Nine Cents Refining

Vol 2 Chapter 4: , seeking support

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The huge face was shocked, and Jordan’s eyes seemed to shoot red light and swept from the sky below.

The grandson of Sun Hao, who is in the bottom of the earth, moves in the heart, killing the singer and secretly driving the whole force, and killing the momentum and slamming the whole body.

When Joe Dan’s eyes were red, he had already had some general sense of direction.

However, when the eyes looked at the area of ​​induction, they immediately lost their sense of bloodyness.

Both eyes swept back and forth within a thousand miles of the vicinity of the induction.

As soon as the body swayed and opened the space with one hand, Joe Dan appeared directly above the area where the sensor was just discovered.

God knows how to add eyes and penetrates into the ground. Joe Dan begins to check carefully.

After a half-sounding, a look of doubt, Joe Dan flew in the air, the heart is full of unbelief, this Terran kid really has some extraordinary means, no wonder so dare to be so bold, actually dare to lie in the top ten races.

However, the face flashed a stern look, and Qiao Dan screamed in his mouth: "I thought it would cover the **** gas, can you escape the tracking of this seat?"

According to his own calculations, Sun Hao continued to transform into a ghost, and kept flying for a moment.

Joe Dan's ability, he can never compete, in the illusion, the only one who may be able to resist Joe Dan, may only have the twilight desert snake of Langein Island, he may only escape to its side, in order to rely on its deterrence Escape from the sky.

However, Sun Hao also knows that there may be many magical means in the imaginary power, and whether he can escape, it is really two, as long as there is a line of life, you have to fight for it.

Sun Hao did not think about facing the enemy, Jordan, the whole sham guardian, the manager of the virtual city virtual list can not restrain the characters, may be among the old monsters in the fit and power, When Sun Hao’s head is pumped, he will think about confronting such a person.

It’s important to escape.

While fleeing, Sun Hao also tried to figure out his own escape method and imagine various situations so that he could respond quickly.

At the same time, Sun Hao also divided some of the gods, always paying attention to the movements in the sky, trying to find a favorable way for his escape.

Above the sky, after Joe Dan discovered that his eyes of enemies could not find Sun Hao, his hands trembled and three quaint tortoiseshells appeared. The air was thrown away, and his mouth broke out: "Zi Wei Xing Wei, Dou Ming Palace , fortune telling, count me..."

Just when Jodan threw the tortoise shell and displayed the number of Ziwei buckets, Sun Hao’s heart moved slightly, and within the sea, the Leiyuan from Zijin Shenlei blasted openly in the Leichi.

Jordan's three tortoise shells circling in the air and began to position.

Three tortoiseshells, positioned in three directions, accurately locked, the enemy will be invisible.

The first tortoiseshell stabilized, and Jordan's eyes narrowed and turned to the direction of Langley Island.

This tortoise shell accurately determined the escape direction of Sun Hao.

The second tortoiseshell stabilized, and Jordan’s body swayed, holding a tortoise shell and chasing it in this direction.

Only at this time, the third tortoise's high-speed rotation, which should have been accurately positioned, couldn't stop. Joe Dan was flying fast, and he looked at his tortoise shell inexplicably, and he couldn't take it.

The number of Ziwei Dou, actually appeared in the situation, this kid is really a lot of means.

Although the direction and distance are roughly positioned, but there is no accurate height, there is no accurate horizontal plane, how can you find a **** enemy?

In particular, the gods swept over the air, but there were many wild animals that panicked, but there was no such thing as an enemy.

If the enemy can be transformed into a wild beast, it is really difficult to distinguish.

In the heart, Joe Dan yelled: "I let you escape..."

The giant palm descended from the sky and the palm of the hand was photographed.

In the air, a large number of wild animals screamed in the sound of sorrow, and they were directly shot by the giant palm.

On the ground, it was taken deep and deep by the palm of your hand.

Sun Hao incarnates the ghost body and has escaped to the periphery of the giant palm.

Even if this place is only the periphery, even if Sun Hao’s body is hidden under the ground, Sun Hao still feels tremendous strength from his body, and he can't help but gently vomit a blood.

If it weren't for the unparalleled swordsmanship, Sun Hao felt that maybe he would be in this palm, and he would fall silently into this wilderness and turn into an embryonic loess.

Strongly resisting the injuries suffered by the body, Sun Hao quickly moved forward and continued to bandit.

After Joe Dan attacked a palm, he looked at the number of Ziweidou in his hand.

But unfortunately, the two tortoise shells are still spinning.

At this point, if Jodan continues to wave forward, I am afraid that Sun Hao will continue to suffer heavy losses.

However, because the positioning is not accurate, the range of this direction is not small, and many wild animals are active in the area near this direction, which is very suspicious.

Qiao Dan simply did not do two, endless movement, swiping and attacking, five or six palms, almost covering all areas of doubt, within the area of ​​the virtual battlefield, deeply depressed.

While Sun Hao felt fear, his heart moved slightly, constantly and quickly, changing his direction of the bandits, locking up Langing Island and moving on.

Joe Dan finished the six palms and looked at the tortoise shell in his hand.

It is a pity that the enemy is still alive and kicking, and the attack that he voluntarily launched did not hit the target.

That also means that the opponent is now escaping in a way that is difficult for him to detect.

An incredible look flashed in my eyes, and my mouth groaned: "A good boy can actually escape in my eyes and in a way that I don't know. This time, I will become the heart of my flying people. disaster……"

While talking, looking at the three tortoise shells in his hand, he found that the third tortoiseshell was still spinning, and he said in his mouth: "Even if it is always in a position to change, it should not be fixed. What is going on? ?"

Not only can't it be fixed, but when Joe Dan terminates his own Violet fight, he wants to position Sun Hao again.

Suddenly discovered that the third tortoise shell could not stop.

I was a little disbelieving in my heart, and my face was more and more ugly. I was able to combine the power of the late stage with the power of the wind. In the middle of the virtual, I was able to call for the rain, and then I went again and again, and then I went down to eat the secrets. I couldn't find the place where the enemy was. If it was passed back to Zhongxu, where could my old face go?

After waiting for a while, the number of Ziwei buckets stopped for a quarter of an hour, and the third tortoise shell slowly stopped rotating.

In the mouth of Qiao Dan, he violently drove the Ziwei Dou again and began to calculate the position of Sun Hao.

Three tortoiseshells are thrown out.

The first tortoise shell, like the original law, stopped, and it was still a good direction for itself.

However, the second tortoise shell, positioned relatively small in the direction and distance from the tortoise shell, but swayed from side to side, it is always difficult to fully position, and the third tortoise shell, just like the first number of buckets, simply turn around and keep up~www Dan looked at the second tortoise a little annoyed. After thinking about it, he quickly understood it and said in his mouth: "Good boy, actually knows to change direction, let me not position, hide your In the end, the direction of escape, well, so, let me see how far you can escape..."

Swinging forward, blasting, in the general direction of the positioning of the two tortoise shells, within the general area, another attack.

When it’s over, I’m still looking for nothing, and the kid is still escaping.

The third tortoise shell was indeed a problem and could not stop.

It is very likely that the third tortoiseshell is actually affected by the kid's small size. Only after the distance of the kid exceeds a certain range, the influence will become smaller and the tortoise shell will return to normal.

There are a lot of ways to sigh again, and Joe Dan pursues it while he quickly judges where the kid might appear.

This kind of pursuit, the boy is now either at high altitude or at the bottom.

However, the knowledge of the gods has been swept, the sky is good, the ground is good, and I have not found anything. Why?

With such doubts, Joe Dan is in the midst of sin, keeping up with Sun Hao, chasing the farther and farther, from time to time, swaying and attacking, destroying one side.

The spirit of Sun Hao in the underground is highly tense and he does not dare to care.

Joe Dan’s strength is too strong, surpassing the limit that Sun Hao can now resist. The only thing Sun Hao can do is to keep up with the Joda’s wits, that is, to prevent Jordan from judging his correct escape direction and not letting Joe Dan’s The palm of your hand really hits yourself.

The penetrating nature of the ghost body, Sun Hao's own bandit strength, plus the Ziwei Shen Lei source from the 12th robbery, let Sun Hao have the most basic escape ability under the leadership of Qiao Dan. (.)

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