Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 1636: Zijin Shenlei

The Big Five Ray is a Thunder that is only available in China. a novel <≦<

In turn, it is Yin Lei, Jin Lei, Tian Lei, Shen Lei and She Lei.

With the ability of Mill, I am really not afraid of Jin Lei, even if it is not too strong, it also has the courage to resist one or two.

However, Shen Lei, then it is completely unstoppable.

Shen Lei is the road to thunder that divides the spirit into a fit.

He had just finished his distraction for a long time, and he was really trying to get through the thunder of the gods, began planning, began to prepare, and began to accumulate.

Unexpectedly, running down to the illusion of Wu Yangwei, actually directly hit the Zijin Shenlei!

What is so ridiculous in the world?

This Terran warrior is definitely a problem.

Mil did not say all the knowledge of Zhongxu. However, Zijin Shenlei temporarily, but he knew that Sun Hao had absolutely a big secret.

According to the data, the monks in the robbery period did indeed survive the twelfth robbery. However, even the 12 catastrophe of the anti-day squad, but only to the extent of Jin Lei.

However, the first nine robbers of the Terran Kid have been directly on the Golden Thunder, and the Twelve Robbery has come directly to the Purple God.

The lower monk thought that it was the effect of robbery, but he knew that there was absolutely no such horror in the simple robbery.

how so?

I don't understand.

Look at the sky over the ancient Thunder beast, look back at the transmission array, Mil figure flashed, flew to the transmission array.

Shanfeihong stayed and shouted: "Mir Daren..."

The situation is not right, run quickly, this is the first priority of the monk.

This purple gold **** Lei, he can not stand Mill, the Terran kid said well, he can indeed kill himself on the spot, run.

Mil’s action of turning around and letting the immortal Silver City Flying Warriors completely cool.

Can the imaginary powers not stop?

Although the mil action is very fast, the launching of the transmission array takes a short time, and the degree of lightning is the fastest.

Mil had not been able to fully transmit it, and there was a thunder in the transmission array. A thunder crashed down and the transmission was destroyed.

Mill stayed hanged and looked around.

The endless black clouds, the instantaneous movement can not run, the virtual space is still unstable, not so easy to tear.

When the heart sinks, mil looks up at the sky, and says in his mouth: "The human race boy, there is something to discuss, let me go, this thing, just give up, or else, oh, once I have a problem, you can’t escape a dead word. ......"

Sun Hao said coldly: "I feel full of malice in you, and there is a rebellious, mean and shameless thought. I think, I let you go today, and tomorrow you will make a comeback, are you?"

Mill stayed. This kid is not cultivating his ability to communicate with his heart. How can I know everything I want? In my mouth, I loudly denied: "I fly the people's most pure, and say the same. I swear in the name of my grandfather, absolutely speaking, counting the grievances of the imaginary flying people and the human race."

Sun Hao said coldly: "Your grandfather has fallen, isn't it?"

Milhaha laughed: "You can see it, yes, boy, you are a big enemy of life and death with me. Today, it’s not that you are dead or I am dead. Come, let’s see if this purple **** is a sneak peek. Kill you, or kill me first..."

After that, the golden wings were flying in the air, turning into a golden stream, and began to hover in the air.

Although Zijin Shenlei is powerful, it is after all the **** Lei from Sun Hao.

As long as you can hold on, you can escape, as long as you can support it longer than Sun Hao, then once Sun Hao is under the gods, then his crisis will be solved.

He bet that Sun Hao’s ability to resist Zijin Shenlei is not as good as himself.

Speaking this time, Zijin Shenlei above the sky has already completed the brewing.

Among the thunderclouds, a purple-golden thunder dragon drilled out and roared toward the Taikoo beast in the air.

Mil moved quickly in the air, and said in his mouth: "Rely, God, Leihua, Ziwei, and Lei Lei... This kid is doing something big and anger, and actually greets God and thunder."

Zijin Shenlei is just a general term for thunder.

Like the silver mine, it is divided into the golden wood, the fire and the earth. The purple gold **** mine has different types of thunder, and the purple scorpion is the most powerful one. It can be turned into a dragon and chasing the looters. As locked.

The dragon was swaying, shaking his head, and Qi Qi roared to Sun Hao. The purple-gold body was majestic in the air. The day of the robbery, the purple gold dragons moved together and rushed over to Sun Hao.

Sun Hao's body slightly shrunk, and the sky snarled, the back of the back, the unparalleled ridge topped up, the gods moved again, and the five-color agarwood sword also flew up.

The unparalleled big ridge flashed the dark golden light, and the slamming sound was placed on the wings.

Shen Xiangjian turned into a layer of five-color film-like sword body, gently attached to the unparalleled ridge, blocking the body of the huge Taikoo Leiyin.

All the golden dragons slammed down and hit the defense net constructed by the unparalleled ridge and the five-color agarwood.

In the air, Sun Hao feels a huge force, pressed against his own body, and the pressure of a huge spiritual level is also overwhelming.

The body can't help but sink.

At the same time, the strong scorpion of the Ziwei 璇 雷 悍 悍 悍 悍 悍 悍 悍 , , , , 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫 紫The body has come over.

The body of Sun Hao, after being attacked by Zijin Thunder, began to collapse quickly, and the body blossomed into a **** flower. Sun Hao’s eyes screamed and his mouth screamed, and God recognized the powerful thunder, regardless of Sanqi. Twenty-one, no matter what the effect will be, igniting the weakened Zijin Shenlei who broke into his own body and threw it out to Mill, who was wandering around.

Mill's mind, Sun Hao can naturally guess.

Want to run, want to last longer than yourself?

Sun Hao did not intend to let him go. A purple **** thunder flew out. The **** Ray was rushed out from the thundercloud outside. It had a magical locking effect. Sun Hao didn’t think that he guided the Zijin Shenlei attack. Mill, just to achieve the hidden effect of the **** Lei lock.

Sun Hao thundered out, and the golden dragon, which was a few laps smaller than the golden dragon above the sky, chased the wind, but it was on the field, and Mill was chasing after him.

Mil did not expect this to happen. He could only turn around and use his own strength to start fighting against the thunder that Sun Hao threw.

On the top of the immortal silver city, there was a strange scene and a contrast appeared.

Sun Hao incarnates the ancient Thunder beast, constantly greets the fierce attack of the dragon **** of Zijin Shenlei, forcibly torments the pain of the body being torn by lightning, forcibly guiding the gods to lock the mil and attack.

Mill also had to fight in the air.

The level of this battle is much higher than that of other monks, and the monks in the immortal silver city simply cannot intervene.

Just look at the two people in the battle who can hold on for a long time.

In theory, should be stronger, and mil, which is relatively weak by the Thunder attack, has an absolute advantage, but in fact, in the air, as the battle progresses, Sun Hao gradually shows more lasting Fighting power.

Mill is a bit unstoppable, and although Sun Hao is even more miserable, he is still strong.

Yes, Sun Hao’s strength is not as good as that of Mil, but it’s far worse than that. However, the strength of Sun Hao’s Lei is extremely powerful. After the ninth robbery of Sun Hao, the source of the Thunder’s thunder attribute has been extremely powerful. Otherwise, it is not completely resistant to Sun Hao, the **** of thunder, and the first thunder will fall.

The biggest feature and advantage of Sun Hao is that as long as the first thunder does not fall, as long as the first thunder lives, even if it is very difficult and painful, as long as it has not been defeated, the latter will get better and better.

The tenth robbery, Zijin Shenlei, violently came, violently stunned, Sun Hao skinned, and struggled down.

The more you go to the back, the better the state.

For the latter two Thunder, I can be better. After a while, Sun Hao took back Shen Xiangjian. The pressure on his body increased in vain, but there was a wild and sturdy body. Some large foreign bodies in the body helped, but they were still stable. The beast is quick to adapt.

At the end of the day, Sun Hao also put away his own big ridge, facing the tenth robbery of Zijin Shenlei.

Because of the gradual adaptation, Sun Hao is still stable, and, with the purple gold **** Lei into the body, the wild and savage cultivation has produced great effects, the enclave progress, Sun Hao’s body above, if there is purple The sigh of breath began to flow, and the physical strength increased rapidly.

Mil, along with Sun Hao, took up the incense sword, put away the big ridge, and spit out the stronger purple gold **** Lei and felt uncomfortable. Moreover, what is even more uncomfortable is that his current Sun Hao’s anti-thunder ability does not know how much himself Times.

He felt that the situation was a bit wrong. (To be continued.)

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