Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1635: War again

Holy prayers.

Connected to the defense of the immortal silver city.

The silver light blessed the high priest, with the hope of all the flying people, with the efforts of all the flying warriors, against the destruction of the air demons.

The high priest raised the sacred scepter in his hand.

The dark golden thunder, like an inverted large funnel, descended from the sky, and hundreds of millions of golden snakes bombarded the top of the high priest.

The devout warriors are kneeling in the air.

But the heart is broken, they found their true elements, their own prayer spells, lost contact in the Thunder.

Tears involuntarily emerged from the corner of the eye, and the prayers in the mouth were forcibly terminated without control.

In the direction of the high priest, the silver light was suddenly submerged by Jin Lei.

The huge explosion sounded from the position of the high priest standing.

The huge explosion shock wave, like a circle spreading outwards, wherever it passes, the tall buildings in the core area of ​​the immortal silver city are constantly slamming.

Many of the warriors who were in the air had no time to shout, and they also disintegrated directly in the shock. Many of the soldiers were overwhelmed by the collapsed buildings.

Immortal Silver City completely lost the last refuge.

The patron saint of the immortal silver city was also turned into a fly ash in this battle.

The immortal silver city was truly broken, like a detachment of clothes, under the eyes of the devil, poor and helpless.

Sun Hao screamed in the sky: "Hey..."

The grievances of the Terran and the Flying People are completely taken over. It is estimated that such hatred is enough to become a feud of the year. If this is already the case, then simply do it more thoroughly. In my mind, I recall the teaching of my father’s hoeing to root, Sun Hao’s heart. A horizontal, silently said: "But it, then..."

The wings are fanned, and the thunder is gathered on the body.

Of course, before you completely destroy the immortal silver city, the resources you must take must be taken.

Sun Hao’s forefoot slammed down, and a big hand descended from the sky, and fished over to the treasure house of the immortal silver city below.

A bang.

Just as Sun Haozhi was full, he thought that he could catch up with it.

Within the immortality of Silver City, a white silver light rushed up, and Sun Hao’s huge palm was instantly defeated.

Above the sky, Sun Hao’s huge eyes shrunk slightly, spreading his wings, flying high, and flying into the thundercloud that has not completely dissipated.

The ninth catastrophe has been completed.

Lei Yun was strongly attracted by Sun Hao, but it has not completely dispersed.

Among the thunderclouds, Sun Hao has felt the pressure of a far superior priest at this moment.

On the transmission array, Shan Feihong, accompanied by the same golden winged flying warrior, stood up.

After the golden-winged flying people stood still, look around, and the look on the face changed instantly, and the mouth screamed: "Damn."

Shan Feihong saw the horror of the immortal silver city, and said loudly, "How is it possible? How is it possible? The high priest? Where did he go?"

On the ground, some soldiers whispered and wept, saying: "Two adults, the high priest, he, he, stunned..."

Single flying rainbow stayed.

The Golden-winged Flying Man looks to the sky: "What did he do?"

Shan Feihong responded: "Yes, Mill's adult, this is the Terran warrior."

The golden-winged flying man, Mil, was furious and waved forward with one hand. A huge golden light sword appeared out of thin air and came directly to Sun Hao.

The speed of the golden sword is extremely fast, and the light energy is strong, so that Sun Hao is shocked by the two wings, and the fans are waiting to launch the Thunder counterattack.

At this time, Sun Hao did not think of the changes.

On the head of the Taikoo Lei beast, the purple hero scarf burst into a purple gold light, slamming down and blocking the lightsaber.

A bang in the air.

Jin Jian and Zijin’s radiance disappeared and disappeared.

Single flying rainbow.

Mill's eyes narrowed and looked at Sun Hao's head. He said, "Golden belt? Purple gold belt?"

After that, the brow wrinkles and look at the single flying rainbow.

Shan Feihong said softly: "He was originally an eight-star hero. After the robbery, he was promoted to a hero. However, how can his heroic towel counterattack the attack of the adults?"

Sun Hao suspended in the air and would like to know the answer.

Mill nodded and said: "It turns out that I am a monk with a certain degree of strength. It is strictly forbidden to take the heroes above the virtual gold. However, this is only a constraint. I can only take him if I pay some price. Come down."

After talking about it, looking up at the sky, Mill said loudly: "The Terran kid, you listen, kneel down to death, lest I start, as long as you honestly die, I can spare you under the virtual human, otherwise I don't mind giving you Twilight City took a shot."

Sun Hao said in a cold voice: "If you have the ability, you will come. You can step on my body and destroy our Terran Twilight City. However, today I want to ask you, you really decided to violate the virtual rules. Are you coming in the virtual battlefield?"

Mill's eyes are cold and shining with one hand, and his mouth says: "Under the imaginary rule, it is a race with weak restraint ability. It doesn't have much effect on my flying people. Although your Terran is a bit strong in the middle, but away from me. There are still a lot of gaps in the flying people. I have dozens of sounds. If you don't come down, I don't mind breaking the rules to get you, and I don't mind spending more time and destroying a city..."

Sun Hao was a little angry in his heart, and his wings fluttered in the air. The thunderous sound sounded: "Mir is right, you warned me, then now, I will give you a piece of advice, you will immediately roll back to your imaginary, or else You will bring a complete disaster to the flying people. I count three numbers. If you don't know each other, you can't say it, then you will only leave it here, one..."

I did not expect Sun Hao's tone to be so strong.

Moreover, I did not expect Sun Hao to start counting directly.

Mill is a little bit tired.

When, a weak monk dared to be so embarrassed when he faced himself, angered and laughed, and hugged his hands: "You count, I will wait for you to count, see how many numbers you count, how can I be?" Today, I decided that even if I violated the imaginary rules, I will also ruin you and smash the corpse."

In the air, Sun Hao gently shakes his wings and counts coldly in his mouth: "Two..."

The single-flying rainbow brow gently wrinkled, and said in his mouth: "Because the adults are careful, before the silver city is in danger, this kid also warned the high priest, now, now..."

Milhaha laughed: "Don't compare me to your guardian. We don't understand the realm of our imaginary. I want to see, a sinister monk, what means can you threaten me, come on, I Wait for you to count three."

Sun Hao’s stunned voice blew up above the sky: “The arrogant flying man, you have been staying in the gods for too long, forgetting that you need modesty and prudence, forgetting the wisdom of the world, you can’t be contemptuous, since you insist on Pulling the flying people to bury you, then, I won’t let you down, three...”

At the same time as the three-word export.

Sun Hao suddenly swayed his own knowledge of the sea and left, and the last one was "one drag and three", which is also the biggest thunder ring.

Purple gold big thunder ring.

Originally, Sun Hao did not think that this time rushed to pull this purple gold thunder ring.

Because Sun Hao perceives it, the represented by this big thunder ring is a real big break, but it is a kind of horrible thunder that can consolidate the foundation of the world.

Sun Hao wants to be more prepared, and then launch this purple gold thunder ring.

But the moment that Mil appeared.

Sun Hao finally understood that his unparalleled catastrophe did not end. After the most powerful monks of the vain flying people were killed by themselves on the spot, they attracted the powerful monks of Zhongxu.

I don't know the extent to which Mil's strength has reached, but Sun Hao knows from the strength of Jin Jian that if he does not have special means, then waiting for himself may be the real fall on the spot.

That being the case, let you taste the power of the Zijin Dalei ring.

Lei Yun, who has not yet dispersed, reunited in an instant after Sun Hao suddenly pulled the last Zijin Dalei ring.

A large thundercloud is twice as large as it has just been, covering a huge area of ​​the virtual battlefield, thunderclouds, black pressure, layers appear in the air.

The feeling of chilling appears instantly.

Mill did not agree with the loud voice: "Don't waste your efforts, the virtual thunder can't hurt..."

The words were not finished, and above the sky, there was a thunderous thunder, and a purple-golden thunder appeared.

When the words came to his lips, Mill couldn't help but swallow his words back to his life. He shouted: "How is it possible? How can there be a purple **** in the virtual..."


Below, some soldiers said: "This demon has just passed nine catastrophes, there is a golden thunder, and the last Thunder is dark gold..."

Mill said loudly: "I know that it is only the second gold mine in the Big Five, but I can't do it, but now, how can I directly cross the thunder, and there is a purple god, ah, I understand. This is his twelfth robbery. Heaven, there are really twelve robberies..." (To be continued.)



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