Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1631: Jin Lei

Very pleased, the high priest saw the tragic situation of the Taikoo Lei Beast, also Sun Hao, through the golden thunder.

Among the thunderstorms, Sun Hao flesh and blood, the body of a huge beast, instantly riddled with holes.

The high priest raised the scepter and said softly in his heart: "Good."

At the same time, the spirit is also highly strained.

Sun Hao in this state is likely to lead to the disaster, dragging the immortal silver city to hell.

The destructive power of the seventh wave of gold mines instantly broke the defense of the Taikoo beast, and instantly exceeded the control range of the Taikoo beast.

The powerful Thunder power, ravaged the ancient Thunder beast.

At this moment, Sun Hao is very fortunate that he has become an unparalleled sword bone, and he is very fortunate that he lives in the sacred.

The powerful unparalleled sword bones show unparalleled defensive power, transforming into the skeleton of the ancient beast, and firmly protecting the vitality of the whole body.

The violent Golden Thunder broke the outer skin of the Taikoo Leiyin, the flesh, but could not attack the unparalleled sword bone of the Taikoo Leiyin.

After hundreds of years of hard work after flying, I saw a strong cultivation effect.

For centuries of tenacity and forbearance, this time turned into a solid barrier for Sun Hao's life.

Unparalleled in the world, swordsman proud.

For the sake of heaven and earth, it is natural to have the ability to stand on the ground.

Jin Lei burst into the powerful sword of Sun Hao.

The sword bone is proud, and it will not fall.

In the heart of his heart, Sun Hao, who is so riddled with his body, has driven the refining of Dafa.

The wild and sturdy core cultivation theory is brave and fearless, boldly moving forward, fighting in the sky, and my self-cultivation, the more I encounter the extremely harsh environment, the more I suffer from the inability of the body to compete, the more brave and fierce the more brave and progressive.

The more Sun Hao is practicing this method, the more he feels. The predecessor who created this kind of practice must be the kind of fighting madman who is peerless. Although he could not see the heroic attitude of this predecessor, this kind of practice, I have let Sun Hao feel that kind of pride, that kind of unyielding, that kind of tenacity, that kind of fearlessness.

The wild-type sturdy drive, the skeleton of the Taikoo beast, the skeleton state of Sun Hao in the Jin Lei, with the refining body, mad hegemony.

The high priest waited with joy, waiting...

Waiting for the Taikoo Thunder beast that only left the bones in the air to fall.

But the Thunder is in the pool of Golden Rayleigh.

The skeleton is not falling.

If you step on the thundercloud firmly, you won't fall.

The high priest is depressed, even if you can stand on the skeleton by the skeleton alone, but the powerful pain of separation of flesh and blood, how do you endure it?

This Sun Hao Sun Shen Xiang is really a monk.

Wait, wait.

Wait until the Leichi Jinguang slowly dissipated and wait until the thunder is getting weaker.

The Taikoo Lei beast actually came over.

The high priest grinned and said: "Thundercloud is still not scattered, there is the eighth wave, you are actually eight robbers and tired, no wonder directly out of Jin Lei, you are now only the skeleton, kill you, kill you... ..."

But right away, what happened to him was disappointing.

Jin Lei dispersed, in the sky, covered with nectar after the Thunder.

The Taikoo Lei beast actually roared in the nectar of the sky, a flesh and blood, and the flesh and blood that was taken away by the Thunder flew back and grew fast.

Did not wait for the eighth wave of gold mines to fall, the ancient Thunder beasts in the air, and actually recovered.

What kind of exercises?

What kind of magical secrets? Recovery so fast? This is definitely not just the role of nectar. This Sun Hao must have learned a rehearsal practice, and there is absolutely a secret recovery technique, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to do so.

The eighth, there is the eighth.

The high priest hoped that the eighth thunder would kill Sun Hao.

In the eyes of the high priest, the eighth Thunder should be the limit of Sun Hao. How can Sun Hao come to him, and he should not be tired of crossing the ninth catastrophe. If Sun Hao is really tired, he said that basically Sun Hao is a dead word that can't run away. It also means that the flying people have completely met the madman.

The eighth robbery came in the hope of the high priest.

Sun Hao still has a hard time.

However, with the seventh Thunder's mine attribute source.

Coupled with the accumulation of a long time, in the early days of the Baiyu battle, the wild and unrelenting enthusiasm, after the baptism of the powerful seventh catastrophe, broke a bottleneck and entered the next stage.

Therefore, in fact, the eighth robbery is a little better for Sun Hao than the seventh robbery. The flesh has not completely collapsed. It does not directly expose the unparalleled sword bone. Sun Hao spattered blood, but stood firmly in the air. In the roaring sound, even swallowing a large piece of gold mine to drive the thunderbolt, constantly promote the source of the thunder property of the Taikoo beast.

The eighth robbery has been extremely powerful.

Among the endless thunder pools, Jin Lei is one after another, as if it is endless.

If the whole body is slightly weaker, it may collapse in this burst of gold.

Throughout the body and sinking into the thunder, Sun Hao's incarnation of the ancient Thunder beast looming, from time to time emerged, from time to time was annihilated by life, but, no matter what, Sun Hao did not show signs of collapse.

The high priest expects that Sun Hao will be killed by Jin Lei, who has been continuously landed. Unfortunately, the powerful Sun Hao does not know where to cultivate such a strong and endless source of life.

Jin Lei bombardment, three days and three nights, Sun Hao incarnation of the Taikoo Lei beast is still alive and kicking, there is no tendency to collapse.

On the contrary, the high priest can see that the Taikoo beast is getting smoother and more comfortable in this golden mine.

When the eighth robbery began to erupt, Sun Hao was full of blood. Many places were directly destroyed by the Thunder and were turned into coke by the Thunder. But after three days, the Taikoo Ley beast was completely renewed, and the blue fur of the whole body was restored. Thunderstorms are in the air.

The Taikoo Lei Beast adapted to the eighth robbery.

Sun Hao knows that he still has the strongest ninth robbery to spend.

Therefore, at the time of the Eighth Robbery, Sun Hao did not let go of any robbery, absorbed as much as possible, exercised his ability to control the Thunder as much as possible, and enhanced his own mine attribute as much as possible.

In order to be able to win a glimmer of life in the most powerful ninth robbery.

The eighth catastrophe gradually dissipated.

The spirit of the high priest was a little out of order, and the thunderclouds in the air were found to have disappeared.

God! Actually it was a catastrophe, and the high priest didn't know what to say. He had never seen such a crazy monk. This can't be described as crazy. It seems that the daring is like a lack of capacity.

The real peerless monk.

The nine thunders have accumulated together.

I don't know how tired this guy is? But this kind of courage, this courage to fear death, has made the high priests stunned.

It is not regretting, but deeply regrets how the flying people will offend the enemy of such powerful willpower.

Yes, what kind of willpower is needed, dare to face the nine robbers and dare to face the golden thunder.

Looking up at the sky, the high priest saw the behemoth in the the stubborn fighting spirit that rises from the sky, felt the behemoth, the kind of battle, the unyielding, the powerful and fearless Fighting spirit.


Strong and strong willpower, the high priest can feel the Sun Hao, who has repeatedly robbed the Eight Great Robbers. In fact, he has planned for the nine-day catastrophe, and he is not arrogant.

Then, it is too powerful.

This person is not dead, the flying people are bound to encounter a big robbery.

The ninth robbery is on schedule.

After the town was robbed, it was a natural and catastrophe to enter the distraction.

After the crossing, it is said to be a peerless catastrophe with the foundation of the fit, and it is on the immortal silver city.

It was still the kind of township catastrophe that was tired for nine times. Actually, it was the kind of ruin that was plagued by two big robberies and fell on the immortal silver city.

Sun Hao, who has been robbed of the explosion in the town, has attacked the past.

The ninth robbery, among the golden thunders, brought a dark red flame, and the coming is no longer a golden snake, but a road, a layer of dark golden thunder, to the grandson Hao hooded over.

The Archaic Thunder beast roared in the air, and Sun Hao’s huge eyes flashed mercy.

In the previous eight robberies, Sun Hao was all strong.

That is to force the body of the Taikoo Thunder beast, hard fight against death, without any fancy, and occasionally spit out a few golden mines, adding some trouble to the immortal silver city.

But now, the ninth catastrophe is coming, the hard fight is not enough, and the opportunity to avenge the snow and Xiaoqing has come.

嗷呜 嗷呜 咆 咆 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

Getting used to the big robbery that broke out directly in the thundercloud seems to be a little glimpse, but immediately reacted, and the dark golden thunder nets, with extinction, chased the Taikoo beast. (To be continued.)

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