Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1601: Swordsman 0 years (3)

What is inside the sword?

No swordsmen have ever been in, and there is very little information.

However, according to the data, there must be one thing in the sword, that is, the sword, the unwilling, the long-lasting sword.

Sun Hao just stepped into the Golden Gate, his body was light, and he found himself suspended in a dark space. Looking back, the golden light has disappeared, and the surrounding is indistinct and dark, filled with a thick It looks like a rusty, rotten atmosphere.

This breath is somewhat similar to the old Sun Hao's refining of gold gas in Daye Island.

However, Sun Hao immediately discovered that the breath is only similar, and the Daye Island Bohai Sea is essentially different from the sword.

When Sun Hao just entered the sword, the inside of the sword may not respond, and there is not much reaction.

However, Sun Hao has just moved forward less than a mile away.

Immediately, in the dark space, it was blown up like a drop of water in the oil pan.

The darkness of the road seems to be the sword of the spirit snake, in all directions, with a burst of wind, and come to Sun Hao.

Some swords even broke out directly at Sun Hao's side. Sun Hao was too late to dodge, and above the body, he had already made a whistling sound.

Sun Hao felt that the whole body was like a blade, and the pain came to his heart, and the blood was splashing.

Uncontrollable, a sigh of sorrow, Sun Hao's heart was shocked, so powerful sword, can actually pierce his own body, hurting himself, the sword is not easy to smash.

The sword of the agarwood sword in the hands of the hands, bursting out of the white brilliance, forming a white sword, shrouded in Sun Hao's body.

This is the wooden attribute Jianguang. Under the blessing of Mudan, it has a weak therapeutic effect. Sun Hao feels a cool body.

But at this moment, in this sword, although Sun Hao has treatment, the destructive power of Jianguang is beyond the imagination of Sun Hao.

There are snake-like swords everywhere, and they are slamming into Sun Hao's body. Sun Hao's refining body can't stop this sharp edge, and his body is cut and split from time to time.

I can't hide.

The purpose of Sun Hao’s coming into the sword is to use the sword inside to hammer the bones and finally create the sword bone.

If the sword is not strong, then it will not reach Sun Hao’s intended purpose. The sword is so powerful and reasonable. Moreover, there is no reason for the sword, and there will be no softness without swords. Within the scope that Sun Hao can perceive, it is all this violent atmosphere.

The violent, a kind of envy and unwillingness of the sword is full of four weeks.

Although there is no spirituality in Jianqi, Sun Hao still clearly perceives that this violent sword has a deep envy and unwillingness to the agarwood sword. It seems that the agarwood should be assimilated into a master without them. There is no spiritual temper. Jianqi is satisfied with the general.

Destroying Sun Hao can achieve this goal.

This is a kind of sword full of envy and hatred, everywhere, every moment hits the body of Sun Hao.

Since he couldn't hide, there was no place to hide. Sun Hao sat in the air with his knees crossed, his hands on his knees, and the incense sword crossed his hands and palms, closing his eyes and calming, and Sun Hao began to practice on the spot.

Wan Jian wears body and blood is bursting.

Sun Hao sat cross-legged and practiced hard.

The monks practiced hardships and struggled to climb.

Behind the big abilities, it is often difficult and hard.

With great perseverance, Sun Hao began to use his cruel sword in the sword to start his own cultivation.

Within the sword, Sun Hao’s practice is mainly two.

The same nature is the condensed sword of the peerless sword. This is the fundamental purpose of Sun Hao’s entry into the sword. Sun Hao hardly drives the method of the sword, and rushes into the body. Among the skeletons.

Like the spirit snake, the sword is extremely sharp and extremely destructive.

Sun Hao’s bones constructed with three kinds of swords can not withstand the puncture of Jianqi. The sword tends to be defeated by swords in a small area, and each time it is defeated, it is equal to Sun Hao’s bones breaking once. .

Tenacious, every time it breaks, Sun Hao drives the three swords to build one.

This process is equivalent to Sun Hao's bones under the impact of the sword, under the unification of the sword of the sword, is constantly breaking up and rebuilding, breaking up and rebuilding.

Even the mighty monk, the pain of rebuilding and rebuilding the bones, is not good. On the face of Sun Hao, the sweat of the big beans keeps dripping outward.

It is a long and difficult process to refine the unparalleled sword bone. Sun Hao needs to refine his body's bones, including the most important skulls and spines, in this process of continuous rebuilding. The time required may be a long time.

The second method of Sun Hao’s cultivation in the swordsmanship is to get from the treasure house of the celestial beings. The monks read the barbarians’ ancient refining bodies that would be unconsciously forgotten* “very wild and sturdy”.

Originally, the proper cultivation environment for this kind of practice was a wild land full of desertification.

The principle of the practice method is to continuously resist the erosion of the monks by the desert, and promote the cultivation of its own body.

Sun Hao got the sword to refine, but also considered.

Although there is no stagnation in the sword, it has a sharper and more destructive sword than the wilderness. Perhaps it is better to use this kind of sword to cultivate the wild and sturdy effect.

Moreover, after entering the sword, Sun Hao must cultivate a powerful refining method that allows him to move inside the sword, or else, once the sword of this place has no effect on the forging, Sun Hao’s practice of refining the body can not continue to deepen, then there is no doubt that the bones will become more and more difficult.

It’s ridiculous and mad, and there’s no one-year-old gas. It’s a skill, it’s rude, it’s immortal...

The origin of the practice method has been very long. Who is the shape, still can not be studied, it is likely to be ancient sorcerer, or perhaps a barbarian or even a witch clan.

This kind of practice, with Sun Hao's cultivation, the proud of the gods, the tyrannical method, the reincarnation of the dragon, the prajna, has some similar works, but also a kind of hegemony, fearless and brave.

Moreover, it is also a method of cultivation that uses external pressure to force the body to progress.

However, this kind of exercise is more thorough than the doctrine of the law.

Dominant dedication to the use of medicine to promote cultivation.

And the wild and savage is simply to promote cultivation with the medicine in the body.

The so-called medicine in the body, that is, under the strong external pressure, constantly stimulates the power of the monk's five attributes to enter the body, as a great medicine, and promotes practice.

Heart fire, lung gold, spleen soil, kidney water and liver wood are the land of the five attributes of the monk. In the process of ruthless cultivation, it is necessary to continuously collect the five original attributes and promote spiritual practice.

It is manifested in a monk with a weak temperament level. When collecting a certain attribute source, it can also be replaced by a flourishing real element cultivated by the monk himself.

Of course, the real yuan is not as strong as the original source. Therefore, the demand of the real yuan will be very considerable, but if the real yuan is abundant, the speed of practicing this method will surpass the original method of collecting the source of the monk.

If you switch to other monks and cultivate wildly, you may need to constantly stimulate your own attributes.

However, Sun Hao here, the five attributes of Jianyuan are extremely abundant, and can also be transformed into each other, no matter how wild and eager to need that kind of attribute real yuan, Sun Hao can supply in time.

And this method of cultivation undoubtedly fits in with the other characteristics of the wild and savage, the requirements of brave and progressive.

In the process of cultivation, the emphasis is on the spirit of being strong and fearless, rushing into the wilderness, finding a strong stagnation, fighting against it, and generating your own immortal body.

The practice emphasizes that he is not afraid of bloodshed and is not afraid of sacrifice. When Sun Hao tried to figure out this practice, there was a very obvious feeling, that is, the cultivation of "wild and wild" is actually the more abused, the better the effect.

The sword in the sword is more powerful than the wilderness.

Sun Hao is bleeding all the time, his body is like a wooden barrel of dew. From time to time, he is bleeding from the outside, and the cultivation effect of the wild and savage is gradually becoming formal.

The dark underground, inside the dark sword.

Sun Hao sat cross-legged, bleeding on his body, blood color is not rushing, forming a blood fog, Sun Hao's body is constantly being destroyed.

On the hands of Sun Hao, Shen Xiangjian bloomed a faint white brilliance, illuminating Sun Hao's body, forming a faint white cover, constantly repairing Sun Hao's body.

In this way, Sun Hao sank into cultivation, and the two major exercises began to move forward. (To be continued.)

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