Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1616: Flower rain

Shuguang City began to recover silently and began to rebuild.

At the moment of fighting against the incense and adults, Tianjian Yubo caused a slight damage to Shuguangcheng. Shenxiang adults also took away the heart of the golden age, and the defensive power of Shuguangcheng fell sharply. This is the dawn of the impending tide. For the city, it is also a huge test.

Shuguang City can only step up construction.

In order to appease the people of Shuguangcheng, Shuguangcheng informed the whole city about the cause and effect of the incident. However, Shuguangcheng itself did not comment on the right or wrong of this incident.

After hundreds of thousands of warriors in Shuguang City, they did not know which position to stand after they understood the incident.

Finally, some soldiers said: "When you say a thousand, the road is 10,000, or the strength of the Terran itself is not strong enough, this kind of self-destruction of the Great Wall will happen. If the agarwood adults appear in the top 50, they are afraid of It will become a star of racial hope, and it will be feared in the hands of it. How can it be so grievances?"

More soldiers remembered the words of Agarwood: "The head can be broken, the blood can flow, and the spirit can not be lost."

More warriors began to work hard and silently. Only when they were powerful, they only had the confidence to speak. Only when they were strong, could the upper class have to compromise on themselves. The matter is as simple as that.

After two days of calm, the reconstruction of Shuguang City has just begun.

On the transmission line, suddenly the blood was shining.

Sun Hao, who was infected with silver, appeared on the transmission array.

What makes the Twilight City trepidation is that behind the Shenxiang adults, the roots of the hair, wearing the head of not a thousand monks.

The blood on these heads has just dried up.

These skulls are all round and round, and they don't look good.

When Sun Hao stood still in the transmission array, the entire Shuguang City was shrouded in a fierce murderousness, and the fearful and timid breath came to the surface. Many courageous warriors could not help but squat on the ground. Vomiting.

Because there are a thousand Jiang family monks headed behind, Sun Hao’s delivery time is slightly longer.

After being completely settled, Sun Hao looked around and did not continue to worry about in Shuguang City. Instead, he turned around and embarked on a transmission array to Langeland.

A thousand heads collided behind Sun Hao and made a muffled sound.

After Sun Hao entered the transmission array, after a few moments of effort, these heads were completely transmitted.

In the city of Shuguang, the fierce atmosphere is also light with Sun Hao’s departure.

The Twilight City soldiers felt the remnant terror, and they could not help but burst into the cold.

Some soldiers said loudly: "I saw the head of a big man, and it floated high in the middle."

Inside the hall, the city owner said: "The strongest elders in the Jiang family, the **** characters are empty, and they are also slammed under the head, and they are hung in the back of Shen Xiang brain. However, why did Shen Xiang go to Langein Island?"

Liang Shu and whispered: "The magical pear tree on Lange Island is planted by Agarwood and Yinpeng. The agarwood should go to visit the tree to help others practice, leaving him and the four. The **** tree of the sword."

Sun Hao’s visit is indeed to visit the fairy pear tree.

After entering the virtual battlefield, Xiaoqing’s undead blood showed a faint thought. Sun Hao felt it carefully, but he was able to perceive it. Xiaoqing’s undead blood instinctively missed the fairy pear tree.

Disposal of Shuguang City, blood washed the Jiang family, Sun Hao heart violently released a lot of anger, which dragged the head of the Jiang family monks, went to visit the small pear tree.

Transfer to Lange Island.

Sun Hao’s savage temperament, the thousand life-like, blood-stained heads dragged behind him, scared the guardian warriors.

When the soldiers on the island came flying, Sun Hao said coldly: "This grandson Sun Sun is incense."

The Terran warriors on the island were suddenly silent, and the leader quickly hugged his hands and squatted on the ground, saying loudly: "I have seen Shenxiang adults."

In the three days, Sun Haoli pressed the city of Shuguang, and the horror record of a sword killing the battle of the hundred battles has spread throughout the imaginary Terran resident.

Today, Sun Hao is on such a terrible attitude to land on Lange Island, who dares to neglect.

Sun Hao said coldly: "I came to see the pear tree and let me go."

The monk in the direction of Xianlishu immediately reacted, and Qiqi flashed off on both sides. Sun Hao said nothing, dragging the thousands of heads behind him and heading to Langein Island.

In the past, the monks on both sides felt that a gust of wind and rain drifted from their side, and they were fierce and fierce. All the monks couldn't help but lower their heads and watched Sun Hao. They watched the collisions behind Sun Hao. The loud head flew past.

The white pear flower seems to feel the arrival of Sun Hao, flying in the sky, whitening the hills, whitening the lake.

Sun Hao fluttered from the air, and the fierceness of his body seemed to be washed by the white pear blossoms. After falling, thousands of heads squatted on the ground.

The two lines of tears flowed silently from Sun Hao’s face.

The pear flower is still the same, and the Iraqis are already jealous.

The white pear blossoms are covered with hills, and the happy little pear tree may never know. Most like, Xiaoqing Ma, who loves her most, can't come back anymore.

Slowly walked into the fairy pear tree and extended his right hand, Sun Hao gently stroked the cold trunk of Xian pear.

The pear tree shivered gently, and the white pear blossomed with her trembling, ups and downs, and a small wave.

Among the heart, the undead blood belonging to Xiaoqing slowly and autonomously walked out of the heart.

Sun Hao’s heart did not stop.

Xiaoqing’s undead blood passed through the right hand of Sun Hao and swam into the fairy pear tree.

At the moment when the whole pear tree enters the blood of the dead god, the trunk seems to be contaminated by blood, and it instantly becomes red as blood.

Sun Hao’s heart was slightly shocked and clearly perceived. Xiao Qing’s undead blood was completely integrated into the fairy pear tree at this moment, and the pear tree was integrated into one.

Tears rushed out, and Sun Hao understood Xiao Qing’s thoughts.

Xianlishu, she and Sun Hao jointly planted, represented and witnessed the emotions of her and Sun Hao’s life and death, and also represented her inner whiteness and innocence, and may leave undead blood before she slanders. At the time, Xiaoqing decided that if there is an opportunity, he will integrate his undead blood into the pear tree.

Otherwise, Sun Hao will enter the imaginary, and will not feel Xiaoqing’s thoughts on the fairy pear tree so clearly.

With his hands open, Sun Hao held the pear tree tightly, his face stuck on the trunk, and his mouth whispered: "Qinger"

Tears flowed down the trunk, did not wait to flow into the ground, and had penetrated into the pear tree.

The tears passed, and the blood on the pear tree was washed like water, and the layers faded.

White pear flowers, the flowers are flying in the sky.

In the white, with a layer of sorrow ~ ~ plain white.

Sun Hao closed his eyes, quietly, letting tears flow, under the fairy pear trees, like stone carvings, in my mind, recalling the years when I first came to Langein Island, I remembered planting pears with Snowy Green. The scene of the tree.

It seems to have seen the cold and elegant snow, the lively and lovely Xiaoqing, the weak pear tree.

In my ear, I heard Xiaoqing say loudly: "Yeah, ah, it’s amazing, it’s amazing. Our little pear baby is so amazing. If you understand the hill, come to me to introduce you. This is your handsome god. Hill, this is your beautiful and generous snow fairy Eminem, as for me, is your lovely invincible beautiful girl Xiaoqing Xiaomu."

Silently, quietly, Sun Hao holds the fairy pear tree, like a stone carving, and has not moved for a long time.

After a long time, I blinked, but I saw my eyes, a piece of pear blossoms, flowers and rain, flying in the air, as if it was turned into a small green, looking at myself with enthusiasm, opened arms Waiting for your own hug.

When flying up, Sun Hao hugged, and the flowers and rains flew away. Xiaoqing was like a mirror and water, and disappeared in front of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao glimpsed a little, and his heart burst into grief.

The broken pear blossoms fluttering and blowing the gentle wind, as if Xiaoqing was whispering and gently pacifying Sun Hao.

Sun Hao closed his eyes and floated quietly in the air. The white pears flew over and stacked on top of each other. It was like cotton, and he gently picked up Sun Hao.

Lying quietly in the flowers, Sun Hao's eyes could not help but drop two drops of crystal clear tears.

Time seems to be fixed here, under the pear tree, blowing a gentle wind, as Xiaoqing is singing a song gently, slowly, anger calmly subsided, Sun Hao unconsciously under the fairy pear tree, fell asleep past. To be continued.

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