Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1632: Jin Lei's death (2)

Taikoo Lei Beast: "Hey...", flew over the immortal silver city, long and long screaming, double-winged fan, above the body, the golden light appeared, and the reverse rushed up and rushed into the thunder.

The thunder net was not affected by the slightest, and it still covered the Taikoo Leiyin with lightning speed.

Among Sun Hao’s huge eyes, he once again flashed his mercy, and he was a little reluctant to look straight and close.

The vast body of the Taikoo Thunder beast was completely settled over the sky above the immortal silver city before the overwhelming thunder came to his body.

Closed his eyes, as if he was closing his eyes.

With his head high, the lion's tail is raised, and his wings are raised. The ancient Thunder beast proudly stopped over the immortal silver city.

Between the lightning and thunder, the time seems to be slower at this moment, and the rhythm of the Taikoo beast is slowing down.

Even the ninth catastrophe, it seems that the speed of the decline has also slowed down a lot.

Above the immortal silver city, hundreds of millions of flying people warriors looked up at the sky, forgot the fear, but just firmly recorded this scene in their minds.

Hundreds of millions of crazy wild animals stopped their attacks in vain, and looked at the sky with a sigh of relief, looking at the seemingly static behemoth.

Sun Hao is clear and dull, and the sound of thundering and tumbling sounds seems to come from the long empty sky, and it seems to have passed from the distant sky: "Under the emptiness of the family, when you know that you can't hold the strong, the flying people, when the generations remember today's Retribution, strong radius, eight grids, lightning strikes..."

The golden thunder that Sun Hao hit into the air is actually the thunder of the powerful Thunderbolt. It enters the thunder net, because it absorbs the source of the thunder property of the top eight and is not discharged by the ninth.

Powerful Thunderbolt uses the mesh-like lightning as the line, creating conditions for Sun Hao to display the radius of the eight-Gray.

The radius of the eight gray strikes itself has a powerful lightning-leading effect, and is the hero of Sun Hao.

Powerful Thunderbolt is the instinct of the ancient Thunderbolt talent.

At the same time, the two great powers of the gods are not fighting against the ninth day of robbery, but only to lead the ninth day of robbery, naturally can play a weak guiding effect.

With the voice of Sun Hao, the still sky instantly returned to normal.

The dark red thunder net crashed down.

About half of the dark golden Thunder still did not hesitate to fall on Sun Hao's huge body.

The other half of the dark golden Thunder, but was led by Sun Hao's two supernatural powers, powerfully, with a huge radius of the eight-year-old Thunder beast, fell down.

Within the area covered by the thunderclouds, it instantly turned into a dark golden Thunder Sea.

Overwhelmingly, falling wildly.

Come, Sun Hao’s most despicable move came.

The high priest's eyes were red, his body flew high, and his mouth sang loudly: "Flying man, the city of immortality, the power of the world, attached to me, the golden thunder should not appear here, all the flying warriors, work together, disperse, disperse……"

Full force broke out, and the aperture behind the head was completely dispelled at this moment. The eternal power accumulated by the immortal silver city was also mobilized to meet the dark golden thunder storm that descended from the sky.

At this time, Sun Hao also launched a full-scale effort to begin to deal with the ninth-largest ruined gold thunder that really fell on himself.

On the huge body of the Taikoo beast, the wings slammed upwards, and a huge golden light plate rushed up from the body of the Taikoo beast, resting on the wings, like a huge golden slab bridge. Blocked the direction of the Thunder's whereabouts.

The Dark Gold Thunder did not hesitate to bombard the golden slab bridge.

The golden light burst into a burst of percussive sound, and the huge body of the Taikoo beast was thrown down from the air by a huge force.

However, under the bombardment of the endless thunder, the golden slabs are in full swing, but they have provided a protective space for Sun Hao.

The high priest who is fully driving the power of the immortal silver city to defend against the dark gold thunder, undoubtedly saw such a scene in the air, the heart is extremely shocking, how did Sun Hao do it, and what can block the dark gold thunder and disperse?

Or is it that the Dark Gold Thunder is parallel?

The thoughts are gone, the powerful dispelling spells in the hands, the scatter of the powerful energy of the immortal silver city for thousands of years, thrown out into the air, like fireworks bloom, with the most center of the immortal silver city as the core, the explosion goes, like four sides scattered The huge waterfall opened in general, forming a huge light film to defend the city.

Above the sky, Sun Hao's flat plate above the wings, to be precise, is the true core of Sun Hao, the core of the peerless sword.

That is, Sun Hao finally completed it, and condensed the unparalleled ridge in which the Stickman is in it.

Unparalleled big ridge.

Sun Hao emerged from the body and became the real main force to fight the ninth robbery.

Endless thunders have fallen.

The body of the Taikoo beast is sinking and sinking.

The tremendous power overwhelmed the soaring Thunder beast that was flying high above the immortal silver city defensive hood.

But no matter how powerful the dark gold thunder in the sky is, how fierce the power is.

Unparalleled ridges, always standing still, fighting spirits, stubbornly blocked the boundless thunder without signs of collapse.

Unparalleled for the world.

The catastrophe is even more uncomfortable for Sun Hao, even surpassing the difficulty of smashing nine catastrophes.

The so-called disaster is bigger, and the stronger it is after training.

What's more, Sun Hao's unparalleled sword bones, but also one more variable is itself, it is incomparably powerful, and the fascinating stick of the world has made Sun Hao unparalleled.

Dark Golden Thunder, the ninth big robbery, although it can sink Sun Hao, but it can not make Sun Hao how.

Sun Hao stood in the sky above the immortal silver city, and through the double hooves to the enormous power of the immortal silver city, and himself, did not suffer much damage.

Of course, the ninth big robbery will not be so easy. The thunder net, the dark golden thunder of the road is still violently landing.

Still after being filtered out by Sun Hao's radius of eight Grays, he continued to land.

Sun Hao is in the top.

But the immortal silver city really ushered in the catastrophe.

Sun Hao's gold plate blocked the dark gold thunder, and the high priest thought that the ninth big robbery was a parallel.

However, Sun Hao can't stop it, it doesn't mean he can't stop it. The white light on the immortal silver city dispels the earliest dark gold thunder, except for the silver and white brilliance in the core area. The scattered scattered white light on the periphery has been layered and ablated by the dark gold thunder.

The high priest shook the aperture behind his head and shook the aperture on his scepter. He screamed and sang the most famous spells, but still could not withstand the collapse of the immortal defensive circle in the silver city.

The high priest saw it.

The dark gold Thunder defeated the eternal silver castle defense, defeated the defense of the immortal Silver City Defence Corps, and defeated the walls of most of the immortal Silver City.

Then, there was no time to escape.

The elite warriors of the Flying People were piece by piece, and they fell in the dark golden light.

In addition to the particularly powerful fighters, not many Flying Warriors can be spared.

Jin Lei died.

The heart of the high priest was cold.

The corner of the eye can not help but drop the tears ~ ~ regardless of this battle, can finally kill Sun Hao, can not kill the devil in the air.

There is no doubt that the Flying People have paid a huge, unacceptably heavy price.

The single hand held a huge white light sword, blocking the thunder that fell on himself, but in his heart, he completely sank into the abyss.

This is the price of my own recklessness.

It’s heavy and heavy.

If you can come back, you will not be tempted by such a demon anyway, and you will become a sinner of the Flying People, an sinner of the ages.

Jin Lei died.

Immortal Silver City is no longer an immortal myth.

In addition to the core area still persists, the peripheral silver city has turned into a dark golden ocean.

Silver City has lost its defensive capabilities and is completely exposed to the wild animals.

However, at this time, the wild beast has no ability to attack Silver City.

At this time, the wild beast, like the silver city, fell into the dark golden thunder of extinction.

There is no white light to resist, no wild animal with the defense of the silver city, the damage is big, still above the silver city.

Dark gold Thunder, Sun Hao motivated, the ninth largest robbery, supplemented by his powerful thunder, formed a powerful lightning strike, instantly defeated all the defense of the wild beast, even if it is the peak of the gold, just support a little For a long time, in the end, it is not spared, in the Thunder, turned into fly ash.

A large number of wild animals were shot down by the Thunder.

In the air, the golden band on the top of the Taikoo Thunder beast, once again, has changed. The color of the gold band has changed from pure gold to purple gold.

Killing hundreds of millions of wild animals, Sun Hao’s exploits have risen.

The virtual list once again issued a battle report, and Sun Hao’s hero rank rose again.

Sun Hao, who is gathering attentively, has not paid much attention to the changes in his head, but the battlefield has already set off a wave of turmoil. (To be continued.)

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