Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1603: Swordsman 0 years (5)

Undoubtedly, the Feijian below is more powerful than the previous group of sneer sneer.

Sun Hao stepped out from the iron sword.

The following will immediately respond to Feijian.

It’s not Sun Hao’s imagination. These flying swords will come in one hand, but all the flying swords will burst out in a burst of swords, and the sword will come to Sun Hao.

Sun Haofei quickly returned to the iron sword.

The road was unwilling, and after a while in the front, he retreated.

There is a huge difference here. The flying sword in front of the sword does not know how to converge after the outbreak of the sword, but it can not be sent out. However, the current flying sword is free to send and receive.

Sun Hao is gone, and Jianqi will go back.

At first, I felt the breath of the sword in front, and Sun Hao also found a difference.

The feeling of the sword in front of Sun Hao is envy and hate, the emotion is very obvious, but obviously there is a feeling that it is not as good as agarwood, just want to pull down the agarwood.

But the sword of the sword is full of resentment and unwillingness. There is a strong grievance after being buried and wanting to see the sky again and want to reinvigorate the gods, but it is pressed by the heavens and bound by the earth.

If there is a "sword" in the front of the sword, then here is the "resentment sword."

After thinking for a while, Sun Hao sat on the break of the iron sword, not rushing forward, ■. Into, but cultivated with heart, until his wild shape reached the bottleneck in this place, it is difficult to make progress Sun Hao suddenly rushed out of the iron sword and rushed over to the second batch of iron swords in front.

Sun Hao’s momentum is fast and fierce, but the reaction of the sword of resentment below is also very fast.

Under Sun Hao's, Jian Ming's masterpiece, all kinds of convergence of light broke out, Sun Hao looked down, the following has become a sea of ​​souls.

The light is intertwined and turned into a flame of the road. All kinds of unwilling souls are struggling in the flames, and in front of Sun Hao, composed of thousands of swords, the devils of the cloaks, flashing scarlet eyes, spit out long The tongue, sticking out the claws, blocked the way.

More souls flew up from the flames of the sea of ​​swords, claws and claws, and rushed to Sun Hao.

On the incense sword, the five-color ray flashed, and the piece of sword feather broke out. It floated away to the front, and Sun Hao followed closely, and flew over to the opposite iron sword.

Behind him, the soul of the sword was quickly slammed into Sun Hao.

Sun Hao put up a fierce fire shield, inside the sword, sprinkled a piece of fire, echoing the flames below.

The speed is extremely fast, while Sun Hao is rushing forward, and constantly, one by one, the fire shield is topped up.

The claws of the evil spirits are actually swords, and they are biting on Sun Hao. They are extremely sharp. Even if the Aegis of Fire is the hero of Sun Hao, it is often too late to pick up the second one. Sword gas invades the body.

In the process of Sun Hao's rapid advancement, he still sheds blood all the way.

Every drop of blood spilled out, and the grievous ghosts swarmed away and snatched away. The resentful ghosts who won the blood of Sun Hao often kept scrolling the scarlet tongue, and they were still in a state of intent.

The sword of resentment sword invaded Sun Hao's body. The strong negative effect made Sun Hao's eyes slightly redden. Fortunately, the three powerful swords of the powerful, firmly protected the important parts of Sun Hao, a large number of resentment swords Sword gas was sucked into the bones and began to refine the unparalleled sword bone.

As a rising snowball, Sun Hao has a lot of resentment with a lot of resentment and swords, and it is difficult to advance forward. If it is not a scented sword, it is a five-function sword, and Sun Hao is really I am not sure if I can break through like this.

At two hours, Sun Hao seemed to last for a long time, and finally stepped on the second batch of iron swords.

The grievances under the sword sea roared angrily, and the sly ghosts in the flame-like resentment of the sword sea, unwillingly reach up, and then pulled back by the flames.

In the end, the flames gradually calmed down in front of Sun Hao's eyes, and they saw the inverted flying swords that swayed their faint light and guarded themselves.

A long sigh of relief, Sun Hao’s heart was filled with the feeling of luck.

The sword of resentment is very powerful. If this section is longer, Sun Hao can't guarantee that he will be able to rush.

If there is a fire shield, if there is not a scented sword, if there is a small flame, this road will not be so good.

After entering the island of Lange Green, Sun Hao has been condensing blood, but no matter how many drops of blood that Sun Hao condensed, he was ignited by a small flame. Later, Sun Hao refining the wood spring and refining Feng Qi Lightning the wood into the small flame.

Although there is no change in the appearance of the small flame, but in the process of just breaking through the road, Sun Hao has perceived the huge difference in his body.

Just Sun Hao has lost a lot of blood, and the ghosts seem to have a blood-sucking ability. Sun Hao will splash a lot of blood every time he is attacked.

After two hours, Sun Hao lost a lot of blood. If it was in the past, there might be some uncomfortable reactions.

But all the way to kill, Sun Hao found that his blood does not seem to reduce much, a small flame in the heart, exudes a touch of heat, like evaporation of water vapor, from time to time, blood automatically flows into the heart, let Sun Hao root I did not feel the threat of blood loss and always maintained a good fighting state.

Sitting cross-legged on the iron sword, Sun Hao is familiar with the new changes in the small flames, and his face has a faint smile. The bloodless blood may not be so good for his own magical flame.

After a little feeling of the small flame, Sun Hao once again sank into cultivation.

The swords on the second batch of iron swords are more powerful than the swords on the first batch of iron swords, and they also have strong resentment. Sun Hao can not carelessly, stabilize his position and enter cultivation.

I don't know how long it took in the past. Sun Hao stood up straight and began to follow the second batch of iron swords and continued to advance into the sword.

Like the first iron sword, Sun Hao, after advancing for a period of time, reached the limit of his ability to advance, he sat down and began to practice.

Which first sword is slightly different, because the magical effect of the small flame is discovered, and on the second sword, Sun Hao is more tough every time, and every time there is a situation in which the whole body is bloody. This is the beginning of local cultivation.

The effect of cultivation, especially the wild and sturdy, this kind of emphasis is bold and not afraid of death, the brave and intensive practice, the effect is even more surprisingly good, Sun Hao body, the bronze light is more and more prosperous, the ancient iron battle body quickly transformed into ancient Copper Xiaocheng, and progressed to the bronze giant.

The condensate of the unparalleled sword bone is surprisingly slow.

Sun Hao’s body bones are shattering and refining every day, breaking and refining, but until the second batch of iron swords, Sun Hao’s unparalleled sword bones still only complete the bone recast of the ~ On the second sword body, Sun Hao did not know how long he had gone. Difficult to carry out the recasting of the body skeleton, the years, just in this difficult cultivation, passed by.

Sun Hao has not yet reached the end of the second sword, and has not completed the recasting of the body skeleton, but the time has passed for a hundred years.

Within the sword, Sun Hao clearly perceives his centuries of assault, coming on time.

That is to say, unconsciously, within the sword, Sun Hao has been struggling, and spent a hundred years in the process of the bones breaking.

Swordsman for a hundred years!

Sun Hao sighed, the monk practiced, it really is not easy!

Sitting cross-legged on the iron sword, Sun Hao once again launched a robbery.

The third robbery did not take long and was completed again.

Sun Hao suddenly discovered that he had a third set of rings in the sky above his own sea, and it was one after another.

At this moment, Sun Hao’s knowledge of the sea, the three groups represent the ring of his catastrophe side by side, a group of three, a total of nine.

Sun Hao clearly perceives that as long as he pulls any group, his first three robberies will be the first three major disasters of the resurrection of the robbery period and the flying robbery will immediately fall on his own body.

The extent of this kind of disaster will be severe, and no information is recorded.

After the robbery was over, Sun Hao sat on the iron sword and could not help but sigh.

The three groups of rings represent Sun Haofeisheng for three hundred years. In the past three hundred years, Sun Hao has made rapid progress, and the prestige has begun to spread among the thousands of people. However, the imprint of flying is still there, flying and looting, broken The split bones represent the complete transformation of Sun Hao after he has not completed the ascent, and the monks are soaring, it is really difficult.

What's more, the condensing towers have not yet fully recovered. Three hundred years have passed, and I don't know how Xiaohong 涫涫 they have been in the condensate tower... (to be continued.)

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