Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1591: Source barrel spirit

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However, what Sun Hao did not think was that when he took three babies to deliver, there was a small situation.

Fengqi Leibangmu first took out the grade, looked at the item number, and the grade was on the case. Sun Hao lost a selection qualification and completed the transaction.

No abnormalities.

The problem occurred on the delivery of the second item.

When Sun Hao took out the wooden barrel, when he delivered it, he suddenly discovered that the wooden barrel and the spirits inside were actually numbered, that is to say, this is actually two treasures.

If Sun Hao chooses to choose, then he has to occupy Sun Hao twice to choose opportunities.

Treasures may have seen Sun Hao in this situation, and kindly reminded: "Agarwood adults, these two, which one are you really on? You can exchange it for you, the rest, I am responsible for putting it back. Let's go."

The attitude of the management is very good, and the suggestions made are indeed feasible.

Sun Hao was almost not hesitant, and when he was ready to say his choice, his heart suddenly slammed.

The scene in front seems to be very similar, and I seem to have experienced it somewhere!

When the words came to my lips, Sun Hao suddenly stunned and put his hand on the treasure house to say: "No hurry, I will think about it first."

For a long time, a long time ago, when Sun Hao almost forgot.

I remember that at that time, Sun Hao saw the sacred flame in the treasure house of the Xiaguo royal family, and got the flame of the most original flame of his own flame. With him has been walking to the present, he is an extremely powerful cultivation assistant.

There is no doubt that 燚神炎 is very magical.

However, Sun Hao remembers that when Shen Yan was at that time, he was kept in a soil-fire pot that was unremarkable, soil could not be soiled, and there was no strange performance.

The loess brazier does not have the slightest effect, but it saves the sacred gods for hundreds of millions of years without destroying.

Preserved the inheritance of the great summer billion years.

Sun Hao remembers that the loess brazier is the first soil basin, the role is immortal, and millions of years are immortal.

At that time, Sun Hao had no accurate concept of immortality for hundreds of millions of years, but after practicing to this day, after being exposed to higher and higher levels of cultivation, Sun Hao suddenly discovered that millions of years of immortality is actually a powerful and truly true god. trace.

That is to say, the earthen brazier that year, the unremarkable earthen brazier, is actually a god.

Now, in front of Sun Hao, there is a barrel similar to the earthen brazier.

It seems that there is no such thing as a simple barrel. If it is not a treasure trove reminder, Sun Hao did not even find that the barrel itself is a treasure.

Such a wine barrel, placed inside the treasure house of Chongtiancheng, is easily overlooked.

The wine in the barrel is also easily overlooked. If Sun Hao is careful, he just glances at the barrel and finds something unusual. He might have missed the barrel.

So now, what should I choose?

Sun Hao fell into meditation.

Fengqi Leibangmu must be chosen, and the next virtual soil is also a must.

What Sun Hao needs to consider is whether he chooses the wine barrel in the end or chooses the spirit wine inside.

Choosing spirit wine is undoubtedly a vested interest. After the choice, the spirit of the spirit is not weak, and the effect on the body of the spirit is definitely more than the other treasures Sun Hao found, choose, will not regret.

Choosing a wine barrel is purely a gamble.

I don’t know what the casks came from, and what the casks did.

It seems that it is a simple barrel.

But a simple reasoning came out. If the barrel has no effect, why would Chong Tiancheng separate it?

However, will the wine barrels be the same as the first soil bowls, but with a single use? For example, although the immortality of the first soil basin is very powerful, but for the monk, unless there is a special demand, it is really not necessarily used.

If the role of the barrel is the same as that of the first people, then Sun Hao is worse than the choice of spirits.

If there is no goodwill in the treasure house, Sun Hao may eventually choose a more practical spirit, but the treasure house does not seem to have the slightest goodwill, but let Sun Hao realize that the barrel may be hidden some unknown. The secret, no matter what the secret is, Sun Hao finally decided that it was him.

After making up his mind, Sun Hao said with a smile: "Thanks to the management of adults, then, the troubled adults will register this bucket for me, I will borrow him, and, trouble adults will find a container of wine, these rare drinks Let's put it back."

The treasure house was stunned and confirmed: "Agarwood, are you sure you want to pick this bucket?"

Sun Hao nodded and said with certainty: "This bucket has given me a very magical feeling, and naturally I have to pick it up and see."

The treasure house hesitated for a moment, and said in his mouth: "That's good, please wait a moment, I will find a bottle."

After that, the body swayed, the treasure house management disappeared in front of Sun Hao, as if to find a bottle.

Sun Hao looked at the direction of the treasure house's disappearance, and his face showed a faint smile. There were a lot of miscellaneous duties in the treasure house. Is it necessary to manage the wine bottles in person? If this is the case, it may be that he can't do the Lord, and he is on the upper level.

I can't do anything about the Lord. It seems that I really chose the right one.

Treasures in the secret room stood in a secret room, quickly connected to the voice of the gentleman, his body slightly squatting, the tone was very respectful and said: "Adult, Sun Shenxiang actually picked the serial number ten, sorting the third treasure, I am not Dare to be the master, especially to report

There was a very surprised voice from the side of the squad: "The first three of the serial numbers, those that I don't understand the purpose of the origin, do not know the ancient antiquities hidden in the treasure house, how can Sun Hao pick it?"

Treasury management continued: "Not only that, this sort of the third barrel, there is actually a sort of top 100 spirits, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang Shuling wine and take the barrel, how should I deal with it? Also, where should the top 100 spirits be moved?"

At the end of the voice ball, the gentleman said: "You wait, I think, these two things you said, I feel a bit like, don't worry, let me think"

After a half-sound, the voice of the gentleman passed over: "It turns out that this is the case. In this way, the top ten are sorted with the gods. They are not visible, and they are not available. Since Agarwood can find him and can choose him, Well, this should be the chance of Aquilaria, and it is also the cause and effect of Shenxiang helping me to cross the wilderness through the wilderness, so that is what he deserves."

The treasure house manager said: "The disciple understands, then, what kind of utensils do you need to wear in the wooden barrel?"

The scholar has indulged: "Lingjiu was originally the moonlight of the Changer people. It is extraordinary in its own value. After so many years of cultivation, it is once again in the world. It has an unparalleled auxiliary effect on the five attributes of the monks themselves, but this When the wine leaves the source barrel, it will change back to the original moonlight fountain without an hour. It is a waste to take any utensils."

The treasure house stayed in control: "What should I do?"

The gentleman said: "Well, register, you say, the moonlight fountain is temporarily stored in Sun Hao Sun If we have the needs of the younger generation, we will go to him to ask for wine and drink."

Treasures of the treasure house stunned and said: "This, I suspect that it will not take long, Sun Hao will empty the moonlight fountain."

The judge said: "That is certain. It is a fool to not drink him. It is not important. After we have a need for the celestial family, we will ask him to take it. This is a good relationship. In the future, maybe it will be right. I have great benefits for the Celestial."

Treasure manager nodded and said: "Well, I understand."

The gentleman said: "Well, you go, remember to be polite, this future is not limited in the future, I can make good friends with Tiancheng."

After that, the voice avatar disappeared from the voice ball.

The treasure house was sunny and appeared in front of Sun Hao. He said with a smile: "Agarwood, I searched the treasure house, and I really didn't find a suitable wine utensil. You can see it. The wine is stored in the agarwood." The inside of the wooden barrel is good. In the future, when I am in need of the heavenly family, I will send someone to go to Shenxiang to discuss the glass of wine."

This is a very unexpected answer.

Sun Hao looked at the management, and then looked at the wooden barrel. He said in his mouth: "But it is a matter of management. In the wooden barrel, you have the spirit wine of the heavenly people. How can I use it in the future?"

The management laughed: "Agarwood, although you use it freely, there is no problem in how to use it. I am not saying it. In the future, we only want to ask you for wine and drink. What is it? What is it? Right, Aquilaria, you should pay attention, wooden barrel After the spirit wine is poured out, it will quickly deteriorate. At an hour, it will completely lose its effect. Therefore, we have no way, we can only deposit it."

Sun Hao instantly understood and smiled and said: "That's good, that's good. If there is a need in the future, I will find me with a letter, and there is no shortage of spirits, hahaha." To be continued. .

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