Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1615: Blood Washing Jiang (2)

Sun Hao reached out and moved three heads.

Sun Hao swayed slightly, above the head, a hair passed through the silver helmet, flew out, and instantly extended, running through three heads, like a candied haw, stringed up.

The three heads were still glaring, and the state of death was not noticed. Sun Hao used hair strings, hung behind the silver helmet and swayed with the wind.

In Jiangjiacheng, the horrified screams suddenly made a big fuss.

A slightly stronger monk, in all directions, or a sword or flesh, escaping outwards.

On the incense sword, Sun Hao screamed coldly: "Dare to escape, kill innocent"

The body was slightly shocked, and the strength of the swordless sword rushed out. The hair on Sun Hao’s head suddenly turned into a flying sword. With the vibration of Sun Hao, he flew out.

Hey, the flying swords made by thousands of hairs are filled with the sky above the city of Jiang. Those who dare to fly and dare to escape, the monks who think they are strong, without exception, are the swords of the hair. Killed in the air.

The hair circling, smashed down the head of the monk who was killed, strung together, and flew back.

When all the hair flew back from the pool of Jiangjiacheng, behind Sun Hao’s hair, the roots floating on the hair, had already worn a good head of no less than 100 Jiangite elite monks.

Drops of blood, from these unwilling broken ends.

Sun Hao’s silver armor is also covered with **** spots.

Within the city of Jiangcheng, no one has dared to fly away.

Ginger water continued to rise, and mortals had to climb to higher buildings, looking at Sun Hao with their eyes, showing amazed expression.

Jiang Yan, Jiang Fuzhen, these two Jiang family have done what the wrath of the day, provoked this fierce god.

Today, I am afraid that it is the catastrophe of Jiang’s life.

Inside the Chamber of Secrets, the white-haired ancestors said: "Now, you can have two choices. First, choose to stay here, look at it with cold eyes. The result is naturally flooded Jiangcheng, and hundreds of millions of Jiang Jia Erlang become Your cause and effect, you go out, face Sun Hao, do what you do, bear it yourself, Sun Hao has killed a lot of Jiang family monks, you go out now, he may let me go to other people in Jiang family"

Jiang Fuyu whispered: "The son, staying in the green hills, not afraid of not burning wood, how is Sun Hao killing millions of Jiangjia children? As long as you can bear the pain, my Jiang family will be able to re-emerge one day."

Jiang Yan looked at the white-haired old man.

The white-haired old man said faintly: "Yes, Jiang Fujun said that although he is not human, although you will become a descendant of Jiang in the future, if you can survive this difficult time, you can grow enough to counter the height of Sun Hao in the future. It is also a good choice. If a husband does something, he needs to be so tough and forbearing."

Jiang Yan looked at the white-haired old man with a blank look. He said, "Grandpa, on the same day, the city of Shuguang is in jeopardy. Is it wrong for me to make such a proposal? If I am wrong, why don't you stop me?"

The white-haired old man looked at the sky and looked at the Sun Hao: "The proposal is naturally wrong. Otherwise, it won't get such a retribution. Grandpa and I also want to stop you, but the heavens can't be violated. I can stop your proposal. Maybe my Jiang family will have other causes and effects. All of this is doomed. You are just a pawn."

Jiang Yan’s face showed a smirk: “It’s a chess piece, you have to have the kosher’s consciousness, isn’t it, Grandpa?”

The white-haired old man whispered: "If you can get down with me, with me, look at the millions of Jiang Jiaer Lang to accompany you, you will naturally be able to escape the fate of the chess pieces."

Jiang Yan looked at the hands of the old man.

Above the hands of the old man, among the huge crystal balls, there are scenes in which the people of Jiangcheng are not bored and the water is raging.

The eyes are slightly moist, Jiang Yan bows his head and respects the old man with respect to the three daggers: "Grandpa, I still choose to accept the fate, it is a chess piece, there should be a chess piece of consciousness."

Jiang Fu’s heart is cold: "Don, don't"

The white-haired old man said coldly: "Shut up, if it weren't for you, we Jiang will not encounter such a great disaster. Now I still want to deceive the Lord? Give me a go"

Sun Hao was as cold as iron, coldly, watching Jiang water gradually rise, coldly, watching Jiang water flooded the street shops, drowning the small bungalows, without the slightest pity in his eyes.

Some mistakes can't be made.

Some bottom lines can't be touched. No matter who they are, if they dare to do it, they must have psychological preparations to bear the consequences.

Seeing that Jiangshui is still rising, seeing a large number of mortals are about to be submerged in the **** water.

Within the city of Jiangcheng, three figures flew up.

In the middle, the old-fashioned white man said to Sun Hao: "Jiang Jia Jiang Zikong, I have seen Lei Peng Tianjian, two counters, have brought you, please let me go to Jiang Jia billion innocent civilians ""

Sun Hao said coldly: "People can let go, but if there are only two of them, it is not enough."

Between the words, the foot gently stepped on it, the agarwood sword slammed, and the broken river suddenly plucked back, the blocked flood, the sound of the sound, the downward pouring, the rapids, the huge shock wave of the water, already The mountain below is swayed to the ground.

The **** family was destroyed in the inferior industry.

In the city of Jiangcheng, there are also many shops and houses in the rapid retreat of the river, which was destroyed by life. After the flood, Jiangcheng was in a mess, and a large number of mortals sat on the tile surface and lost their voices.

Above the sky, the **** word sighed slightly, and said leisurely: "When the sky is raging, how can I say that Jiang Jiayi's mortal people are innocent? Shen Xiang knows that I am one of the top ten castes of the ancient people?"

Sun Hao said coldly: "How about that?"

Jiang Zikong said: "Then you can know that the agarwood, accurately speaking, among the top ten castes of ancient times, my Jiang family is enough to rank in the top three. My Jiang family's potential is also closely related to my human race?"

Sun Hao laughed and said, "If the Terran is your Jiang family, this kind of general trend, don't worry about it. Today, let's talk about the sky, I should take the hatred, one can not be less, Jiang Yan, Jiang Fuzhen, are you coming to die by yourself, or waiting for me to dispose of you after you have disposed of your Jiang family?"

At this point, Jiang Zikong has let go of the control of the two, Jiang Fu slammed his sword and slammed his feet, not to mention, fleeing outside of Jiangcheng.

But just flying out of the distance of three feet, Sun Hao's hair flying sword has come like a fly, a bang, running through his heart.

Jiang Fuyu stared blankly at the long sword inserted in his chest. When he had not completely lost his life, Feijian swung his head and cut off his head. He passed by and flew back and hung in Sun Hao. Behind the brain.

Jiang Yan is a lot of bachelor, and the sword rises, singing loudly, rushing to Sun Hao.

With his hands in front of the flying sword, the whole body collapsed straight and the speed was extremely fast. Jiang Yan took the sword and the sword was one, in order to pierce the void, and the air was rushing to the Crazy blow.

Has been rushing to the front of Sun Hao, Sun Hao still has no reaction, inside the silver armor, only a pair of eyes, staring at Jiang Yan, this is the culprit, the culprits can not be overwhelmed.

Jiang Yan saw that Sun Hao did not respond, and his heart was slightly happy. Without hesitation, the sword stabbed.

I am not afraid that your Sun Haosun and Shen Xiang will be more powerful. If you want to take over the sword, the flying sword that integrates your life skills is enough for you to drink a pot.

As soon as, Jiang Yan’s flying sword was accurately placed on Sun Hao’s body.

However, just like the ordinary swordsman hitting the gold and iron, when it was a loud sound, the sword of Jiang Yan was completely blocked from the silver armor of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's right hand stretched out, the **** of the index finger caught a clip, and Jiang Fei's flying sword was caught.

Ginger sorrowful spirits, accompanied by their own growth, the incomparably strong flying sword, has been cut off.

Coldly, staring at Jiang Yan, Sun Hao screamed: "With your sin, you can’t be overkill, you, die."

The agarwood sword on the top of the head swayed slightly, and the sword feathers flew out from the agarwood sword, and passed through the body like a feather.

Daddy, holding the broken flying sword in hand, standing in front of Sun Hao, Jiang Yan said with difficulty: "You and me, but all are chess"

If the words are not finished, the body below the head is completely scattered. It has been cut by the sword and I don’t know how many pieces, fluttering and falling, falling into the air.

Sun Hao swayed his hair, and a long hair rushed out, rushing in from the scorpion of Jiang Yan, stringing his head and hanging behind his head.

Opposite, the white-haired **** word said: "Don't you, the **** soul behind you, still can't sway your heart's anger?"

Sun Hao looked at the past coldly: "Not enough" is not to be continued.

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