Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1602: Swordsman 0 years (4)


There are no years of cultivation, and there is no knowledge of Jiazi in the sword. 【.】

Sun Hao quietly, sitting silently and silently, do not know how long it has passed.

The blood spattered from the body fell on Sun Hao's body, like a thick layer of flying dust.

Unconsciously, the wild and vigorous cultivation began to take effect, and the flesh gradually adapted to the impact of the sword, and the slightly brassish color of the green began to flow on the body.

Blood light no longer appears.

The envy of the hateful spirit is still continually stalking the body of Sun Hao, and Sun Hao, who is sitting close to his eyes, is full of bangs, but once the wild savage can withstand this kind of breath, That is comprehensive progress. As long as Sun Hao does not intentionally disperse the exercises, then the swords here cannot be attacked into Sun Hao’s body.

The wild and sturdy refinement means that Sun Hao has established a firm foothold in the sword.

That is to say, Sun Hao’s unparalleled sword bones condensed, and really set foot on the level that he can initially control.

After digesting the violent autonomy and rushing into the last scorpion of his body in disorder, Sun Hao opened his eyes in the sword.

The scent of Shen Xiangjian converges and slams into the sword of Sun Hao’s back.

Within the dark underground sword, Sun Hao’s eyes looked at the distance and stood up.

Open mouth, slamming, three swords and spirits **** into the mouth, quickly into the bones, began to refine the bones, but Sun Hao's body was in the air forward, striding, and went deep into the sword.

The wild and sturdy cultivation is far faster than the unification of the swordless sword because of various factors.

In this area that has just entered, after Sun Hao’s cultivation, the wild and savage body has been able to resist the erosion of the sword, and the sword gas still has a good effect on the refinement of the unparalleled sword bone, which is the area. Jianqi, still help for Sun Hao's unparalleled sword bone.

After thinking about it, Sun Hao began to take a step forward and explore the road while swallowing some swords and continuing to forge.

After walking for a long time, Sun Hao’s wild-type enthusiasm was once again under pressure. When the flesh began to collapse, in the dark space in front, Sun Hao saw a huge iron sword, squatting in the void, extending to the front. And go.

Around these iron swords, the sword is extremely rich, extremely violent, envious of hateful emotions, flooding the entire space.

Sun Hao stood in the same place and felt that the iron sword below was actually composed of pieces of sword.

Under the iron sword far away, Sun Hao saw some swords that were directly inserted on the ground, and the swords were densely packed. As the grass was overgrown by the hills, they were randomly inserted in the unevenness of the sword. .

The arrival of Sun Hao caused the reaction of these swords. On many swords, there was a faint ray of light, and some swords broke out with a soft sword.

Sun Hao drifted in the air far away, and did not rush to the sky above the sword to challenge.

On top of these swords, Sun Hao felt the unyielding will from the predecessors of Lingtianjian.

A lot of flying swords on the ground, there is a sharp sword of incomparable existence, all kinds of swords are intertwined, smashing a piece of sword, in the void in front of Sun Hao, condensation A huge iron sword that went forward.

Come here, Sun Hao can feel it, ahead, as he advances, the sword, the sword will become stronger and stronger, and the difficulty he faces will be bigger and bigger.

The best way for yourself is to be gradual and steady.

Standing in the sky above the flying sword, Sun Hao's hands were slightly arched, and he said, "Ling Tian's younger generation, Sun Hao Sun Shenxiang, want to borrow the swords of the predecessors, condense the swordsmanship, and disturb Also, please Haihan."

In any case, the swordsmen are the places where Ling Tian’s predecessors buried their swords. When they came forward, they must have some respects. No matter whether the flying swords can’t understand them, Sun Hao must do it himself.

The Feijian, which stands underneath, heard a different reaction after hearing Sun Hao’s words.

Some of the flying swords that have not lost their spirituality and have a strong sense of belonging to Ling Tianjian, the light and the sound of the sword are softened a lot, as if they are responding gently.

Some of the spirituality has not been lost, but there are still flying swords that strongly envy and hate the younger generations of Ling Tianjian, who are fierce and have a strong sword.

And more flying swords, but the spirituality is no longer, still as insulting, instinctively burst out of their own powerful sword, do not welcome the arrival of Sun Hao.

The ceremony of the respect has been put in place, and the words to say are also said.

Sun Hao whispered in his mouth, his arms stretched out, and he rushed to the nearest iron sword that was condensed by Jianqi.

The flying sword that was inserted on the ground slammed, and the sword was a big hit.

With a bang, I didn’t wait for Sun Hao to rush to the iron sword. In front of Sun Hao, he rushed out of a fierce white tiger, roaring and biting down to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao’s eyes narrowed, and Shen Xiang’s sword slammed into the sky, and a sword stabbed the tiger’s white forehead.

The tigers squinted, and the two swords rushed over. They slammed into the agarwood sword and the agarwood was slammed into the air.

The tiger is a virtual body, and the whole body is made up of swords.

The huge tiger claws grabbed forward, and each paw rushed out four or five swords. The huge tiger's mouth sprayed, and a fierce sword rushed.

Sun Hao’s agarwood sword blocked a direction, but did not wait for the forehead of the white tiger in the agarwood. Sun Hao’s body has already issued a series of buzzing sounds.

There was a sigh in his mouth, and Sun Hao’s body sank slightly. A lot of blood was washed out from the body. At least six swords and swords hit Sun Hao.

Sun Hao was shot down on the spot, blood and water fell, and sprinkled away.

On the ground, the flying swords that were inserted were shaken together, and the hilt on the upper side shook like a monk laughing.

It also seems that the flying swords are laughing at Qi Xiangjian and Sun Hao.

On the ground, the flying sword is like a wave. He smiles and leans forward. He is very happy to be hurt by Sun Hao.

But before I waited for Feijian to laugh for a long time, Shen Xiangjian’s voice was accurately tied to the forehead of Bai’s tiger.

With a bang, the white-footed tiger, composed of Jianqi, violently exploded in front of Sun Hao, turning into a sword and darting away.

Sun Hao with blood, striding across a span, fell on the iron sword across the void.

On the ground, the flying swords, who are shaking and laughing, suddenly stopped the laughter and suddenly quieted down.

Many flying swords were furious, but they could not sense the existence of Sun Hao. They only burst out of the swords under the iron sword, and they were raging around, but they could not hurt Sun Hao.

On top of the iron sword, Sun Hao sits cross-legged and endures the sword of the real bones from the iron sword.

The iron sword can hinder the induction of the flying sword below. However, the iron sword itself is the sword, and Sun Hao sitting on it is like a mortal sitting on a volcano.

The wild and sturdy and unparalleled swordsmanship began to work again. The agarwood sword bloomed in the white brilliance and shined on the body. Sun Hao entered the next round of I don’t know how long it took, Sun Hao leisurely opened Eyes.

The wild and sturdy strength has progressed enough to withstand the degree of swordsmanship. Of course, the swordsmanship can still be condensed.

On the surface of the body, with a faint, antique brass color, Sun Hao began to follow the iron sword.

The sword of the sword smelt smashed the sword and emptied, and rushed forward and far away. Sun Hao Shunjian marched forward, and the speed went very fast for a long time. The front still did not end, and the pressure of the sword on the body was getting more and more Big, have not seen the sword tip of the iron sword, Sun Hao's body has been unable to withstand the impact of the iron sword, and began to crack blood.

Sun Hao gritted his teeth and continued to move forward. When he was completely unable to hold his body and his body was about to collapse completely, Sun Hao sat on his knees and sat on the iron sword to start a new round of cultivation. .

In the sword of the earth, Sun Hao followed the iron sword and walked for a period of cultivation. The time passed by without knowing it. Sun Hao had no concept of time. He only knew how to advance, practice, advance, practice... Round trip.

I don't know how long it has been, and Sun Hao finally came to the end of the iron sword.

Unexpectedly, perhaps this is the reason of the sword, the end of the iron sword is not the tip of the sword, this iron sword is actually a broken sword.

Not far from the front of the broken sword body, it also vaguely saw the second group of iron swords that were condensed by swords. It was like a bridge in the hollow of the sword, and it was also in front.

However, if Sun Hao wants to arrive at the second batch of iron swords, he is afraid that he will have another battle.

Standing on top of the broken iron sword, Sun Hao can see that the density of flying swords on the ground is much smaller, but the size of the flying sword is much larger, and the flying sword blooms brightly and illuminates itself. The surrounding areas seem to protect their respective territories. (To be continued.) m. Reading,.

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