ball, Sun Hao feels his heartbeat is getting faster and faster, squeaking.

At this time, at the door, the little boy who kept the door shouted: "Dragon Master, Lanlin Town, forty-two test boys, now test."

Sun Hao’s heart was tight and he only felt his ears creak.

When standing on the pile, the little friends standing behind Sun Hao walked in one by one.

First, Dragon Brother shook his head.

Second, Dragon Brother shakes his head.

Third, Dragon Brother still shakes his head.


More than thirty, all have no spiritual roots.

Gu Yun, standing in front of Sun Hao, had no confidence, and he saw himself. He was a little depressed and whispered back and said: "Hou brother..."

The boy called at this time: "Next, ancient cloud."

Sun Hao holds the hand of Gu Yun and gives an encouraging look: "Go, you can do it."

Gu Yun nodded, taking a deep breath and holding up a small chest. Going to the table that is a bit tall for him, his hands pressed up.

Sunlight, light... Sun Hao can't help but pinch his fist, his heart shouting.

Really let out, the test ball first appeared red, followed by gold, blue, yellow, cyan, brush, and released five colors of light.

Long’s brother’s brow wrinkled and sang loudly: “In the brothers, Jin Mushui’s fire and earth, the five elements of the pseudo-spirit root, the spiritual root strength, the basic, oh no, is barely qualified.”

After the brothers called Gu Yun, they finished the test in threes and twos and sang loudly: "Yellow brother, seven years old bone age." Huang Shixiong sang directly: "The old man, the young boy of Lanlin Town, Gu Yun, barely qualified."

Qingla still has a face on his face, nodding to Gu Yun: "Standing behind me, testing the fairy edge tomorrow."

Gu Yun looked excited and looked at Sun Hao outside the house.

Sun Hao raised his right fist to him.

Seeing that Gu Yun has stood behind the old man, the boy who guards the door said softly to Sun Hao: "It’s yours," and the look is just a little better.

"Come to me?", Sun Hao took a deep breath, his mind was slightly calm, his face recovered a little calm, stepping into the house.

Standing still, Sun Hao did not mechanically reach out to the test ball like other children, but took a deep breath and calmly bowed to the dragon brother, and called out: "Dragon Master", this is in the dragon In the eyes of the brothers, they put their hands on the test ball.

Several Xianmen masters are beheaded, and the child is very good.

Light, light, hands on the test ball, the fire of Sun Hao's body worked: "red, red..."

Intuition tells him that red should represent the root of fire.

Looking at Sun Hao's faint red color, several fairy faces showed a playful smile on his face: "This child thinks that the inner function of the world makes the test ball shine?"

However, the test ball finally lit up in the shouts of Sun Hao's heart, four colors of green, gold, yellow, blue... The intensity of the light is between the ancient cloud and the little nephew girl.

Sun Hao’s heart was filled with surprises, but at the same time he was a bit confused, no red?

Long’s brother’s face showed a smile, and then he revealed some cherished look. He sang loudly: “In the brothers, wood, gold, earth, water, four spirit roots, and the strength of the roots, qualified.”

Sun Hao is ecstatic and he is qualified. Then wonder, why is there no fire root?

A smile on the face of the brother: "Come, child, measure bone age."

Sun Hao first went to the Dragon Brothers without hesitation: "Thank you, Master," and then walked to the front of the brother in the smile of the Dragon Brothers, and many people did not blame: "The trouble is the Master."

He smiled at the brothers and had a good impression on Sun Hao. His hands stretched over to Sun Hao and he said, "The four spirits are not very good, but the practice is not a problem. Unfortunately, the internal strength of your cultivation is the firepower... ..."

Sun Hao’s heart is a glimpse, how can it be pity to practice the fire? Zhang mouth wants to ask, the brother has already sung loudly: "Yellow brother, eight years of bone age, qualified."

Sun Hao was in front of Huang’s brother by the number of gifts.

Huang Shixiu smiled slightly and looked at Sun Hao. He asked: "Do you know what is Xianmen?"

Sun Hao nodded and said his own understanding: "It is the sect that pursues immortality and cultivates long-lasting vision."

"Well," Huang Shixiong nodded and asked: "Do you want to cultivate immortals?"

Sun Hao said awkwardly: "Thinking," then whispered: "I want to be stronger, protect Lanlin Town, and protect my mother."

Huang’s brother stunned and looked at the screaming child with some surprise. He said, “Well, it’s good.”

Seeing that Huang’s brother looks good, Sun Hao took a moment to ask, and tentatively asked: “What is wrong with the Guru?

Huang Shixiu was a little surprised. My heart thought that this boy is good. It is really commendable for the monks to be able to do it without being humble, not humble, and to communicate with themselves.

Every few years, I am afraid that it is another person.

My heart flashed a few thoughts, and Huang’s face was still a smile on his face. The soft tone explained: “You don’t have a fire root, you can’t practice the fire system, so you’re currently practicing. The fire inside is afraid that it is not good for your cultivation, but it is only internal strength, and then you will be able to do it."

When finished, Huang Shixiong added: "Your wood is more excellent, and you can choose the wood system to practice."

Sun Hao understands that ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ but the heart is not only entangled, the fire is a home-based practice, just Dacheng, just had a sense of intimacy with the flame, but to scatter.

Huang Shixiong has sung loudly: "The old man, the young son of Lanlin Town, Nanxian County, is qualified."

There is no wave in the old man's face, and he has never changed his mind: "Standing behind me, testing the fairy edge tomorrow."

It was night, accommodation, and touched the small heads of Gu Yun and Sun Hao. The ancient heart was both a surprise and a surprise. The surprise was that the two children had a spiritual root and won the opportunity to test the fairy tales. What is embarrassing is what to do if you don’t have a fairy.

There are ten people in the neighboring counties, and only three people can get the fairy tales.

"Uncle, you can rest assured," Sun Hao squeezed his fist and looked firm: "I and Xiaoyun will surely win the fairy edge."

Gu Yun also said crisply on the side: "Yes, hey, we can do it."

At this time, the boy who served outside said: "The home of Xiajia, Xia Rong visited."

Gu Qiang and Xia Laozi took the seat of the guest, and Xia Lao took a sip of tea. He laughed first: "Old man Xia Rong..."

Behind him, stood the little girl.

When he got a chance, Sun Hao took the teapot from the maid's hand and went to Xia Rong to continue the tea. He also whispered in his mouth: "Xia Lao, can you tell me what is the fairy edge?"

Xia Rong looked at Sun Hao with a deep sense, and thought to himself: "Sure enough, Sun Hao of Lanlin Town has a sense of atmosphere, and the teenager is not a pool. Today, I can make a good marriage first."

While thinking, Xia Lao side and Yan Yue said: "In fact, the fairy tales are the test ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ welcome to the readers to read, the latest, fastest, the most popular serial works at ~www.wuxiaspot.com~ Mobile users please read.

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